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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. It's probably hardcoded. Sometimes it also happens due to part clipping.
  2. Kambridge (Our Fair City).... Maybe it's scrambling. Maybe he said it like that. But there's an E there where there should not be an E. Unless, of course, you meant "quality," which is a little out of place here. New Notification: @Dman979 has mentioned you in a topic: Guess Who Will Reply Next?
  3. I've been there, it's a pretty place. Kiev
  4. Apparently he wasn't thinking about you. Shame. @kerbiloid?
  5. No, you couldn't, because the COM would be outside the footprint. The footprint is all the area in contact with the ground normal to the planet's COM. With a vertical wall, you have no footprint, because the wall itself is normal to the planet's COM. The only way to stick to a truly vertical wall is through adhesion, powered or otherwise.
  6. To quote Karl Compton, On July 26, 1945, the Potsdam Ultimatum called on Japan to surrender unconditionally. On July 29 Premier Suzuki issued a statement, purportedly at a cabinet press conference, scorning as unworthy of official notice the surrender ultimatum, and emphasizing the increasing rate of Japanese aircraft production. Eight days later, on August 6, the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima; the second was dropped on August 9 on Nagasaki; on the following day, August 10, Japan declared its intention to surrender, and on August 14 accepted the Potsdam terms. (The Atlantic, December 1946)
  7. What types of names do spambots have? I know you're not allowed to discuss who's been banned or not, even if they are a bot, but can you give me an idea?
  8. Then the only way to stay on a vertical wall is through powered adhesion.
  9. Nice plane! I like the angles on it, even if it isn't particularly realistic.
  10. No, you couldn't, because the COM would be outside the footprint. The footprint is all the area in contact with the ground normal to the planet's COM. With a vertical wall, you have no footprint, because the wall itself is normal to the planet's COM. The only way to stick to a truly vertical wall is through adhesion, powered or otherwise.
  11. But in this case it did take away from the combat force of the Confederates. They lost access to food supplies, horses, and railroads. Letters to soldiers emphasized the need for them to come home to protect their farms. The Confederate armies suffered from desertion and starvation, reducing their combat effectiveness.
  12. Were you northcountry or southcountry? We had our fair share of rain, too. A few days before we arrived a scout was killed by a flash flood, and we hiked by in our trek. When we were hiking from Peublano to Dan Beard (DB had the best water) we got diverted about 2 and a half miles by a flooded river. We ended up hiking about 3 miles out of our way in the rain. For the last mile, we were going across a butte in the rain and lightning. 3 of our scouts got mild cases of hypothermia. Not a fun day.
  13. Sherman's March to the Sea. It was basically South Carolina's punishment for starting the Civil War. Granted, they didn't sue for peace, but it demoralized them.
  14. Yes, it did burn through Luftwaffe pilots, but that wasn't its stated goal. It saw supposed to stop the German industry, and like you said it did nothing of the sort. If it had focused on oilfields and troop formations things would have gone differently. In Normandy, most of the Panzer Lehr division was wiped out by strategic bombers used in a tactical role. The pilot shortage would have been the same, because fighters would have been required to defend against bombers anyway The Blitz galvanized the British against the Germans. Without a real enemy attacking them, political leaders like Churchill would have just been talking heads. There is something to be said, though, about taking the war to the enemy's civilians. If they get tired enough, they can sue for peace. But it's a tricky thing to gauge.
  15. They whole, "If we can't have electronics, no one can" idea?
  16. I aged out a bit ago. I had to jimmie the sizes a bit to make it smaller and match the other picture. My crew number was 629 Cornnuts 3. Got it branded on the inside of my Philmont belt by a nice brander, too.
  17. A bit, but only in the larger context of the war. If you're asking me whether I think that strategic bombing could have strangled the German war machine, my answer is no. Also, you mentioned inhumane. Do you mean Dresden and Coventry style, or something else?
  18. He wrote another book, America Again: Re-becoming The Greatness We Never Weren't. I also recommend America: Democracy Inaction, by Jon Stewart. As for military history books: A Guadalcanal Diary, by Richard Tregaskis The Liberation Trilogy, by Rick Atkinson The Yom Kippur War, by Abraham Rabinovich Grant, by Jean Edward Smith These are all fairly long books, but they're all very well written and interesting.
  19. Practice in hacked gravity first. Make two simple ships, stick'm on the launchpad and runway, hack gravity, give a boost up, and try to dock them. This way you don't have to worry about getting a rendezvous first. Once you get confident, send them into space on the same vehicle, and dock them. Lastly, send them up on different vehicles and rendezvous and dock them.
  20. Ooh, this brings me back. My first attempt at docking was an utter shambles. I sent up two identical crafts with a lot of monoprop and some LFO, and ran out of LFO on both and monoprop on one. Then I sent up another two identical ships. I wouldn't say I nailed it (it could have been much more efficient), but I got a rendezvous in an orbit. The actual docking part was easiest for me, the rendezvous was hard. Although I did have trouble figuring out how to orient the docking ports. Then I used the last bit of monoprop on the first set to dock them, transfered enough so the levels were equal, and brought all four craft home safely.
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