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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Of course there is a relevant XKCD for this.
  2. Is anybody else interested in the upcoming game War of Rights? It's a Civil War FPS with an emphasis on company-sized movements.
  3. Off we go, into the high thread post count Off we go, into the rep...
  4. Actually, that's second, with 20,613. First is "What did you do in KSP today?" with 30,839 posts and climbing. But I will add that to the FAQ.
  5. 2/10 I've seen you here a lot, and in the AtMQAtF thread, but not really anywhere else. And don't worry, I started out here, too.
  6. Dude, calm down. The shotgun approach just annoys 6 people at once. @Starhawk
  7. Well, that was unexpected. Both things, really, but I was expecting the cruise missile to get shot down.
  8. @Torquimedes, @Servo, @Castille7, @The Destroyer, @Makc_Gordon, @klond- congratulations!
  9. Yeah, that's the point of this thread. Congratulations!
  10. What questions do you find yourself answering the most here? Can you send them to me via PM so I can put them in the OP?
  11. And people say the Germans don't have a sense of humor! Welcome aboard, @astroheiko! I'm sure you'll fit right in!
  12. Hello, @Rattlesnake28535, and welcome aboard!
  13. Sorry, Kuzzter, but I'm not buying it. There's no way that the relative velocity between them could have been 550 m/s. That was shopped.
  14. It's my dog. Well, not my dog, but one of the same breed that looks just like him.
  15. Would making the first page an FAQ be helpful?
  16. "The ban-ana is watching..."
  17. But we like you, @WinkAllKerb'', despite having a hard time understanding you! If you're serious, please go talk to someone! Heck, PM me if you want!
  18. Honestly, the "Part Clipping" cheat is almost useless now. The offset tools can accomplish nearly the same thing.
  19. Look, the console commands are great and all, but are we gonna ignore the stealth technology of the missile? The radar cross sections is the same as a bird, but the thing itself is over 5 meters long. Quite impressive for a cruise missile! And @Kuzzter, have you ever read The Bear and the Dragon, by Tom Clancy? Politics aside, this sequence here reminds me of an important moment in it.
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