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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. @Zhetaan that was amazing. 3 things I really liked: I don't think you took it too far at all. Even though I hated English class, I do remember talking about allusions. And my God, did you ever pick this one apart. Nice work!
  2. Hello, @mobylettespaceindustries, and welcome aboard! I lurked for about a year before joining. Welcome to the club!
  3. Hello, @Benjamin Kerman, and welcome aboard! Your avatar is really cool. What does it say?
  4. To verify a hypothesis, confirm methodology, or to calibrate instruments. But it seems like your data here has been corrupted by trolls.
  5. Not in my country. It's an OTC medication, like Tylenol, or hydrocortisone cream. I use it for pain relief, even though that's off label.
  6. See, I'm really upset with you all. Tabasco is a home remedy and will not work. Scientists have disproved your claims, and yet you still promote them. GROW UP! Putting hot sauce in your eyes will hurt them, not make them better! Medical professionals use pure C18H27NO3 (betterr known as 8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide) to treat dry eyes. Put some on the back of your contacts to lubricate them, and use as normal.
  7. I did that because I wanted all the money to go to Squad.
  8. I feel like it's a good idea to point out that Kuzzter has said in the past- quite emphatically- that he does not wish to play in this game, and would appreciate it if players would not ping him. @Tex?
  9. As a matter of fact, you can purchase a second copy of KSP on a single account. I understand that you want to support Squad. But I have a suggestion- use the money to get him some books on the subject. It will make his game more enjoyable, and encourage him to stay in that field of study.
  10. Uh-oh... Lol, excellent. You may have hit upon the one and only provocation that would make our pacifist Kerbals turn to violence. Oh no! @Starhawk? Can you help?
  11. Very true. On the other hand, the ranks look like buttons. Is it possible to have Kerbfleet undergo a small uniform revision at the end of the Odyssey (if it survives!) and make them horizontal? I'm gonna guess that he meant "buddy." See also: Rival, competition, subordinate
  12. If mentioned, I will not come, if quoted, I will not post, and if pushed, I will not play. @adsii1970- I'm paraphrasing who?
  13. I didn't used to watch football until a few months ago. I still don't, except for my college team. It seems too violent to me, even with the padding. And the timer annoys the heck out of me.
  14. Not unlikely, considering that lots of stuff is mirrored. She could just be letting Gene speak.
  15. They don't have an article for that. Are you saying we shouldn't trust you? Also, I have no clue what Jimmy made them from. Was it Plotholeium?
  16. The future is upon us. So, we learned a lot here. Space madness is curable. Minor characters do get brought back. Some guy did sneak into a Glido. And windows on the Enterprise's bridge are there even though we can't see them. You underestimate some of the readers here. After all, some weirdo went and checked through every panel looking for rank insignia just to prove a small point.
  17. It's the only one I know of. It's the only one I know of. BTW, either I'm drinking too much hydrazine or something strange is going on with your posts.
  18. You mean the one that got sunk near Okinawa? Kerbulanes Eunt Domus! Anyway, Soda Popinski, since you're all caught up you're reduced to speculating like the rest of us. Since you've read the old parts more recently, did you see anything that could be foreshadowing?
  19. That's correct. When I played on a Mac, I believe I assigned it to either that or tab.
  20. Can we get a gratuitous screenie with the aero forces? I'd love to see all the crazy arrows on that behemoth.
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