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Everything posted by VITAS

  1. Also: if anyone is missing a feature on SpaceDock they are welcome to make it happen. The code and help getting started is there. It is however true that servers cost money. My solution is to ask politely instead of going the freemium or ad route.
  2. If youre having problems with the Advanced Search help beeing in the way reload your browser cache by pressing Shift+F5 OR Shift+ click reload
  3. Maintanance: On Monday the 6th at 15:00 CET we will update the Site. There will be a Downtime of up to 30 Minutes. We will keep you up to date here. Downtime has ended. Enjoy the new features and fixes.
  4. says the astronaut on spacewalk?
  5. in DMP most problems (apart from firewalls and port forwarding) come from missing parts on one machine. So even DMP needs the same (parts) mods on every client to be able to show vessels using them. So KSP2 MP needs mod synching and mods working with MP will need to be aware of MP if they alter certain things (e.g. planet mods).
  6. @RaBDawG Why are you always shouting?
  7. I do agree but does it need to be all caps?
  8. @modus The KSP Community has specialist services: Official KSP Forums: The Information Hub Realtime Chat: IRC, nowdays Discord. KerbalX: Craft hosting CKAN: Mod (dependency) manager SpaceDock: Mod hosting (Did i miss something?) I did always want to add more social and administrativ functions like onsite messenging and mod rating. But there was fear it could generate a lot of work manageing those. And helping hands always are in short supply.
  9. I suggested to @cheese3660 (SpaceWarp) to bundle everything in one download and also make an auto download&install script mod devs can distribute with their mods so that the mod loader dependencies can be solved with a single click...until ckan for ksp2 exists. Seems like shes working on that. I also pointed her to you @HebaruSan to exchange insights into ksp2 workings.
  10. Its like a big rocket with small thrusters. Stuck at trying
  11. I see the problems with having information in multiple places. (SpaceDock, Forums and so on). Any idea about what SpaceDock itself could do to minimize that problem? I know its the authors task to harmonize their statements and post in the channels they think are important. But still... Im a service provider my task is to make life easy. Regarding the topic again: Trying stuff is what people do around here. Something will win. Lets hope its the best solution for the task not the VHS of KSP2 Mod loaders. Im not qualified to say which one that is. What a luxury we have that all we can complain about is that we have to much.
  12. Hi, in order to automatically add new game versions to SpaceDock i need an machine readable source for game versions that updates as close to release as possible. I tried steamdb but it only has build numbers. Could the devs/community managers make those available (e.g. as API or simply URL i can scrape?) BTW SpaceDock has an API of its own so mod other people can pull this data and more from there (see https://spacedock.info for documentation).
  13. I like the second one. It fits my PC trying to run KSP2.
  14. Regarding custom Flags i made a modpack: https://spacedock.info/pack/471/Custom Flags
  15. @lordbunson wow very cool. People who still want to help:Its a community project (like every thing here) im sure theres always somethign to help (not only with coding).
  16. For now Space Warp is the more Downloaded. https://spacedock.info/mod/3257/Space Warp#stats https://spacedock.info/mod/3255/BepInEx for KSP 2#stats
  17. im in at least 5 chat places about ksp2 modding atm plus the forums
  18. Yes. I hope that everything boils down to one place to comunicate. Having all this seperate walled gardens on top of the forums and the established watering hole feels a bit ineffective.
  19. @AtomicTech we now have more modding chats than mods
  20. After watching the video i did this to simplify the process: https://spacedock.info/pack/471/Custom Flags P.S. Someone might even want to write a batch file to automate the whole process of installing things.
  21. Yes and because of people like you me and all the others working hard to make this a special community (and the devs knowing this/being part of this for a long time) ownership will always be respected here.
  22. I think the Game devs/publisher should consider giving game licenses to @HebaruSan and other essential devs like they do with media people.
  23. I just ewanted to sway the perception towards monopoly
  24. If you could make a settings slider or other way to easily set this you would have a nifty mod on your hands.
  25. This forum and its community as i know it always tought about the protection of the mod authors work. jumping from respecting your work under all circumstances to disowning you would be very out of character and not be tollerated by the people here.
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