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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. The Ghost! It's The Ghost! @Deddly Yes.... yes... let the hate flow through you. Hmmm.... On a serious note, I recall Kuzzter leaving Gregmore off this mission. He said it was because he was planning a second mission (possibly to Dres, which then got canceled), but it now happens that both Gregmores (who?) are at Kerbin at the same time. Coincydink? I think not!
  2. Yup, I've disabled as much of the tracking and "interconnectedness" as I can. To be clear, I did get rid of the Anniversary Edition, but not without Dell Customer support's help.
  3. Is it called The Armada? My dad read it when he was younger, and he said it's what gave him a love of history. I also read it, but it wasn't exactly my favorite book.
  4. Oh, Win7 was the best. I have Win10 and I hate it. The auto-installing the Anniversary Edition, with no way to turn off Cortana. (Hint- you can undo updates from the Control Panel. Yes, you have to look for it. No, I don't know why Microsoft overwrote all your settings.) The constant tracking and invasion of privacy. The crappy UI. I'm really only using Win10 because OSx won't play as many games, neither will Linux. If there was a system that could give me 80% of what I have with Win10, I'd switch to it in a heartbeat.
  5. Master and Commander was a good movie. Will the books be good, too?
  6. My brother is a huge Napoleonic geek. I think he's read The Campaigns of Napoleonat least 5 times. Me? Not so much. ONly how it relates to the American Civil War.
  7. I can't recommend enough the other two books- The Day of Battle, about Italy and Sicily, and The Guns at Last Light, about the Western Allies in Europe.
  8. Do you mean this gem? This might be more of what you're looking for, but I had to show the other one, first.http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/125937-real-human-kerbals/#comment-2287714
  9. I just started The Two Ocean War, about the USN during WWII. I also recommend the Liberation Trilogy, by Rick Atkinson. The first book won a Pulitzer. I also read The Yom Kippur War, by Abraham Rabinovich. If history books were written like novels, this would be on the top 10. The Guns of August is on my shortlist to read soon. Retribution, by Max Hastings, is very good.
  10. The main problem for me right now is figuring out how to code, and how the various modules work. I think I can reuse the old part. I'm sure. I haven't even gotten there yet.
  11. I have the boxed DVD set in my computer room upstairs. Highly recommended.
  12. At the beginning of the war? Let's not forget that this is the same Red Army that took tremendous casualties from the Finns, the same Red Army that Stalin had purged of its effective officers, and wasn't expecting to be attacked. The USSR's main strength during the early war was it's ability to commit almost entirely to fighting the Germans. They didn't have to worry about the Chinese or Japanese, because they were busy fighting amongst themselves, and the British Empire was spread too thin to attack.
  13. It's cold. Yesterday at 15:00 it was warm. Tomorrow will be cold.
  14. And mass-production. The German war machine at that point of the war was unable to transfer from high-quality, high-tolerance engineering to reliably producing the cheapest designs. For various reasons, Germany had lost most of their natural resources. In addition, their labor force was hurting, due to the carpet bombing of factories and cities (but this is debatable). I'd argue that Germany never really transitioned from a per-war, experimentation industry to a war footing, based around simple, reliable, cheap, and effective weapons.
  15. Welcome! I remember your avatar.
  16. Hey, add me, too! I love military history. I'm taking a class on the American Civil War right now. My Eagle Scout project was recording US veterans' stories for the VHP. I'm interested in US military history in particular, but I could hold my own on the Six-Day War and the Yom Kippur war as well.
  17. 5/10 The forum does register bots, but they get banned pretty quickly. I've attended law school. I have a private practice, and charge $200 USD per hour.
  18. Hey, @Qwarkk! Yeah, I'm still trying to update TAC-SD. My limited coding ability is making it a challenge. I'll be sure to post on the old thread when a significant development happens.
  19. I'm flying a passenger jet RN, I know what you mean. The panicked screams are really distracting. @adsii1970, it ends up becoming the same if you post before 10 minutes or if you edit, because the forum merges posts. However, no matter how you choose to correct it, please put some way to know that the second part was not part of the original post. It can get confusing to see a post saying two different things with no indication that it was orignallly two seperate posts.
  20. Let's stay on topic, please. Thread locked.
  21. If a post is out of order, we encourage other players to follow the revert format set forth in the rules. If a player realizes their own post is out of order before anybody else posts, they may either edit it to say "EDIT: Ignore this post" or something similar, or they may also revert back to the last correct number at any time. If it were me, I would revert to the last correct number. It would give me a chance to redeem myself by posting correctly, instead of waiting for the next person to change the number.
  22. Yes, 0111Narwhalz's post was correct, as is yours. DarkOwl's post, however, is clearly not.
  23. @0111narwhalz is correct. The second -36 took precedence over the first one, so Adsii1970's second post was correct.
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