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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Out of curiosity, which version of Max? Because whenever I export with Collada, the smoothing groups are _never_ preserved.
  2. Now see, that looks like what I would accomplish by setting smoothing groups in 3DS Max, but they don't seem to be preserved when exporting. Edit: out of curiosity, what program are you using?
  3. Hello, I am a friend of Xen's, and we've been working together on getting models in game. I have a similar problem to his, in that the model seems to lost all smoothing group data. I work with 3DS max, so I'm not sure if the exporter supports this. He uses Blender (which I do NOT like, by the way), so I was wondering if you could tell us exatly what you mean? We're a bit new to this, so be kind please
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