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Everything posted by nhnifong

  1. This always seems to fix it for me. Somtimes you have to throttle down too. Try not to exceed 4 Gs
  2. I've got one for all you master kerbonauts out there. Today, I had a craft that did not have enough fuel to get out of Tylo's gravity well, but it could get itself to an altitude of about 70 km. I had several other maneuverable ships in orbit around the giant moon, and I tried to rendezvous and dock with with the doomed sub-orbital lander while it was at it's apoapsis, and boost it into orbit. It did not go well, because the craft I was using as a pusher didn't have enough power. (it was a three engine ion ship) but under different conditions, I imagine it could work. You have to dock really fast and be pointed prograde already, because your double-vessel won't be maneuverable enough while docked. You have to slow the pusher down to the speed of the sub-orbital craft and then turn it around really fast. It's not easy to do and your racing against the clock. These are the only rules I'm going to make: You must do it on Tylo, Vall, or Mun, but Mun is less cool. The sub-orbital craft must weight at least 20 tons. The sub-orbital craft may not exceed an orbital speed of half the body's escape velocity under it's own power. The pusher craft must begin in orbit. You have to use one of the docking mods. Sorry I'm not posting my persistence file. It depends on too many mods, and it'd be a pain to make it work. If anyone is intrested, I'll make a stock-based persistence file to setup this challenge. Use whatever other mods you wan't as long as they seem fair. I can't wait to see if anyone can do this Note: if you just want to argue about the rules and you're not going to try it, just don't even post.
  3. Yeah, it can look pretty small even nearby. But if you are in it's SOI, it's definitely more than a pixel wide. It's always down, typically behind your navball.
  4. Some of the names in my craft folder right now Kotanakataka Yappari L+%^& Naked Weapon Hurricane Bottlecap dunjukka ecaate supreme compacto The Bill Kerman Propellant Apparatus And Method Of Piloting Thereof Leather Letter Weather The Choppa I'm not very good at naming things
  5. Basically, when a thing is smaller than a pixel, it has a chance of being in the middle of the pixel and controlling the color it resolves to. anti-aliasing isn't that much different, it's just more pixels averaged together with bilinear interpolation. It's possible that the apparent size of Jool from KSC is about 1/100th of a pixel. It's not impossible to see, just unlikely.
  6. If you send an entire fleet of ships to the Joolian system in one night, you will be late to work the next day.
  7. I know it's bugged, but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I want to know how to work around the bug. I've seen people land on bop before and they didn't explode. I have even landed on it once without exploding. I want to know if you have any tips for avoiding the bug. Like landing at latitudes which are nearly multiples of the tile resolution, or near/far from the poles, what kind of landing gear to use, what kind of altitude be at when loading the planets, spells and prayers to say before landing, offerings that please the kraken, that kind of thing. Anything you know, please share. EDIT, I suspect that the collision mesh is just off in most places. If you have a craft successfully landed on bop, please share the coordinates, because it's probably in one of the few safe places.
  8. I have a small broken lander and a space jeep on Duna, both near the Half-buried opportunity mast I've been focusing all my effort on the Joolian system but most of the ships I have out there are stranded with no gas in crappy orbits. Luckily they all have erkle docking nodes and/or kethane pumps. if only I could get enough fuel out there without stranding another craft I could get my kethane miner going and jump-start a pretty large colony.
  9. A bunch of eccentric comets! With dangerous geysers that can propel your craft off into deep space!
  10. Hold your mouse still for a second over the part. confirm that the part you want turns green before you click. it's actually a frame or two late, and this becomes noticeable with huge rockets. It's curious that in space, astronauts have to learn a similar habit of holding things still for a second to "put them down"
  11. As soon as you get to jool, the first thing you are going to want to do is aerobrake in it. How hard you aerobrake will determine which moon you can visit first. I tend to try and save my velocity, go to bop, and progressively fall into jools gravity well. I don't plan on having the delta-v to get back out until someone invents a kethane scoop.
  12. I'm very happy with the planets in the game, and I'm busy enough colonizing them. I have a fleet of stranded refuling craft in the Joolean system that all need to be refuled.
  13. The damage I was thinking of was more like, a part might stop working, and to fix it, you need to EVA over to it and mess with it. Like activate it with the F key a few times or something. Because it's fiddly and broken.
  14. Err Sorry I made this on my KSP which has just about every mod i know of installed on it. I tried to recall from the picture which mods were used in that rover. I must have missed some stuff. And as for the launcher, Oh god I don't even know where those parts came from.
  15. I have a suggestion for a big plugin. Each planet will have a magenetosphere, especially Jool. and Kerbol will emit solar wind which can effect ships. It may have random harmful effects on ships which do not use electrical or passive shielding. Flying through a magnetic feild at high speed with a coil part could generate electricity. Being within a magnetic feild protects you from damage in proportion to it's strength. Megnetotorquers, can be an energy-consuming part which can be used as attitude control. The solar wind could be simple to begin with, just an ever present danger with strength in proportion to your distance from Kerbol. But later, it would be cool to have some visual representation, so that it was directional, and came in random pulses.
  16. I think I remember reading on these forums, that according to real physics, not even Kebol is massive enought to be a star
  17. Reminds me of "A Mole of Moles" http://what-if.xkcd.com/4/
  18. I built this little guy to investigate kethane on bop. It's mission was to get to bopish orbit, find kethane, and refuel itself for further Joolian Exploration. Download (cart only) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/14567061/compacto%20%28payload%20only%29.craft Download Entire craft with launcher https://dl.dropbox.com/u/14567061/compacto.craft Requires: MMI Kethane mod MMI Sattellite pack MMI Payload pack (for launcher) NovaPunch Remix (designed with v1.3.1.0) Cart 1.3.3 Mechjeb (latest)
  19. You can only control single-stage peices of debris, although you can have more than one peice of a debris from a single ship and dock them together with erkle's. Keep in mind, all the parts in the stage need to have been "activated" in one of the stages prior to the decoupler that disconnects them from your main rock. Go to space center and come back in order to see the icons properly on the left. Also, debris will lose all struts.
  20. A kerbal is about the size of a 1 meter tank. Jool is 6000 km in radius, so it's volume is about 10²¹ m³ So it can hold about 1 zettakerbal
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