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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. *whose And come on, it's not that hard. Somebody has to do it, and you're the one who's interested.
  2. This is silly. I can't remember how I pronounced it back int he AJO thread. Gosh darnit. Don't get me started on Towel (Tail), Did you eat (jeet), Orange Juice (arnjuize), Seven-Eleven (semalemon), or Chocolate (chaclet).
  3. It's from one of the interludes, IIRC. It should still be available. Edit- I say this thread's title as pronouns-mints.
  4. Birthday rep. Two things gone in this forum, the "Birthday's today" and the rep messages.
  5. That's cheating! I agree. But I think my overall point still stands- we have a societal problem with smartphones.
  6. I have a flip phone. My favorite thing to do with smartphone people is challenge them to a "drop contest:" arms length, and then drop both phones, and see which survives. It's worked- once. And I think I'll get the last laugh, because Apple just patented the design for a folding phone. Full circle! But I digress. Yeah, but parents don't do all of that. Society has as much influence, too- it takes a village- and that changes with each generation.
  7. Isn't that almost the epitome of generational? Spankings were common when my parents grew up, but not now.
  8. Of course. But the difference is how each generation reacts to it, and how often they do it. And quite often, the "quick glance at the FB" turns into a browsing session. Absolutely.
  9. Well, yeah. I still like reading newspapers and books. But I don't take out a book in the middle of a conversation and start reading it. And you wouldn't see a group of friends out for lunch all reading their own personal book and ignoring each other. My point was that they were not rude people, just being rude. No disagreements. Probably. My favorite part of this thread is how we've gone 29 posts on a controversial topic and it's still civil. I like these forums.
  10. I wish we were still able to add messages to our rep.
  11. Yes, socially acceptable, as opposed to personally acceptable. Then I would say we have a societal problem with smartphone usage.
  12. Neat! This is my favorite interview with him. [May or may not be blocked outside the US.]
  13. Hi, @Tamim Sarker, and welcome aboard! I'm not so new to this game. If you have questions about the game ask in the Gameplay Help and Tutorials subforum. Coincidentally, that's also where you can find various helpful tutorials.
  14. At what point does the mass of individual problems become a societal problem?
  15. I disagree. They're not rude people, they just follow the norm for our age group. It's a pretty broad assumption to say that most members of a particular age group are rude people. Additionally, the design of many apps encourages users to check them constantly. They condition us to keep checking Facebook, for example, in hopes of finding some new status update. This is pretty simple operant conditioning using a variable ratio schedule. There are less social skills you have to master online than in real life. For instance, reading body language, tone, and context are as just as important as the words in a conversation. It becomes simpler when you remove about half of the tasks needed to have a conversation IRL.
  16. Hello, @Nathangun, and welcome aboard! One other contract pack I know about is @inigma's GAP pack- Giving Aircraft a Purpose. Also, you don't have to do every mission offered. And if you end up not liking career mode, try Science or Sandbox. Science mode might end up being exactly what you're looking for.
  17. I care. When I go out with friends for dinner, it only takes about five minutes for everyone else to end up looking down at their smartphones. It's rude, even if they have important things they're doing. It sends a message to me that I'm not worth their time, and we all lose time together. Do I want a smartphone? Of course! But I don't think that our social norms and etiquette have caught up with the astonishing pace of technology. Or, if they have, then consider me old-fashioned for wanting face to face communication when I'm with someone. I don't blame people for not wanting to be bored. Heck, I'm on my computer or within five feet of it for most of my day. But being bored makes you think, and not just about how much you're bored. Studies show that boredom offers benefits to your creativity. This makes sense, right? If you're stuck doing something mindless, you can think about, for example, all the different uses for a pair of plastic cups! Yeah, that's kinda useless, but it's a brain-training exercise. Creativity begets creativity.
  18. Yup. That's correct. The R7 had them, too, because the main engines didn't have gimbal.
  19. No.... 2. You need to take their post and re-word it using this tool (it lets you type what you want, and draws a red line under any "forbidden" words)... I did what the OP said. Next person has to do: Another point that is highly situation dependent. Most times if you are maneuvering your tanks and come under anti-tank gun fire you might not even know where the fire is coming from. In these cases I would suggest you pop smoke (if available) and withdraw. Then scout the area where you suspect the fire came from in order to identify where it originated. Once you have that information you can area fire to suppress the gun and then attack it. If the anti tank gun's location is known then by all means area fire around the gun and assault it using the Fire and Movement technique.
  20. Hmm, for some reason all these wonderful updates weren't notifying me. But this is good news! I look forward to seeing the final product! You've been working on this for at least a year and a half, right? EDIT: Oh my god, that's astonishing. The precision there would make a German cry with happiness.
  21. Another point that is highly situation dependent. Most times if you are maneuvering your tanks and come under anti-tank gun fire you might not even know where the fire is coming from. In these cases I would suggest you pop smoke (if available) and withdraw. Then scout the area where you suspect the fire came from in order to identify where it originated. Once you have that information you can area fire to suppress the gun and then attack it. If the anti tank gun's location is known then by all means area fire around the gun and assault it using the Fire and Movement technique.
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