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Posts posted by Rithsom

  1. 7 hours ago, Snarfster said:

    I think there's a biome at the kerbal space center that is only available at a certain level of upgrades. Might be that.

    I know for a fact that the tier 1 R&D does not include the Main Building, Wind Tunnel, etc. biomes that the tier 3 one has. This probably applies to the VAB as well.

  2. Looks very nice! This would be a great design for Funds if they are ever shown as physical money in the game.[COLOR=#333333][I]
  3. I think that the following are all of the possible views in the Mk1 Cockpit, though I would like to be wrong if there are more:

    -Default first-person view.
    -Docking viewpoint, entered by double-clicking the "docking mode" MFD in front of the Kerbal.
    -Three windshield viewpoints, each entered by double-clicking a window.
    -Two viewpoints that face the Kerbal, entered by double-clicking the gray bars between the windows.
    -A view from the floor of the cockpit, behind the seat, which is entered in the default view by looking as far down and right as possible and double-clicking in the lower-right area of the screen.
    -A view from above the left hatch (not the center one) that is behind the seat, which is entered by looking as far left as possible and double-clicking, or more easily by using the floor view and double-clicking above that hatch.
  4. I really like the idea of having a dedicated turbine part that produces a resource which nozzles can then use to make thrust. That way we can have the best of both worlds, it would be educational and realistic because we have turbines, and it would still be possible to make good looking VTOLs. This method would also allow for RCS thrusters that use this "exhaust" resource.


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