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Everything posted by SimonTheSkink

  1. Since this thread isn't really gaining much traction, I decided to crop together a video real quickly to show the problem I am having. Please ask me any questions you might have, since I'm pretty much dead in the water until I get this working.
  2. So I have built a vessel to carry my crew to the Jovian system in KSP. I am trying to leave the Kerbin system with a DT Vista Fusion Engine, but I keep running into the same problem over and over. Out of the blue, my thrust drops to 0. I check Kerbal Engineer and it says that my fuel is burning and all other resources are being consumed as normal. Check the engine itself and it says it has 600Kn of thrust, but my orbital speed isn't changing at all. There is a constant supply of power coming from the Nuclear fusion generator, keeping the power above 2.5Gw. This isn't happening right when I start my burn either, I will use 1,750DV in a certain direction with perfect output from the engine, but after that it just stops, with 250 more DV required to finish my burn correctly. I have been looking over this all night and I cannot for the life of me figure out what is causing this constant failure in engine output. Any advice? Anyone else seen this weird bug?
  3. I am so thankful that this mod exists. It really needs more publicity since this has become a real game changer for me. Kudos for the hard work put into this mod!
  4. So I am having my own strange issue, if I try to attach anything with Mechjeb the entire screen doesn't work. Can't save, Can't launch, can't delete or move anything, nothing. I have to Alt-F4 my way out of the game. Once tweakscale is removed this issue stops entirely for mechjeb. I have no idea why its doing this and have been trying to figure it out for 2 days. Any help guys?
  5. sharedassets10.assets doesn't get changed by Better Atmospheres
  6. Then this makes sense. Why does it make KSP crash everytime I load it? It does say that RealSolarSystem mod won't function when it first loads up, but even after deleting that it still crashes. I just want the game to look pretty
  7. It's strange, the fact that this mod says it works with .25 yet it doesn't. Does anyone have this working for .25?
  8. Yeah it's 2.5, but this issue has been going since 2.4.2. Hmm, I guess I will keep an open eye to see what comes about.
  9. Currently using both of those. I am not recieaving an OOM of error. If anything the Active Texture Managment mod should absolve that. I got a log message but its too large for any pastebin website to hold. Hell, it froze up my browser window when i tried to post the log.
  10. I have trying fruitlessly for 2 days to install this mod with no luck so far. Every time i try to run it, it crashes and I have to Ctrl+Alt+Dlt my way out only for me to find a "Oops!" error. And before anyone asks, yes I have deleted the cloudlayers.cfg and did not install the sunflare.dds file, I also have ActiveTextureReplacer running as well
  11. So that link is dead, I've been trying to look around to fix this issue. Just crashes before the load screen everytime. Forgive me, I've been reading this thread over and haven't been seeing any obvious solution to the problem. Please help me
  12. WaveFunctionP, in all politeness i have watched your videos and i have made a set of proper relays in space. I have even watched Scott Manley's videos on the subject and made my own relay satellites. I only made the ground generator as a quick demonstration for this video. Relay or Transmit gives the same results either way. But thank you for looking into this, i am happy that it helped contribute back to the community, im sorry i was a pain and had a hard time communicating from my end. But i have taken all your advice to heart. But yes again, I have followed your tutorial on making a geosynchronous set of satellites that are relaying power. I honestly took your advice.
  13. Ok I'm back again with the same problem but a new video. I figured if i had another video showing the same problem but under different circumstances it might give some more light on the issue. I still can't get beamed power to work worth squat, I have made relays in geosynchronous orbit etc and nothing will pick up the beamed power. The video is still loading so it may take a few for the URL to work. Please excuse the audio as it is very poor and i apologize in advanced for craptastic quality.
  14. I honestly don't know what to do then. I have made a geosynchronous set of relays around Kerbin long before any of this. This ship was receiving a generous supply of power from Kerbin and was able to beam the energy perfectly to the ship below, I was able to get up and land to different locations with much ease (so long as the parent ship was above it in the sky). I had landed and accidentally updated from .24 to .24.2. As soon as that took place everything stopped and the ship wouldn't budge. I've deleted all the installation files and and reloaded with no luck, and I can't roll back to an older version simply because the save system won't allow it. Honestly though thank you, you have helped me more then I had ever expected and i am grateful for that. I appreciated the fact that you were willing to put your own time aside to help me out, thank you. I can only hope I didn't cause you too much frustration. I suppose I could give it another try, last time I had it installed it had line of site issues and wouldn't pick up the signal which caused a lot of my ships to get destroyed.
  15. Deleted the other ModuleManager version, no luck. If you want to see for yourself just load the files i listed above. It's the one ship sitting on Laythe called: "Event Horizon" (Insert bad movie puns here)
  16. http://pastebin.com/8FYckbRC Don't see too many error's honestly If you want to take a look personally here is my save folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u99iilbwt0zuwmm/AAAKGs_k6wQwvvoZuOZ2ztJMa Mods in place are: KAS (latest) Kethane (latest) Interstellar (latest experimental patch) Procedural Fairings (latest) MechJeb2 (latest) RemoteTech2 (Parts folder only since it's broken)
  17. Tested with all mods removed and only interstellar only to have the same results. Couldn't even leave the launchpad. Got the log you wanted though: http://pastebin.com/5urbm7VJ Also I might add, thank you for taking the time to help with this. I know you are busy working on this mod and I couldn't thank you enough for all the effort you are putting into this.
  18. Loaded the latest version of all the mods, no luck. I also checked for that openresourcesystem.dll and only found one in the whole system. I have no clue what is wrong at this point.
  19. Wave is working on it, there is an experimental version you can try. Delete every bit of your old Interstellar version and replace with this: https://github.com/WaveFunctionP/KSPInterstellar/releases/tag/v0.11exp *DO NOT TRY TO MERGE FILES*
  20. Yeah I am running Kethane V.0.8.4 I know this is an older version of the Kethane mod, but whoever made the mod changed it so that it only makes fuel and monopropellant. That's fine and dandy for most people but all this does for me is fill my tank up with oxidizer which weighs me down. The DT engine doesn't use oxidizer so it just acts as a lead weight, which is why I run V.0.8.4 I am also running the latest in KAS and Procedural Fairings Once I am off work I will check the openresourcesystem.dll like you mentioned. Might be awhile though since my roommate probably wants to use the gaming laptop for web surfing, don't ask. As for the fuel in the tanks, its regular liquid fuel with no oxidizer. I'm not really sure how the Kethane mod would interact with it in a way to disable to the DT engine but I will try my best later tonight. Thanks for the help so far, hopefully this helps you in some way with developing the newest version of Interstellar.
  21. One error seems to keep repeating when I am focused on the lander on Laythe. It gives a long repeating string of this error over and over again: [EXC 23:03:45.946] MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Part.GetConnectedResources'. And yes I did toggle the engine, doesn't budge an inch.
  22. I'm confused since it has worked this entire time until now. I was traveling all around jool using this system and even had enough energy to descend within 40km of jool's surface and take back off back into orbit. Here's the video, sorry for the lack of audio. Fraps decided not to record my voice =/
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