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Posts posted by ThreePounds

  1. Hello! I've been playing around with kOS last night and wrote a few test scrips to get a feeling for how they are written. I have come across an issue when writing a simple logging script which writes altitude and speed to a file every second.

    Is there a way to tell a script to listen to user input? My program is a loop (UNTIL FALSE {}). The only way to terminate it is ctrl+c, which isn't very elegant. So how do you terminate, lets say an auto-pilot which keeps altitude constant?

    As far as user input goes, is running a program with parameter input (or setting global values before executing it) the only way to feed data to the computer? Is there a way for the script to request user input? ("Here is a list of possible options." Type 1 for option 1 etc.)

    Is there an option to auto-execute a command upon boot? This would be useful to have a probe continue with a script / attempting to re-establish communications after an power-outtage.

    Is there an option to write information to disk for later access? All I can think of is using the "LOG" command to write something like "LOG "SET variabletostore TO " + variabletostore TO storage.ks" and then running the storage script to get it back. This would be useful if a probe is powered down to sleep and upon waking up can read mission parameters from disk.

  2. Is the KSC 75Mm range limit somehow explained? So, the on-land VAB sized dish is several times less powerful than a folding kerbal-sized dish?... weeeeeird...

    No clue. It makes little sense to me.

    Also, is there a way to force remote tech to do less checks? I think it's slowing down my install quite a bit. I wouldn't mind it only running at 1/10th of the speed.

  3. that's why I suggested the comms network, it's something relative simple to do, gives you familiarity with antennas, docking and orbital manouvres, and if something goes wrong you can always send jeb up there to manually set the antennas to the right target.

    It also allows you to go anywhere and don't care about waiting to be in line of sight with the KSC

    Actually, a single ComSat in a fairly high polar orbit will basically guarantee a steady uplink, too. There will be a portion of the year when it sometimes hides behind Kerbin, but this will only occur for a few weeks and only for a few minutes each time. A second satellite in the same orbit but with different equatorial AN/DN will completely negate that, if you really want 100% uplink. This of course requires a small omni-network around Kerbin - which everyone should have before going interplanetary anways.

  4. I would suggest you to make a geostationary communication network as a first thing before going interplanetary (or even before going to the mun or minmus)

    the network doesn't have to be geostationary, but it looks cooler that way :D

    I personally use a 5 satellite pentagon with communotron 32 which let them talk with each other and with KSC, I suggest you make the satellites modular so you can always add more antennas if you need more of them

    Actually, I just wanted to grab some quick science from high solar orbit. The first mission failed because I didn't put my strongest dish on it because there is no real way of telling how big Kerbins SOI is without external sources. I already marked the second mission as a success because I remembered to put a 90Mm dish on the probe but couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that all those giant dishes at the tracking station seem to be nothing but window dressing. :D

  5. I tried to look at the RT download but couldnt find the cfg file which adds the antenna to the mission control, it probably is the RemoteTech_config.cfg file which is created upon first launch of the mod. if you could upload that I can check it for you, or I can check mine as soon as I get my hands on my KSP pc.

    could you make a little description for the photos? so I can help you better :D

    This is already solved. But you're absolutely correct. In the RemoteTech_settings.cfg there is a module added to the KSC that makes it have a 75Mm omni. Thanks again for helping! :)


    Again, this confusion stems from the fact that I didn't know omni-dish connections are possible. This actually simplifies some of my probe designs.

  6. At first, I'm sorry that you have to poke around in the dark because I didn't provide any screen shots. I will remedy that now

    if you point the antenna at kerbin and your cone angle is not wide enough to cover the entire planet it could be that the mission controll is outside the reach of your probe. try pointing the antenna to mission control.

    I'm using the "Reflectron KR-7" which has a ridiculous cone angle of 25°.

    btw remote tech manual confirms the 75Mm omni antenna for KSC, so you have to check also that the distance is lower than that

    I doubt that this is true. Like I said, I have observed dish-only probes connecting to Mission Control directly.

    If none of this helps, I don't know what it could be... maybe you are using a probe core which is not compatible with RemoteTech? third party probecores are not always working with RT

    The probe is using a stock probe core.

    I have now created an imgur album with the relevant screen shots.

    Thanks for taking on my case! :wink:

    PS: It's hard to really measure it correctly with my setup because I only get data when the KSC is facing the probe, but I think you could assume that the KSC has a 75Mm omnidirectional and a 75Mm dish. I just remembered that I read somewhere that the KSC now has the best antenna available to you by default. Which honestly would make a ton of sense.

    PSS: Maybe I have a wrong assumption. Can dishes and omnis talk to each other? I was always under the assumption that only dish-dish and omni-omni connections are possible.

    PSSS: Okay, It seems omni-dish connections are indeed possible. That makes me conclude the manual is actually true and the KSC has a 75km omni installed. This is offically solved now. Thanks for reading. :)

  7. Hello!

    Can someone tell me what kind of antenna mission control has? Some old guides on the internet suggest that it has a 75Mm omnidirectional Antenna but I don't think that's true based on my own observations. I have seen targets that have nothing but a dish connect to mission control already. I assumed it has the best antenna available to me and send out a probe just outside the Kerbin system to collect science and got no uplink despite having line of sight on the Probe. The probe has 83Mm away from Kerbin and carried a 90Mm dish that was pointed as Kerbin. In a test, I placed a small probe carrying the same 90Mm dish on the launch pad, pointed it at the probe and suddenly got my uplink. This makes me believe that Mission Control does have a dish but with less than 80Mm range.

    Can someone tell me what is going on? I can provide screen shots from my R&D building if that's helpful.

  8. Hello folks!

    I have a question:

    I'm currently trying to balance my space-shuttle-esque craft with the help of RCS-Build Aid Engine-Mode. I have a main-shuttle engine and two solid rocket boosters from KW-Rocketry.

    The problem with the KW-Rocketry boosters is that they behave as expected when it comes to the thrust-limiting slider in the VAB. When you put the slider at 0%, the SRB will burn at 50% of it's max thrust because that's the way they work. RCS-Build-Aid gets confused and ignores the SRB since it thinks it's not burning at all (0% thrust). KER also had this issue in it's first releases.

    Can you make it so that this unexpected behaviour of KW-Rocketry SRB's gets processed correctly.

    If you need something from me, I can supply save files, craft files, logs, whatever you need to make it happen. :)

    I love your mod and it makes designing complex thrust set-ups so much easier.


  9. I don't know if this has been already mentioned or if it's just me, but the 1.25m interstate decoupler doesn't decouple

    You might be attaching it wrong. The top node of the Interstage needs to lock into the second top node of the engine in the upper stage. The lower stage then goes into one of the two lower attachment points of the interstage.

    It will not work if the lower node of the engine in the upper stage locks into the lower nodes of the interstage, since the top one is the only one that decouples.

    Also, this only works with KW-Rocketry Engines. But I have posted a MM patch to make the interstage work with the stock engines a few pages back.

  10. I noticed that the gimbal won't work unless you stage the engine.

    Bug: Engine Gimbal not workings


    • Attach XJ-48k to vesel & launch
    • right-click engine and click "activate", throttle up
    • gimbal doesn't respond to inputs

    to fix:

    • Add XJ-48k to Staging diagram
    • stage
    • gimbal responds

    Not sure if this is also true for the radial ones. Haven't tested it yet.

    If you need better data, I can provide screenshots, craft and log files, if you have trouble reproducing it.

  11. You're welcome. I was thinking of making some more actually, and of perhaps figuring out how to muffle the sounds and merge them more seamlessly with your originals. The issue of course is that my versions sound more like a modern communication with much less degradation (preserves echo and reverb), while yours are more nostalgic.

    Can you tell us how to set your sounds up, please?

    The chatters are easy enough, but how about the beeps and background sounds? Somehow I can only play two background sounds and they keep looping, which kinda makes having a whole variety pointless. Am I missing something?

  12. I love this mod. This together with Mission Controller 2, and with reverts disabled, makes this into a completely different game. Planning is key, and mistakes are devestating. I love it.

    Do you accept donations somewhere? I can't find anything about it.

    I couldn't agree more. I can't wait to use the simulation in orbit-feature when it becomes compatible with KJR, which I sadly need to make my rockets fly like a pencil instead of a wet noodle.

    I second the notion about donations. Do you have a paypal? :P

  13. I can upload a save file with vessel that is about to glitch out if you keep having problems recreating this issue. You'll just load the file and switch to the vessel and see if it happens for you, too.

    I think the fundamental problem is that, for me, the timer is triggered on vessel load, even though it was already activated in a lower stage that is now merged with the active stage. This seems to be the way the game handles activating e.g. the engines of the "active stage." When the timer then stages once more after the short delay (0.3s) the game somehow freaks out and all those bad things happen. Maybe your computer is so much better and 0.3s isn't short enough. You could try to set it to an even lower value.

    Anyways, I think this bug is quite drastic as it wrecks my spacecraft and I think I'll have to deactivate the timer in the meantime to keep this from happening.

  14. Another log, this time without Hyperedit, using the same procedure. I forgot that F12 existed, so I needed to make something that makes it into orbit, actually.

    Log: http://pastebin.com/x0hMA3uP

    craftfile: http://pastebin.com/KnzgYbUc

    What happens is, on vessel load, the smart parts timer gets triggered another time and causes the detached part to freeze in place.

    Only installed mod: Smartparts v2.0

    system specs:

    Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (x64)

    6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601

    AMD Phenom 9750 Quad-Core

    4 GB RAM

    NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250

  15. I have an issue with the timer. It causes the vessel it is attached to to frezze in place (0 m/s orbital velocity) upon Quickload or 'switch to vessel.'

    This bug is highly reproducable:

    1.) make ship in VAB: probe core, fueltank, decoupler, fueltank, decoupler (all stock)

    2.) attach timer (settings: 0.3s; stage) on fueltank (lower)

    3.) staging order: timer, decoupler (lower), decoupler (upper)

    4.) stage timer (press space) & edit into orbit (I used hyperedit)

    5.) switch to random vessel

    6.) switch back to test vessel

    7.) upper decoupler gets triggered on vessel-load, lower fueltank gets frozen into place (0 m/s orbital velocity)

    Specs: Windows 7, 32bit KSP 24.2, Smart Parts V2.0

    output log: http://www.tobiashuth.de/uploads/smartparts_freeze.log

  16. Of course you can! But the launch pad needs to be reconditioned before you can put the next rocket on there. In my save, this takes about 2 to 3 days. I wonder how the real launched worked - they must have used two launchpads.

    Also, when the Argena Mission fails, it won't show up again unless you turn the boolean off in the debug menu. Maybe this is intended, but I'd like to remind that NASA's first attempt also failed as the whole thing exploded during ascent. A do-over without having to go into the debug menu would be nice, if that's possible. Can you reset the boolean upon failure?

  17. If you go to the web search of that image search, it leads you to a Wiki article explaining their function.

    I know how the real one works. I was referring to the fact, that the KSP SAS is able to continuously produce torque, which a real SAS won't be able to as it requires constant acceleration of the gyro-discs inside. At some point you will just see your ship get shredded to pieces from the shrapnel as the whole thing just bursts to pieces.

  18. I must say I have lots of fun with this mod and so far the performance has been rock solid.

    I just noticed one minor annoyance: The duration of the Agena missions is extremely short: One day (six hours) might seem a lot to the normal KSP player, but I'm running Kerbal Construction Time, which makes me having to wait about a week before I can launch a vehicle after it rolled out the VAB. So one day ends up being way too short. I basically need to make the Agena vehicle, roll it out on the Launchpad and then pray that the Agena contract shows up in the list, which isn't idea.

    Why not set it to one year like most other contracts? :)

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