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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Well, now, let's see... Recently I've been sleeping through my alarm. Not good. But when I hear it, it's the radio. Probably the BBC, because that's what's on at 9 AM.
  2. Nice stuff! How do they compare to each other in top speed? IRL, the delta-wing config was for faster speeds.
  3. @adsii1970, it was invalid, but it got voided by an even further revert. LVP is TheEpicSquared's -14.
  4. Link/ quote? Also, did it happen before this? And to clarify, the post above me is valid... for now.
  5. You play from It happens to be your post, so you can't change the number.
  6. That's right. Last valid number is Play on! ***Rules explanation, and other stuff*** Haha, it's whatever. Play, or do not play. There is no should. I think Deddly is correct, it is a skirmish. Also, it's not a valid revert point, because the point Deddly just reverted to happened first.
  7. Correct! Close. LVP is Everything after that is null and void. Play on!
  8. I do not know which moderator in particular edited, but I do know that @TheKosmonaut's post used to be different.
  9. Please do not use the special moderator powers to edit your own posts, or other users'. It's unfair to everyone else.
  10. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................................. @Vanamonde?
  11. HHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM..............................................................
  12. Uh, no. Wildcat's post was correct, because it was a skirmish.
  13. Any Jebadiahs? On topic- Cosmé Sparkle Venus Ariel Astrid Apollo Nysa Orion Percy (for Perseid meteor shower) Zeke Linda (for Belinda) Bianca Carina Celeste Cordillia Esther Fay Halley Helene Juliet Miranda Norma Ophilia Rosalind Stella And May- for Mayonnaise.
  14. Ah, yes, a skirmish. Multi person, multi minute. My favorite. Mycroft's -36 is the last valid. Play on!
  15. We obviously have no way to forbid you from using your mod tools, but to ensure the playing field stays level, we politely ask you not to use them as a player.
  16. It should say The day, then 06:06 PM Or the equivalent timestamp for your timezone.
  17. Mouse over the timestamp of the edit, and both posts. It's finicky, but it's there. Not sure what you mean here. Your post was valid, and Frybert's was not. Then Mycroft posted and sent it to -24, and Frybert changed it to -23.
  18. Darkowl, I see nothing wrong with this sequence. Adsii1970 won.
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