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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Chapter chief! I think I ended up being more of a sash 'n' dash. I can still go for Brotherhood, though. Congratulations!
  2. Love the Groucho quote. "My god, don't you ever stop talking? You must have been vaccinated with a phonograph needle!" If you're into history (American military) I have a ton of suggestions. I don't know if you want them, though. If you haven't read The Martian yet, you should. Since you're looking at humor, I enjoyed Stephen Colbert's I Am America (And So Can You!). Fair warning- it's not for everyone.
  3. Nectar. Actually, Tel Aviv.
  4. You might want to use your special moderator powers to remove that line. You never know who is right behind you. On topic- 5 years old! Wow! KSP can ask "Why?" a lot! Seriously, I think that 5 year olds are the perfect analogy for KSP. They aren't afraid to try new things, they like to experiment, and they're about the size of Kerbals.
  5. http://troop23wheaton.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/philmontarrowhead.jpg Hey, congratulations! You can do it!
  6. Change the description of the Mk. 1 heatshield to add "Make sure to check sensor switches before launching."
  7. Shhhhhhhhhhhh, don't tell him that posts in the Lounge and Forum Games don't count. hee-hee-heee-hee-heee!
  8. Find something you like. Do that. I like history, so I did an oral history project. Be creative, and when you find something you like, don't take "no" for an answer. It's your project, not your mom's, Scoutmaster's, or SPL's.
  9. Believe me, it goes by really quickly, and they take longer than you'd think. Start now!
  10. Way to go! Congratulations! Any idea what your Eagle Project will be?
  11. It does make good ambient light, but I was under the impression that most military vehicles wouldn't use them in a night fighting engagement. And such a chapter, BTW. The tension is ratcheting up.
  12. Glad to hear it. It also solves a plot issue for you, doesn't it? Does it matter how long the chapter is, if you'll still be doing the same stuff?
  13. INb4 Name change! Nice call, @Deddly! Kuzzter- because this is a scientific mission, will you be confirming the Wikipedia's measurements above 63o N/S?
  14. Se, I think the worst part about losing everybody this year is the fact we're becoming used to it. We can say "Goshdarn 2016," "2016 strikes again," and so on, but it's equivalent of bringing used flowers to a funeral. John Glenn is one of the reasons I'm studying Aerospace Engineering right now. I wrote about him in my scholarship applications, and he's an inspiration to me and millions of others. We have truly lost a national hero, and to see the internet trivialize his death really rubs me the wrong way. This man piloted a spaceship without knowing if he'd make it home alive, and the best we can do is a measly RIP? I'm a little upset now, so I'm sorry if I've stepped on toes.
  15. "No Comment Made" My favorite. Really brings back memories.
  16. Oh, good, it looks like both of those readings are in the shade. That's some proper science right there. Now we get to confirm or reject our hypotheses, fun!
  17. כיפה Hebrew for dome, or Kippah.
  18. It should be possible to configure the setup that way, yes. I don't know for certain, though.
  19. I think you misunderstood me. I meant swim, like with your arms and legs. It's a short trip, and good exercise, too!
  20. This is actually a really hard question for me, because I have to choose between my grandmother and my dad. My grandmother's waffle recipe is amazing. We use an old waffle iron from the 50's, it still works like a charm. My dad makes terrific pancakes. His recipe came out of a Good Housekeeping book from the 60's-70's, but it's still great. I honestly can't decide. I like this idea.
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