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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. What? Frybert, you're going bananas, man. I know someone who can help, though. @Vanamonde?
  2. Yeah. On the flip side, it looks like Frybert is giving out rep in another thread.
  3. I was not curious, but I'm glad I learned that!
  4. Good answer, I just have one small quibble with it. The equation uses 9.80665 m/s2, not 9.81 m/s2. The difference could be significant when planning a longterm mission, but it's not as crucial when just getting to orbit.
  5. Right now, it's totally broken. KAS/KIS isn't on the radar right now, but it might be in the future.
  6. "Never send a Frybert to do a Vanamonde's job,", eh?
  7. Oh, hey, I remember that! [nothing on clipboard]
  8. That's a good point. @adsii1970, is the class about "The History of Space Exploration" or "The History of Space Flight?"
  9. About ninety percent of the working population depends on agriculture, in which fifty point three six percent of working population are of cultivated and about twelve point seven seven of the region are agriculture laborer. Agriculture is directly connected with land and water resources. In Surguja the percentage concentration of cultivated land is maximum in central zone of the district stretching east to west direction. North and south of this one the percentage of concentration decreases, because of several factors, out of them here are two major factors. The uplands and high lands are mostly covered with rocky wastelands, infertile soil, woods and scrubs, sloppy and forested area. Unavailability of water for irrigation over most of area, improper drainage difficulty in digging wells due to rocky basement, undeveloped means of communication, transportation have restricted the extension of cultivated land.
  10. Want to be forum-famous? Post in every single forum game thread so that the entire page is filled with your avatar. Right, @The Raging Sandwich?
  11. Thanks for asking! I had a little trouble with my PC recently, but that's all cleared up. I can try to do 1.1.3, but I think that 1.2 is going to come first. (Like you, though, I have a 1.1.3 install.) Now @CliftonM and I need to set a time to work on this.
  12. As a current student, I would take this course. That said, there are things i would suggest to make it more interesting to people who aren't space geeks. 1. Spread the work out evenly over the class. I am about halfway through my semester, but we've only done 30% of the work in the syllabus. That's a real pain, especially because all the classes are like that. 2. Don't spend a ton of time on the early space discoveries. I understand that they are fun, and I enjoy learning about them, but I feel that it could become boring for most students. I suggest spending 2.5 weeks out of 12 on them. 3. Don't make it into a class to only learn about rockets. I like the rocket equation, but I don't see it having any fun applications for most students. 4. That said, you should mention Newton and Kepler, especially their respective laws. But keep that simple. Most people don't need to know that a hyperbolic trajectory is a flyby, except the terminology, but they would need to know that most orbits are ellipses, i.e., not perfect circles. Tie that in to a story about Newton. I recall reading that two astronomers made a bet about the shape of orbits, but they couldn't solve who won. Later, on of them asked Newton what shape orbits would be if gravity decreased with the inverse square of distance, and he said, "Why, ellipses, of course." 5. Apollo is fun. Students will want to learn about that. Talk about Apollo, and then talk about Mercury and Gemini. You can tie in the technology from Apollo to the experimental nature of Mercury and Gemini. Then go into detail on the technology of Apollo, and how it has helped us here on earth 6. Most students hate writing papers, but the application of space-age technology to earth living should be more fun that some other topics. Talk about the cordless drill, computers, calculators, etc., and use that as a segway for the paper. I hope this information is helpful.
  13. Hello, @Ryukiri, and welcome aboard! It's good to have you here.
  14. Your two points seem to contradict each other. By preparing a rescue pod, Evil Bob can escape the ship if there is a ramming.
  15. Hmm. It sounds plausible. Let's go through the reasons why it might not be correct. How will the respective crews get home? Although we all know that the Intrepid kicked down the door to Jool, it's much harder to do that on an EVA pack from LJO. In order to ram the Intrepid at maximum speed, the Kerbulans would have to have a highly eccentric orbit, while the Kerbals would need a circular orbit near perijool. That involves a prograde burn, not a retrograde burn. (Someone with orbital mechanics experience, please help here.) We haven't met the Ghost yet. On the other hand, I can see it being correct for one major reason- @Kuzzter hasn't repped it yet. He normally gives some acknowledgement of theories, unless they're close to what he has planned.
  16. Buckling strength of wood dowels Length 10/64” x 10/64” Pine 8/64” x 16/64” Balsa 12” 6.97 lbs. 1.05 lbs. 10” 9.82 lbs. 1.42 lbs. 8” 18.06 lbs. 2.70 lbs. 6” 26.08 lbs. 4.87 lbs. 4” 75.16 lbs.* 9.97 lbs.
  17. Known for... uh, jeez, I don't know. I don't really know you. Known for joining after the 2013 forumpocalypse?
  18. I don't know. Let's ask him. @HoloYolo, where are you?
  19. My Rook gives armor to all my other pieces, increasing their chances of being put in DBNO instead of dying.
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