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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. @JoseEduardo is correct. You may continue from @0111narwhalz's -28.
  2. Well, you're right about the first 3, but for the last one I have something different- I don't get any symbol at all. Maybe the grey dot is if you've liked something?
  3. I was under the impression that the star meant you had read it, not just posted in it, and that there was new content.
  4. And hopefully it'll stay that way. But we don't know, and I wouldn't put money on it.
  5. Hello everyone, We are in urgent need of a new GM for the number war. Please PM RainDreamer, Deutherius, and myself if you are interested.
  6. I have a feeling that they can take a bloody nose. But they don't know what one is yet, because they do not understand the concept of fighting. Or stealing. Or murderdeth. That's a beautiful quote. I don't think you could call any of the Intrepid's crew "timid."
  7. I think that's a bad idea. For one, it summons the Kraken, and for two, stealing, raiding, and handing out junk mail fundamentally go against what it means to be a Kerbal.
  8. They might be back? On the other hand, there's no evidence for that, or even what will happen after the Final Battle.
  9. Oh no! A lame literary trick which can ruin a really good story! Kuzzter, you monster! @Garrett Kramme- My theory is it'll be around Laythe or Jool. Obviously it won't be at any of the other moons, because they've been visited (or attacked by a Kraken?). I posted a bit about this a few pages back, I think.
  10. Ah, I see. From a non-technical viewpoint, it can be hard to tell the difference. But thanks for explaining it.
  11. Oh, ok. Glad to hear it. When will it be? Can you put a banner up letting people know when the downtime will be?
  12. @ManeTI: How long will that take? Can you put a banner up top? What, if any, things do you think it might break? Last one destroyed all my friendships. Is it going to be a whole new system?
  13. Here, @max_creative. Nuwdun Kermulan: ... so, we just wait here, bloaked, until the enemy comes? Wherford Kermulan: Yes. Sub-Legate Nuwdun Kermulan Imperial Sky Legion Two Kills Newdun: Have you every wondered how it works? Bloaking, I mean. I- Wherford: No. Legate Wherford Kermulan Imperial Sky Legion Nine Kills Wherford: Such things are of no concern to a true warrior. One need only know how to use it to kill the enemy. Hail the Empire. Newdun: Hail the Empire. Wherford: Now maintain radio silence unless you have something intelligent to say. Even our focused beam transmissions could be- *BZZT BZZT* Newdun: What is it, Wherford? Wherford: Nothing- a sensor malfunction. I'm getting a proximity alarm, but there's no- *WHUP* [a transparent shape grabs one of the fighters. The shape looks like a giant squid.] Wherford: Something's grabbed me! Something bloaked! It's tearing my ship apart! Shoot it, Newdun! Shoot it! Newdun: But I'd have to un-bloak! And turn on my targeting radar! Our orders- Wherford: Screw the orders! Save me! Save me- AAAAHHHH!!! *kkrrrrRRRRRRRAKKKK!!* Bob Kermulan: Hey, Recon-Two just unbloaked! Bill Kermulan: - the hell? Bob: I'm reading weapons fire! Wherford: AAAAHHHHH!!! *fffWOOSH! fffWOOSH!* [Newdun un-bloaks and fires two missiles.] Especially not near Bop.
  14. I, too, have this problem. I'm mostly OK with it, though. It might be a feature. If you accidentally click back, or close the page, the comment you were writing stays there.
  15. i TRied IT, aNd it DidMN't work!!!!!! HeLP!?!
  16. I have to say, that seems a little out of place for Jeb, not in keeping with his character at all. Remember, this is the same guy who quoted/wrote poetry while flying on Duna, at night, and who recited Shakeskerb while 40 m up in the air, holding on to a metal pole with his bare hands!
  17. No you didn't, Kuzzter made the transcript! Really looking forward to the recon flights by fighter pilots. I feel like they'll be hard to control. Also, this means that the ShowdownTM will be at Lathe and Jool. It will probably be over how to pronounce it! And we STILL haven't met the Ghost yet. That makes me more scared than having jumpy fighter pilots in charge of recon.
  18. Fatal error! GetStackOwnerClass() Address = 0xd31f9b (filename not found) [in D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Red Orchestra 2\binaries\win32\rogame.exe] GetStackOwnerClass() Address = 0xcc2649 (filename not found) [in D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Red Orchestra 2\binaries\win32\rogame.exe] GetStackOwnerClass() Address = 0xd357fb (filename not found) [in D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Red Orchestra 2\binaries\win32\rogame.exe]
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