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Posts posted by Newe6000

  1. Also getting this bug. This mission I'm on is cursed, game decided suddenly that the probe was out of comm-net range despite me being just outside Kerbin's SOI, and sending this exact probe model to Gilly without ever losing control. A quicksave and quickload fixed the first issue, but then started getting the bug as per the thread. Made it all the way to Ike but the game won't let up on stopping me transmitting the data :(. Retracting/extending the antenna does nothing.

    Save File

  2. 14 minutes ago, exploser said:

    I believe I found a fix (at least it worked in my case), but it involves manually editing your save file.

    First, I found out that some values in my craft state became NaNs: 

                        "ReferenceArea": {
                          "ContextKey": "ReferenceArea",
                          "storedValue": "NaN"

    Then I removed the entire vessel definition for every vessel that had this NaN-poisoned value. I'm using VS Code, which makes it easier to make sure you have the right vessel, but if you're using a simple text editor, look for the part that starts with this:

          "Version": "0.1",
          "Guid": {
            "Guid": <SOME_RANDOM_GUID>,
            "DebugName": null

    Also, I've thrown together a JQ script that will try to automatically remove any vessel that contains these NaNs: https://jqplay.org/s/5ZlWloyirhA. Just paste your save.json in the "JSON" field, copy the result and replace your save.json contents with it. Make sure to backup the save first!

    Hope this helps someone...  Maybe it's possible for other values to break in a similar fashion, so the script will need to be adjusted.


    Didn't work for me unfortunately (no NaN's in any of my saves). I did seem to start getting this issue after the already well documented undocking bug, but loading a save from before the undocking attempt doesn't fix it. Does the game just not want you having multiple active missions :huh:?

  3. Sure :) Sorry about the delay, I moved it onto the big computer and realized how crummy the contrail looked, so I took a little time to clean it up while I was rescaling it for landscape orientation.

    Watch out, they\'re 2560x1600. #1 launches, #2 hits the Mun, and #3 bounces off in truest Kerbal 'Semper Ardentes' fashion.




    That last image is showing up the same as the second for me.

  4. After doing some modifications I made a much better attempt. However I forgot to record it so to be fair I re-did it, remembering to record what happened.

    screenshot0: My modified design, Fixing the last boosters to the ASAS, moved the SAS modules and added winglets for luck.

    screenshot2: Dumping the first boosters.

    screenshot3: Dumping the liquid engines after leaving the atmosphere.

    screenshot4: In the previous un-recorded attempt I made a very sucsessful water landing. It was possible this couldve been a water landing...

    screenshot5: But I wasnt going to risk it, I used the last boosters (meant for breaking) to try and move my landing a little.

    screenshot6: .... *facepalm*

    screenshot8: Coming in for the land. I can never tell what speed is too much because sometimes I survive a 13 m/s fall and other tims a 9 m/s fall kills me. Oh well, the final boosters have been placed so their the first place to make contact.

    screenshot10: MADE IT! :D

    STATUS: Passed


    A much better bench mark :).

  5. I agree, time is of no real importance as you can\'t really calculate the orbit to get you to the Mun at the first loop.

    So what you basically do is just to get ap at 9-12 m and wait for the Mun to catch you.

    What matters are the reliability of the craft (such as spare fuel for unforeseen circumstances, say you see a bad, bad slope below and need to fly a little to the side) and the ease of control, minimizing the influence of pilot errors.

    I forgot about that, Thier is alot of time wasted if you use the 'Set orbit through muns orbit and wait to be caught.'

  6. Congrats, you\'re now a hipster.

    God fucking dammit. I remember being a new player and how the age old players came from the very very first indev versions...

    Nowa days people like that are so few and far between so we\'re 'hipsters' ;-/

    One day when KSP is fully releaced YOU can be the hipster.

  7. THE CHALLANGE: You must build a spaceship that has no parts attached to the base of the command module and document its flight. At the very least to pass the challange it must leave the atmosphere (70 KM).


    Re-enter the atmosphere (1)

    Survive the landing (1)

    Get into an orbit (1)

    Use only stock parts (1)

    Go above 3,000 KM (1)

    Go above 6,000 KM (2)

    Get to the mun (2)

    Go above 12,000 KM (3)

    Land on the mun (3)

    Get into an orbit around the sun (Priceless 4)

    screenshot17: My ship.

    screenshot18: Jettisoned the first boosters.

    screenshot19: Exited the atmosphere, Jettisoned liquid engines.

    screenshot20: Jettisoned the last boosters, Time to sit and wait untill I re-enter the atmosphere.

    screenshot22: My orbit.

    screenshot23: Almost time to land.

    screenshot24: Parachute deployed, it isnt slowing me down enough to survive :o

    screenshot25: Died, my end screen.

    STATUS: Passed


    Thats a pretty easy benchmark to beat :-[

    So lets see you beat it! And if you dont you and me both :P. Have fun!

  8. The world are still finite, just 8 times the size of the earth.

    Technichly not. If you go to the edge of the map it actually continues on forever, its just that past 8 times the surface area of the earth (I think 30,000,000) the landscape is a 'phantom' landscape.

    Although the far-lands were removed D:

  9. For a budget challenge, you should probably avoid boosters entirely. Though they do get you off the ground faster, they also cost a lot since you have to get rid of them somehow after the fact. Decouplers don\'t come cheap, especially not radial decouplers! My current model of budgetary efficiency lacks a single one:


    Lunar Arrow V3

    16 Liquid Fuel Tanks @ $550 ea.: 8,800 (2,200 salvageable)

    4 Liquid Fuel Engines @ 880 ea.: $3,520 (880 salvageable)

    1 Parachute @ 422 ea.: 422 (422 salvageable)

    1 Command Module @ 1,600 ea.: 1,600 (1600 salvageable)

    1 ASAS Module @ 2,300 ea.: 2,300 (2,300 salvageable)

    1 Decoupler @ 975 ea.: 975

    1 Tri-Coupler @ 680 ea.: 680

    Total Expense: 18,297 (7,402 salvageable)

    I can get this bad boy to the Mun with 2 tanks left even without a Hohmann transfer orbit. If I were being so efficient, I could probably drop a tank from the top rocket. The only thing keeping me from finishing this challenge thus far is that soft-landing with no lander legs and having the rocket survive in one piece is hard. I\'ve managed that feat exactly once.

    Technichly if you attach parachutes to the boosters their entirely re-useable.

    But If we want to get technical they would probally only get you a quater of what they cost back due to some of the cost being fuel.

    But since I dont think we are being THAT technichal as long as you use parachutes with them then they and the parachute would cost you nothing.

  10. Step aside kids, I found minecraft while the day/night cycle was being added and pre-ordered in time for broken water, the ability to get logs from logs and paintings.

    Those were the days... When the worlds were finite. Then multiplayer called for a infinite world which meant a game that could no longer run pretty well on a 10 year old computer has trouble running on a 3 year old.

    The reson it lasted so long for me was like sombody above said to me, each new thing kept it fun and back then we got a good 2 updates a week.

    But then after he made the company the turnover became seriously dissapointing. But 1.8 - 1.0.0 really has revived minecraft for me.

  11. Just one thing, on these forums be aware for Capt\'n Skunky. It may not look like it at first glance but he is my evil twin brother out to do good for the world. He must be stopped at all costs.

    Their is a gun taped under your seat, with instructions on what to do, I am relying on you. good luck. Of corse I am kidding. I would never get someone like you to do that, a trainned assasin? Mabye/yes. I can spell shit any wey eye wunt sinshe nobadys gonads see dish. Unwess they qwote me. Unwikely. Twime to capy and poste dwish agwain and a gain. instructions on what to do, I am relying on you. good luck. Of corse I am kidding. I would never get someone like you to do that, a trainned assasin? Mabye/yes. I can spell shit any wey eye wunt sinshe nobadys gonads see dish. Unwess they qwote me. Unwikely. Twime to capy and poste dwish agwain and a gain. instructions on what to do, I am relying on you. good luck. Of corse I am kidding. I would never get someone like you to do that, a trainned assasin? Mabye/yes. I can spell shit any wey eye wunt sinshe nobadys gonads see dish. Unwess they qwote me. Unwikely. Twime to capy and poste dwish agwain and a gain. instructions on what to do, I am relying on you. good luck. Of corse I am kidding. I would never get someone like you to do that, a trainned assasin? Mabye/yes. I can spell shit any wey eye wunt sinshe nobadys gonads see dish. Unwess they qwote me. Unwikely. Twime to capy and poste dwish agwain and a gain. instructions on what to do, I am relying on you. good luck. Of corse I am kidding. I would never get someone like you to do that, a trainned assasin? Mabye/yes. I can spell shit any wey eye wunt sinshe nobadys gonads see dish. Unwess they qwote me. Unwikely. Twime to capy and poste dwish agwain and a gain.

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