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Everything posted by VITAS

  1. ask in #ckan on irc.esper.net maybe they can help you
  2. Hi, i dont want to interrupt your pationate argument but ive read trough many pages of thread and want to say something about some of the things that came up: 1. SpaceDock is working (and has full CKAN integration by now) 2. Squad offered us non-financial help (within their limits) and we are asking for it whenever we need something. 3. Most of the people working on SpaceDock are IT professionals (including myself). else we wouldnt be able to get such a huge project off the ground (and in that timespan). 4. Theres enough Infrastructure behind the site to cope with the usage it gets (but we are working on expanding it to make it even faster) 5. You might like Curse or not. In the end the mod author decides where he puts his creation and the user has to get it from there. So is there realy a point in a discussion about whats good and whats bad? 6. Curse and Squad are companies and SpaceDock is not so we arent in a rush to make money. So we dont need revenue streams like ads to keep the site alive. 7. Squad has proven to be one of the most social, open and community oriented Game companys i know (and i worked for some). Just think of EA... 8. what more can you ask for than having a site thats owned by the community, run by the community and for the community with direct contact to the company that mad this great comunity even possible in the first place? ...and yes youre a great community fellow eggheads
  3. I still hold by my statement: No Ads. who wouldnt be happy to life off what he likes to do but i dont belive that will ever happen with spacedock. i want it to be there for everyone to exist and thats why im sinking so much time and money into it. the only business model i have is: it should keep to its strength: simple, no hassel downloads, fast, no ads if any legal cunstruct can help keep it that way i will look into it if it deludes the thes goals ive no interrest in them. a club isnt like a foundation its merly a gathering of like minded like we are atm with some legal benefits to act as group not as individuals. but even that avenue isnt even a topic of discussion among my fellow team members. we concentrate on one thing alone: to get sustainable structers up and trunning that gurantee you the existance of this site as long as there will be someone playing ksp. so everyone is welcomed who wants to contribout something be it money or his/her profession. and when we are ready we will talk about whats next you are a great comunity! p.s. im unemployed atm so job offers would be welcome
  4. I welcome your offer for help. For info: im from Germany and the Server is also based in germany. So german law applies. im unsure how ell youre verst in german law. But i would welcome your help in writing watertight documents and help out if problems arries, that involves US juristiction. In germany theres the the legal construct of a club (e.V. = eingetragner verein) as far as i know at least 3? or 5? people have to get together to form such a club, draft up the clubs statues, elect a club president and such. apart from that there is too is the possibility to form a foundation but req. are way higher than for a club. since im no lawyer i would check with official sources to confirm if im right. but anyway: big thanks for offering another building block to make this a real professional affair.
  5. sometimes i just activate everyone still unactivated. but thats manual. thank you Redneck and John for your pledge. due to the succsess ive upped the goal to get some upgrades going and compensate for patreon and wireing fee losses.
  6. i lost track of time but its daylight out there. still tired but noticed some slowness again...NOT AGAIN! restarted the webserver. that helped. but something is still fishy. calling for backup....everyone asleep. need coffee.
  7. if you guys want to donate for spacedock you can do it here: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2903335&ty=p
  8. as i stated earlier today we discovered a hd was close to death and it was swaped for a new one. my monitoring tells me average site generation is down to 0.53s bandwidth usage is max 8% so no reason for it to be slow anymore. i will repeat: NO ADS on spacedock! if you wish to support donate on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2903335&ty=p but i made sure we can survive without donations if we must. if you dont want to sign up for patreon you can ask the guys on the team via #spacedock on irc.esper.net for their address and order them something nice like a cake or some massage seats also its an ongoing discussion if we allow sponsorships of comapnys and in turn make a "thank you" page with logos and links. everything is good on the station that is spacedock so join us there. p.s. now we are working on the logo
  9. i dont know how patreon works but $someone said i should use it so here goes: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2903335&ty=h
  10. some updates server problems were having a hd failure. the server is now getting its drive replaced (im running raid 1 so no data will be lost) email we decided to see if google will play ball in the course of a week or so. if not we plan on discussing messures to take (e.g. outsorcing to a "google trusted" mail provider) i f youre having problems getting your mail please show up in esper.net #spacedock and ask darklight or me to manualy activate you. banners i know what the problem is and after the server is sorted out i will adress that issue. updates from github were preparing a staging server to test new code before wie put it into production to preven surprises. until then no bugfix or feature from github will be deployed. dontations ims till thinking about the how. there will be donations at some point. logo several ppl are making submissions everyone is welcome to make one. we will decide on the one we use later
  11. k so for the moment i declare this one fixed. some slowness might occur at least once a day when the server is doing its backup run. off to fix more stuff....and getting some sleep
  12. i made some server tweaks i hope this solves the slowness surges. pls report your page load times
  13. yesterday i bumped up the timout to insane numbers to solve the upload timeout problem. i now reduced it back down a bit again. maybe that helps. after restarting the webserver everything is fine for a few minutes so my gist ist that the server is chocking to death on zombie connections.
  14. There are sudden surges of slowness on the server. first i thought its backups (and it still might be) but honestly ive no idea as of now. But ill figure it out. p.s. cpu load is arround 3-4% and bandwidth use is 1% the entire time (fast or slow phases).
  15. They didnt pay for the Game but for all that jucy Personal Data and Influence they get. Minectraft players are cave men? But yes. Minecraft is more versetile than ksp. So ksp wont attract such diverse audiences as Minecraft does.
  16. Minecraft has at least replaced building real Treehouses (for Kids) ...search youtube for it
  17. Hi, moving a "organicly grown" productive website wasnt as easy as i hoped. The Server itself is running smootly, but i had to remove some issues in my code that i had overlooked when moving. If someone feels fluid enough in php js and those kinds of things i would be happy to have some help. BTW the site now supports ipv6 and https (im looking into http/2 now)
  18. Hi, i moved http://d-mp.org to another host. I hope its more stable now. I had some major trouble with my router locking up due to regular ddos attacks. If anythign isnt working (that was before) please leave me a note in irc or post it here
  19. what exactly is refreshing? How is your server called and what is the team name? Found your problem (you where the guy in the chat wherent you?) the server address must be the ip without the port you inserted "address: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX port: 6812" and "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: 6812" but it must be "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" you can send me your plugins cfg file via pm here if its still not working. also you can use the description field and dont have to put it in the name. (descriptions are multiline and support markdown for formating)
  20. Hi, I reply in english, so that others can understand it and maybe help you too can you check your external ip (if its 192.168.XXX.XXX or 10.XXX.XXX.XXX or - If you have (i think) kabel deutschland you sadly have a carrier grade nat and therfore no "real" public address. Why doesnt your friend host the server? Is there any reason why you dont use one of the public servers in the serverlist on http://d-mp.org ? Tungle usualy works better than hamachi. Tungle adds his own Virtual nic so if youre using it make sure its the first one in the list and also make sure to restart the server and client after every change to the nics. (btw tungle is based on openvpn) Do you have any additional firewall/security software like kaspersky running? if so it might be the thing blocking. Also in case your using wifi try using a cable instead for your computer (wifi isnt usualy a big problem but its always good to avoid it if you can) Have you set up other servers or services in the past that worked (on the sys and inet connection your trying to get dmp to work on)?
  21. It does work on (Big) Macs. You have to use mono (see FAQ, Wiki, Readme , Chat, etc.)
  22. Minorex: In german: Unter windows ist es nötig den VPn Adapter als primären adapter einzurichten. Geh in Netzwerkumgebung->Adapter Halte ALT gedrückt und gehe im Menü auf Erweitert ->Erweitert. Im neuen Fenster den Hamachi Adapter ganz nach oben schieben. Ausserdem in den Firewalleinstellungen auf erweiterte Firewall. Firewall Einstellungen und dort den Adapter von der Firewall ausnehmen (Deaktivieren der Firewall reicht bei windows nicht). Ping Via Hamachi funktioniert nicht immer, da Ping ICMP Benuzt und Hamachi damit so seine probleme hat (Es gab mal in Hamachi einstellungen für broadcasts, ICMp usw.) Probier mal tungle, kein vpn oder setz dein eigenes vpn auf (hamachi ist in meinen augen mist) In English: In Windows VPN Adapters must be the primary NIC. Goto Networking-> Adapters hold ALt and select Extended -> Extended in the menu. In the new window move your hamachi adapter to the top. In addition to that click on Extended Firewall settings in your Firewall settings and exclude your hamaci nic from your firewall. (under Windows it isnt suficiant to disable the firewall) Ping via Hamachi doesnt always work , because ping uses ICMp and hamachi has its problems with it (there where some options in hamachi for icmp, ping and multicast). Try using tungle, the internet or set up your own vpn (Hamachi is crap in my opinion) I hope that helps p.s. im to lazy to translate this to german but: Windows from 7 onwards by default blocks ping so do most routers. (incoming that is) If you dont use any vpn the ping request goes to your outbound router (not your pc), so ping doesnt help you finding out if the server is realy acc from the inet. one method would be to let your friend connect via putty or some other telnet/raw protocol capable terminal client to your external ip & port and if he sees some characters theres a service listening on that port. also pirelli does routers?! arent they a tire manufacturer?
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