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Posts posted by tg626

  1. 2 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

    And what had dictated the size of the standing factory?

    Well by standing I mean it existed in the early 60s when these decisions were being made. For the era, ot was probably built to make Jupiter or Redstone rockets or one or more of their brethern. 

    Now if you are angleing at tye factory matched the rockets abd the rockets matched the railroads or aircraft or barges etc. Thats fine, but the C-5 was choosen based on it being the biggest they could build in an existing factory. They didn't want to loose precious time building a new factory to accodate the larger Nova designs. 

  2. 3 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

    That works. Almost every rocket diameter is defined either by train standard size, or by a N-row barge payload width (ISO container = 2.438 m, spacing 5 cm).
    Usually (if not always) it's also a diameter of a spherical tank (with cylindric equatorial section) of integer volume.

    The engineering laws are stronger than physical ones.

    Equipment to bend, transport to move. All are standard.

    S-IC was dictated by the size of a standing factory. In fact that helped drive the C-5 (aka Saturn V) to the top of the list of candidate launchers and in turn Lunar Rendezvous as the mission profile. Direct Ascent, the original profile, was nixed in part due to the required C-8 (aka Nova) requiring a new factory, and they had a hard deadline of 12/31/1969 to meet or beat.

  3. 6 hours ago, RocketBoy1641 said:

    1. The R7 having standard KSP Radial decoupling.   One does not have an R7 without a proper Korelev's cross.

    2.  Science integration.  BDB has made superb effort to include science.  I mean T's MIR doesn't even seem to have any science baked I to the synthetic apeture radar....

    Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you.

    Lets us know how you get on.

  4. 7 hours ago, NovaSuper said:

    Does anybody know how to stop objects from previous saves loading into fresh new saves?

    Delete them, they are global. Meaning they will appear in any and all saves existing now or created in the future so long as the instances (recorded and saved positions) exist.

    However it works both ways. Any savegame you delete an instance in will also delete it in all other savegames.

  5. 2 hours ago, tater said:

    Yeah, but they have a limited footprint near the beach, 20-40 acres. A large mound would then require adding grade to the entire beach road to transport the vehicle, which also might not be allowed (they don't own the road).

    Again, 39A/B - big ol ramp to get from grade to the pad, crawler has to jack one end of the pad to keep it all plumb and level as it climbs up.

    Now I'm not familar with the geography at Boca but I bet those big brains could work it out.

  6. 15 hours ago, darthgently said:

    A flame trench at Boca Chica is problematic as the water table is just a few feet down.

    The Everglades would like a word. (Rightly pointed out, not the Everglades. But low lying wetlands none the less.)

    That's why 39 is up on man made mounds. I can't fathom how one could plan to build a booster "Bigger than the Saturn 5" and not take the systems built for it (including the revisions after the first launch) and incorporate similar systems.

  7. 29 minutes ago, mikegarrison said:

    Not anymore. (There was pavement, but it didn't survive the launch.)


    If only there were some disipline... I dunno, maybe some kind of engineer, who could calculate the forces and maybe predict the required material strength req... Oh wait...

  8. It does have new models, a Mk1 pod in granite, a kerbal statue in granite, a radio tower, a hex base the size of the OSS ones able to use masks for different "road and sidewalks" via the texture dialog in KK, a large base block several of which make up the flame trench at Kerman's Start, and black auto-runway numbers which appear on the Dessert Runway (either mine or the one from Making History), a version of Divicos floodlights, and a clone of the ramp on the side of Squads "Mobile Luanchpad" to allow me to add ramps to that pad.

    It bothered me that when you spawn a rocket on Squads pad it faces the wrong way - meaning that the ramp of the MLP isn't on the same side as the incline of the default pad. It's off by 90 degrees. I wanted to put VABs at the sites so the door faced the launch pad like at KSC, but that meant the ramp was pointed sideways and not toward the VAB.

    I think thats all of them.

    They are in the FPStaticModels folder.

  9. Artemis-Alliance Test Project (Apollo Soyuz, and I used Artemis before they did :mad:)



    (Sorry for the clutter, I seemed to have turned off "autohide UI" in historian)

    Later after bringing Artemis home, I spotted a discoverable base and sent an expedition.


    Stock plane, but whatever...

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