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Everything posted by theJesuit

  1. Great indepth transcription cheers. I feel for Maxmaps though. I was in the Christchurch NZ 2010 2011 quakes and jitters and checking house contents are a pain. I pray all is well.
  2. Deorbiting once or twice when I've drained a refeuler dry, but mostly docking. Not just reorienting but fine tuning orbits while doing a rendezvous with other heavenly bodies! Peace!
  3. Hey NecroBones, A great mod, and just tried it tonight - thanks! I seem to have an issue that the textures for the c7 tank adapter parts (added at the .90 release) don't seem to load when the textures are installed. They appear only white... any possible reason for this? Also, would you ever consider redoing the textures for the adapter parts with your style to make them all even? Peace. Edit: Actually scratch the issue - a computer restart to clear RAM solved the issue. I should have seem that coming! Thanks!
  4. Hi all, I realise that there RasterProp Monitor takes the images from the cameras, but is there a way to get the cameras from Hullcam VDS to show in a window like the Lazor mod (docking cam) or LazorCAM? Thanks in advance. Peace.
  5. Hi all, Is there a way to get the docking cam in colour, or a larger window (like the docking cam) for the LazorCAM? Thanks in advance. Peace.
  6. Great work. Very funky. I liked your flag that you produced for MrWalrus123. Did you whip up the static silhouette of the Kerbal? Peace.
  7. I've needed to get out and push when returning from the Mün simply to get an encounter with the atmosphere of Kerbin. That's how close! Peace.
  8. The idea is that in some of the smaller MMOs there seems to be a change in the way developers are considering their product. In KSP in Alpha from .13, .14 or even at .19 or whenever, we have gained so much more value in it because of the constant updates placing more functions and things to play with. Each update, hasn't changed the core game but the way we play. Contracts and career being introduced is a good example. We enjoy the game, some of us explore all the possibilities, but then the next release comes and we have a new experience. The service idea also brings into account the role that the Forum and Reddit members play including modders. We give feedback and the direction that the game goes in changes to. In that very real sense Squad is providing the game, the forums as a service to us. That will probably change when it goes to a full release and we stop expecting new features.
  9. Is our enjoyment for KSP based around what we have experienced so far? What I mean, to say is that I can see that we have experienced KSP as a service rather a product because of the updates moving through Alpha and into Beta. Perhaps when the game reaches 1.0, (or perhaps 1.1) that interest and and way in which we interact with each other on the Forums and Reddit will change as the game will be complete. DLC will be updates to a product not part of the 'service'. What brought my attention to this idea was this article. http://kotaku.com/the-people-who-only-play-one-video-game-1680335832 I'd be interested to know what others think. Peace.
  10. Yes indeed, I do hope volcanoes, that would be something REALLY special and interesting. Imagine using a heatshield to be blasted into space from an eruption of Minmus? But even if geysers are implemented like rock scatter that would still be cool. That too could use a similar code to dust being kicked up?
  11. Completely agree. I wasn't going to bother with this mod, but I will now - thanks to this pic! Peace.
  12. I have been considering this myself, especially in exploring the use of mods being added in half way through a career save! Yet, as an aside, does the KSP EULA allow for 'legal' additional copies even if they are on the same computer?
  13. Duna, because of the mid game fun and challenge. Also, in anticipation of an art pass and more biomes, it will be a near future possibility like Mars. It provides all the challenges of light atmosphere as well as the time it takes to get there. Also, a good chance to enjoy some different sorts of Easter Eggs. Peace.
  14. We don't know (but can possibly guess) how financially successful KSP has been for a marketing company in Mexico. The question about the future for Squad would be this: What do our valuable employees have a passion for and would it work for us to go ahead and allow them to achieve their dreams? If it seems like it could be feasible, and we can't afford to lose them to that dream then we should go for it. In regards to software, I would love for Squad to imagine a KSP2, but only if KSP has worked out well for them as a company. In this revisioning, developing their own engine would be a must to allow for N-body physics, but especially relativistic physics. Unity has been and is awesome, even with its limitations, but the licensing oppurtunities for a space simuator engine would be pretty cool.
  15. Yes indeed General Rarity. A picture does paint a thousand posts! However I think Spanner Monkey has a point with even the Mk1 Can having to be sideways and pushing the 'dents' sideways.
  16. Try F1 for a screenshot which will be saved in a screenshot folder in with ksp's program files. Should save some work!
  17. Thanks General Rarity. Nice idea to call it a 'Mk2.5'. Just for a quick clarification though I'm not looking for a 2.5m cargo bay, just one slightly more angular than the roundedness of the stock bay that can't cope with the protruding octagonal protuberances of the Mk1 Lander Can - hence the thought to just dent it out! Maybe call it a Mk2A instead? Or Mk2X for a a slightly modified cross-section.
  18. Hi all, I'm wondering whether a good artist/ modder would able to get out a hammer and bash some outward dents in the SP+ (now stock Cargo Bay) so that a Mk1 Lander Can is able to fit without pushing through the hull. I'm sure this would be a popular addition! Thanks in advance! Peace.
  19. It would be good to have a cargo bay able to fit the mk1 lander can. It's a small thing and allows a more minimalistic approach for those who planning to head to other heavenly bodies after orbital construction. That would allow for ongoing challenge of small craft construction which the current size requires.
  20. Indeed edemlama. Seems to work perfectly!
  21. Greetings Romfarer! I'm using (and have a question about) the Lazor Cam standalone. Awesome! A few people have expressed interest in full screen from the camera. However I'd quite like to be able to just resize the window that the camera feed is in (make it twice or three times the size). Is there anyway of doing that ingame or editing the config files in some way? Thanks in advance!
  22. In a further response to my plans for the new plane parts - I was hoping that the Mk1 Lander Can would be able to fit into the cargo bay with clipping through the doors (and probably the base too as seen in HOCGaming's video). My main concern is that I can construct large interplanetary vessels in orbit using only fully recoverable delivery vehicles. It would mean a resign for the interplanetaries, but the Mk1 Lander Can may fit sideways. Or else it may have to run shotgun on the roof!
  23. I plan to begin two saves. One initially to try the new parts in sandbox. The other straight to full career to record and post mission reports and hopefully cinematic movies following the AngleCan space programme that has been established to explore the nature of the universe and the role of angels keeping those heavenly bodies following their rails.
  24. Thanks sal_vager. As for piloting, I'm looking forward to the .25 update to the plane parts! The 'Hanger gets most visits once QA starts and Kerbals complete their pilgrimage back home and the expectant wait begins.
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