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Posts posted by VITAS
i understand. i might move possible reviews somewhere else.
its important to have at least the table headers in view so visitors see what else is to see IF they scroll down.
i see mod authors as content deliverers and theyre visitors too but the person im realy designing the startpage for is the end user that wants to browse and discover mods. to give them as much information as possible they should have access to reviews (that are mostly hidden in some post on the forums, on blogs and on youtube) and also enable them to post reviews on the site itself. so spacedock could be an iformation hub for mod users that dont want to read trough lengthy threads (but could go there via links if they want to). i also want to offer mod authors more ways to stage their mods. like videos, more mod detail page cusomization and so on.
what i will definitly will implement are tags for mods (instead of categorys), more detailed stats for mod authors, rating by users, more personal startpages using webstats, on site mail/pm, chat, mumble,...(list is still growing)
because we took the ks source code and just dumped it on a server were still debating if we want to do a compleate rewrite or not.
a different theme and with it new features and the removal of non proofen ones is the first step in that quest to let spacedock step out of the shadow of beeing a KS clone and make it something on its own.
the content is placeholder text.
we now have a blog function on SD thats taken over from KS. it isnt linked anywhere so its useless. it would be mostly about SD related posts and anouncements.
The forum link too is only a placeholder and would be replaced, like i wrote, with usefull stuff like e.g. webchat link
i dont think the design takes away from the focus on mods but rearanges some stuff.
the thing im realy interrested to hear: is this better than the current layout /colors
and i understand that ppl are sentimental about ks and they basicly want sd to be ks but i promised not to use the name, logo, domain and other stuff so we need to make this different (the good kind) over time.
Design proposal:
Some explanation:
this would be the startpage (its only a screen atm)
sub pages would have a menu on the left.
there would be a special page with a searchable and sortable table of all mods.
Users could post reviews, videos and other stuff about ksp and mods. (no forum)
the teasers in the black area would be admin picks.
The teasers on the right would lead to SpaceDock Services like webchat.
today @katateochi the owner of KerbalX and me had a talk about his plan to include vessel statistics into his vessel hosting site. I told him that i wanted to do a similar thing for DMP a while back and would love to have a "wich mod lincludes part x" search on SpaceDock. I suggested to include CKAN into this, since they distribute metadata. In addation tot he parts stats it would be great to have an image of that part so my idea is to ther have some sort of headless render setup or/and some sort of mod that generates them on players ksp games (as crowdsource campain). EIther way non of us has the time to implement those things but i would be willing to contribute the needed Server resources to make it happen.
The reason for posting it here is to ask for opinions, ideas how to implement it and folks who are willing to build such a setup (given that CKAN and the rest involved are ok with it)
Not (yet)
i was asured by $devs that the email to problem was fixed but if not ill ask again.
if we realy net to block ppl (wich hasnt come up yet) ive idears how to implement that without ips and cookies.
15 hours ago, TiktaalikDreaming said:
Does the Spacedock/kerbalstuff code have provision for blocking source IPs or registration emails? Not that either system would be anything resembling a true block, but it might go a way toward.
No but i welcome you to add it to github as feature request.
We a bit short on python coders, so implementig it will take a while.
theres always the possibility of adding themes to the site. so you can actualy give everyone what they want.
see my last post for the kind of help we need to make things like this happen.
If any of you are interrested in helping us...
...we can always use helping hands including:
- Python programmers
- Network Admins
- Linux Admins
- People with Docker, swarm, Kubernets, machine, flannel, geoDNS or SQL clustering experience
- Webfrontend Developers (js,html5,css3,twig)
- Graphic Artists / Screen Designer
- General Support / Helpdesk personel
and everyone else who just wants to help with SpaceDock
if youre interrested:
join us onirc.esper.net #spacedock
(click "IRC Chat" at the top of this page and enter "#spacedock" as channel)
and just ask one of the ops (if present) -
There are some addons i know of that can filter users by regex and delet them or prevent users from doing too much actions in a given time span or same actions in sequence e.g. make more than x new pages. i had some spambot attacks in the past on mediawiki sites. capchas help but ocr has gotten to a point where theyre not as helpfull anymore. but there are capacha systems with "click all pics that show e.g. food.
i also would suggest adding more sec questions to the mix (and change that one where oyu have to fill in the blanks i never know what to type).
i dont know if the spambots have a common ip.
also you can always run low level cleanup jobs e.g. on the db level.
in general connecting user acounts of the forum , wiki with some custom reg form would be a good idea because spambots wont adapt to custom soft that fast (not enough victems out there). but doing so requires some nasty coding...
maybe some of these tips are usefull
no some inefficent code is maxing out the cpu when ckan is using it as source while you guys are rocking it hard and its trying to make backups while make me a coffee...
in such cases the webserver autorestarts flushing the system.
average usage is 1/20th of the availabel bandwidth.
also the cdn is comming. it only takes some time to build a worldwide network of nodes with loadbalancing on all that nifty stuff.
Todays traffic usage was 360GB. Thank you for using my premium-bits
issue handled.
we are working on a more streamlined abuse process.
Yesterday i restarted the webserver at one point. maybe that caused it. if so: sorry
Today you guys finaly cracked the 300GB/day traffic barrier. so there must be some good stuff on the site allready.
on towards 400GB
you can submit that as feature req on github if you like.
there wasnt any user data taken over from ks. but due to google and hotmail throwing away user mail without asking i took the liberty to unlock some accounts.
Regarding my file hosting:
Having the files at the particular location is a temporary thing. i only want to move them to somewhere "nicer" when possible. So they wont be gone. we are also hard at work to build a real CDN. For now Bandwidth and traffic are no problem (theres max 75Mbit/s of the 1000Mbit/s the box has in use)
But youre bringing us the content under adverse conditions.
Without people like you there wont be a site and no community.
So I thank you for doing so
Personaly i understand your problems but from a site admin standpoint i have to act consistant and logicly.
So I would welcome it if you guys made a new thread to discuss mod licencensing problems.
If you come to a conclution on where the line should be drawn for removing mods you can tell me and also implement it.
Everyone is welcome to join us on IRC.esper.net #spacedock to help us out.
We can use every helping whos willing to make this the best site it can be.
Thank you foks.
7 hours ago, frizzank said:
Servers are not free, please put a donate button on SpaceDock and every other kerbal mod hosting so we can give you some money.
you can right in my signature. it will also be on the site soon ish.
p.s. im open to suggestions for other ways to donate in our dev thread
Good questions
1.If you can proof that youre the copyright owner and the licence you published it under via your default distribution channels (e.g. forum) is prohibiting it from beeing posted without your consent we will remove it. You can send such requests via email (see spacedock.info for address).
2. we do av scans on uploaded files. we are aware that some viruses wont even be detected with heuristic scans. Thats why we encourage everyone to send us information about possibel infected files either here or via email.
yes it is.
we are working on the retheming of the site as we speak.
p.s. got my email and want to hop into our chan #spacedock to talk about it?
ask in #ckan on irc.esper.net maybe they can help you
SpaceDock.info (Mod Hosting Site)
in KSP1 Mods Discussions
complaint about social featurs noted.
can we get back to the design itself?
e.g. is the top black area to high?
how should it handle responsive design? (what should be removed when it contracts or rearanged where)
are the colors ok?
what about contrast?
does there need to be a dark version?
where to put the menu button on mobile phones? (logo is in the upper left where i would put it)
and so on.