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Everything posted by Noobton

  1. Welcome to the Forum Salvage Marine, hopefully you'll be able to figure it out soon so you can start sending some Kerbals to space :). I would start troubleshooting by the standard uninstall all graphics drivers and reinstall them.
  2. Hola @fitiales no encuentro el foro para reportar errores de localización, entonces cree un bug con el primero por ahora. El segundo pantallazo es del MKS, o sea que tendríamos que hablar con RoverDude para la localización
  3. Welcome to the forum Xpira, have fun
  4. Hi Eleanor, Welcome to the forum. The mod that you are looking for is the Real Solar System, but it hasn't been updated for 1.4 yet, so you might have to wait before is compatible. It makes the game much harder though, so you might want to use this time to practice in the smaller kerbin system, and then add all the realism mods.
  5. There is a Fork maintained by @jrbudda that has been working for me. you can find it here: https://github.com/jrbudda/KerbalEngineer/releases (or you can check the latest posts in the thread)
  6. I love that picture of the shield ascending towards Ike. I'm still surprised how beautiful this game is (and Scatterer always helps too)
  7. forum.welcome() to confirm delete please press "Y"
  8. En las opciones hay una opción para permitir otros lugares de lanzamiento, si la activas debería activarse como una opción al lanzar el cohete.
  9. thanks for checking this, I meant the icons issue reported by Apollo13. What DLL I'm looking for? I only found 1 Haystack dll on my gamedata, also my install is on G, I do have a D drive but nothing related to KSP there
  10. Since Squad is Mexican, I read it in "Spanish", with the u as in dune (At least how this lady pronounces it )
  11. Hi LGG, thanks for keeping up with this mod. I'm having the Icons Issue, here's the log https://drive.google.com/open?id=1IjAWvcYHReBQiuB0T9npmtycA_Fjc_ky I'm using ToolbarControl v0.1.6.3 and Haystack, thanks.
  12. Yo he estado jugando de a pocos pero las patas explotan aleatoriamente, entonces me toca aterrizar como 4 veces cada cohete.
  13. Hay una referencia a un arreglo para "We fixed the reentry VFX being broken by parts which don’t have a scale of one" masomenos traduce a arreglamos los efectos de entrada que estaban fallando para partes que no tienen una escala de uno.
  14. Hi LJ, Janitor closet is ussually available on CKAN, but until things stabilize you might have to check it manually.
  15. Hey Leshy, welcome to the forums. To install a mission you only have to uncompress the files into the missions folder on your KSP install.
  16. You are right, rerereorganizing it, shouldn't move stuff around before my morning coffee.
  17. oops I thought it was regular chutes... rereorganizing it to the modded questions.
  18. Hi Kemp, welcome to the forums, most mods you simply copy the contents of the mod into the gamedata folder (there are already a few threads on how to install mods on the gameplay questions section) You should always check the first post of the mod as well, since the authors usually post dependencies and recommendations there.
  19. I just started a new career and went through the 6 contracts of the Kerbal Sounding Project. I loved them and they worked fine for me. Thanks for putting them together.
  20. You probably solved this already, but although I can't really tell what you used on the second example it looks like you didn't use --version (whatever character you used is too high). In the other 2 examples you left a space.
  21. Hi Stratos, I moved your question to gameplay questions as I feel it might get better visibility here. I haven't used the external seat outside of rovers so I can't help you there though.
  22. It was a fun mission, thanks. You should be more specific with the requirements though, most people just aerobreak on the way back from the mun so you shouldn't assume an aerobreak maneuver. Same for the rendezvous, you should specify the minimum distance accepted. I also got no points for finishing, did I mess something or are they missing?
  23. Si puedes subir una imagen del contrato y de la orbita de pronto podemos ver que pasa. A veces es la dirección, si tienes que ir en dirección de las manecillas del reloj o al contario puede parecer que todo está bien pero la orbita en realidad está al revés.
  24. Yo nunca he llegado a Ike, o sea que estaré atento a los tips que consigas
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