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Everything posted by advil

  1. Also why would you want to deliberately cause Kessler syndrome?
  2. If only there was some small solid fuel device that was designed to pull booster stages away from the main craft
  3. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the only things you can "Repair" on an EVA are landing legs and rover wheels. You can also re-pack your chutes but they cannot be activated with the sequencer as before they were first deployed. That is something important to remember. I know all of this was previously mentioned, I just wanted to add my part. You can also force open retractable solar panels which is useful if you don't have any statically mounted PVs and happen to turn away from the sun for too long while waiting for a node. I will note that in the case of PVs and parachutes. You have to have a kerbal on EVA and you have to be *near* them. Not entirely near though. I have a space station with four gigantors attached around a science lab and I was able to extend/retract the PV on the opposite side without moving. I've also repacked multiple radial chutes while still clinging to the command module door. I'm not so sure about them implementing the ability to repair PVs on EVA in the next patch though. Sounds like that is going to be more focused on the contract system. For now you will have to simply edit your persistent file.
  4. Not really a fail on my part so much as the games, I'm working on the noobs of Jool right now, I sent up a mothership with three landers attached. Detached them and sent them to near orbits of thee moons and decided to take a break cause let's face it getting to Jool can take a while. When I came back my three landers were still there but the mothership was gone. The pilot and crew on it were back on the ground and I wasn't even able to find any of the staging debris. It just plain disappeared. Everything else is there. If you've wet launched something that's multiple hundred parts on a DUAL CORE. You can see why this is frustrating. Not to mention I was left with three kerbals basically stranded in the Degoba system with Yoda nowhere to be found.
  5. Well whoever wins congratulations to you. I voted at the offsite vote linked above. Thanks guys for picking this up when the guy who created the thread dropped the ball. As far as any of these being too complicated for a beginner, do you remember how hard docking anything was when you first tried to do it? I would say any beginner that is halfway decent at docking is going to see all of our designs as pretty basic. For the people not so good at docking, they need to watch Scott Manley's docking how to. Just pretend Shrek is teaching you how to fly spacecraft
  6. Currently the only way to repair solar panels that I have found is this. You'll want to replace BROKEN with EXTENDED. when you load your game back up you'll see the panel fully deployed like your recent blunder never happened. As always when modifying these files make sure you make a backup first.
  7. I know what wiki says and I'm quite able to get science my own way as we clearly all are. I was just hoping we could interact and share different ways of doing things. The point of this thread wasn't so that I could be directed to the data I already have.
  8. How nice if you to keep us all waiting only to return and say you're too busy to close the thread. Well, for what it's worth, I was going to vote for you Manni01. Because you kept it simple but your tug also provided the versatility of all three sizes of docking port. And it sort of resembles an R2 unit so it is also aesthetically pleasing lol
  9. I'm going to vote for the craft I like the most, the criteria on which I will decide that is up to me as a judge I'm sure there's going to be at least one person that ends up voting for themself but it's not going to be me. - - - Updated - - - I officially know who i'm NOT voting for.
  10. I don't feel like this thread needs to be about cheating or not cheating or how you're putting things where really. Obviously the way the makers of the game intended things to be put into space/orbit is by launching them there. Okay that's fine. But sometimes you just wanna build something really damn big and go play with it immediately. So I say as long as you're in sandbox mode and not doing it for some contest, who cares how you got there? It's sandbox mode.
  11. In the spirit of good sportsmanship we should all agree to NOT vote for our own entry. Thoughts?
  12. Looks like we all have some good "Big fish" stories but not many pictures guys, pics or it didn't happen What kind of crafts are you using? Are you using mods? turning on infinite fuel? I'm somewhat of a purist when it comes to KSP so the mission I ran was 100% vanilla and no infinite fuel. Don't sing it, bring it
  13. My main reason for using the docking ports is to attach either space station parts, or to attach a craft in orbit to something else to re-fuel or transfer kerbals / science. I have used them to de-orbit things before but I have noticed wobble and weakness at the joint no matter the diameter or mass of the object. It is good to know that the larger ports provide more rigidity though.
  14. It's almost midnight, when do we get to vote on this piece?
  15. I'm planning a mission to Eve with a massive rover that will be carrying three crew. one in the command module and two in a mobile lab. From there I want to ferry my science from the surface to a mothership in low orbit and then return that ship to Kerbin orbit and ferry again to the surface to recover the science. I'm doing this more for the challenge than the science as I have seen a lot of posts from people stating that Eve is one of the most difficult places to land, and I myself have only landed there twice earlier in my career and never returned. Obviously the hardest part is going to be getting the rover to the surface as it is purposely very large and heavy. I unlocked the largest size rover wheels and I want to try them out This will be a multi part mission requiring several vehicles of different types to work together but I think it will be fun provided I can get everything to work. I'll post some screenshots when I actually work out all of the kinks and get a rover on the surface.
  16. Excellent, that's what I was looking for. I think I dislike that this is true though, only because the lab module is bigger than the hitchhiker and holds half as many Kerbals. Obvoiusly the lab must have a bunch of equipment in it and thus less room for seating whereas the hitchhiker only has to hold four Kerbals, however, this also means I can theoretically take less crew than I thought I needed. Does anybody know how many of a single item can be stored in that module? for example how many different surface samples can I store in one science module?
  17. Awesome, I'm going to have to play around with that this weekend Also: Question for everybody. What are the advantages of the different sizes of docking ports (if any). I realize that there are different sizes to match up with different diameters of payloads, just like different sizes of stack decouplers. But I have been using the smallest all along. I think mostly because it's the first one I unlocked in career mode, but second because I haven't felt like I needed a larger one. Are the larger sizes stronger? Do they begin to attach from further away? Do they provide a greater crossfeed rate? I'm just trying to determine for myself here if there is really any point in me using the larger sizes.
  18. John FX how did you make the docking ports light up different colors like that? I've never seen that before.
  19. Wow you guys really have hauled in a lot of science! The problem I started running into was only having the one lander, and at first not realizing I had to remove the science when I returned to the mothership to transfer it off of the lander's control module. I also noted when I transferred my crew off of the mothership at Kerbin that each hitchhiker can only stores something like 9 experiments. Do some of the control modules allow you to store more than that? How many will the mobile processing lab allow you to store?
  20. 1,854 Here's the screenshot to prove it. No mods, no cheating. Just a mothership After that, the mothership and all her crew returned to Kerbin, where the crew EVA to a transport vehicle, stow all of their science and de-orbit to the surface. So how would / did you do it?
  21. Good question, and one I was already prepared to answer. It's two things really. First, If you have ever launched something with another part attached with a docking port you will notice that it tends to dangle there like an uncooked hot-dog, or some other non scientific thing. That is something I didn't want to be given crud for, since we are nearly to the end of the contest and beginning to split hairs. The second reason, as if the first wasn't sufficient is that I didn't want to have to bother with turning crossfeeds off and on and didn't want the central portion to draw fuel off of the bots during flight. Mostly though i don't like floppy space ships.
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