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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. This is, and has been, locked. The proof is in the pudding: I'm really not sure why everyone thinks it's unlocked, when the mods have obviously locked it.
  2. No clue, but here's Jason Wright's blog on it. https://sites.psu.edu/astrowright/
  3. I don't know if you can find the buoyancy of each part, but if you know the volume and mass you can calculate it. I don't know how you'd find the volume, though.
  4. Actually, if the target is ahead of you, you'll want to meet it near your apoapsis. Explanation: This works because objects in a lower orbit move faster than objects in a higher orbit. If an object is ahead of me, I need to drop my orbit a bit, and if it's behind me, I need to raise my orbit a bit.
  5. Could it be a golden silk orb-weaver? That's the first thing I saw when I googled "Types of gold spiders in asia."
  6. So you're telling me that Apple's patent on rounded corners is valid on Kerbin, but not here? Sorry, but that just seems wrong. I cannot abide this fiction, and I'll no longer be reading the comic.
  7. This is where it gets fun, right @monstah?
  8. This game? That was my first computer game. I remember learning the patterns from the pitcher. My first videogame was The Alamo, by the History Channel.
  9. Hello, @Ohm is Futile, and welcome abaord! That's a pretty awesome name. Like @Gianni1122 said, tutorials are always helpful. As more advanced players, we don't always remember how hard it was to do something the first time, so we leave out a lot of detail. Even explaining what burning in the different directions on the navball does could be helpful.
  10. I'm sure that I've put at least 900 hours into this game, but I really haven't played since 1.1.3 came out. I figured that it would be a good idea to take a break for awhile, and then come back.
  11. Hello, @VikingStormtrooper, and welcome aboard! Honestly, that sounds like a great mod. I look forward to seeing it soon!
  12. No, we're supposed to ask you questions about the forums. What's the happiest you've made someone as a moderator?
  13. Yeah, it is interesting. But as a practical matter, the bombs didn't do much to the US morale, production, or military.
  14. What if you don't know whether or not you know everything?
  15. Yeah, because it keeps people coming back here. The house winning isn't always a a bad thing.
  16. Yes. I only rep posts by users with over 1000 points. I wouldn't call it "subtle." There's bells, visual cues, and "User Liked this" when someone reps your post. It's a variable ratio schedule, just like gambling. And just like gambling, when you know the system, it makes it easier to get rewards.
  17. Yeah, but I don't think the OP is at that stage of gameplay yet. @jevry- one thing I see with your last rocket is that you're using decouplers with girders on the booster stage. You could replace that with the extended version of the decoupler to keep your boosters' clearance. Also, nosecones on those SRBs is a good idea.
  18. What mods are you using? I don't think that I can answer your question, but someone else might be able to if they know the mods.
  19. Hi, @ninjawafflesofdoom! We can't see that picture, just a bunch of text. If you upload it to a free photo site (Imgur is popular here) and then link it or paste it here we can see it.
  20. Welcome aboard, @Frankp2491! My advice would be to try crazy things. It's fun, and you really get an understanding of why things work this way. As an experiment, build a crazy overbuilt rocket and a regular one. Fly, compare results. Also, you have a leg up over most new players, since you're a grad student in physics. Basically, KSP is Newtonian and Patched Conics. None of that fancy-schmancy relativity or n-body crap.
  21. Hi All, I'm planning on changing my profile photo for the holidays, but I don't have the tools required to make the images I want. Would anyone be willing to help me with this? I've tried with paint, Google Drawings, and MS Word, but I can't get the pictures the way I want them. If you think you could help me, please send me a PM. Happy Holidays!
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