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Posts posted by VITAS

  1. youve to forward the http server port in your router and give ppl a link like http://yourpublicip:telemachusporti would find it a realy good idea to add some sort of relay server to this mod. the mod could send his data to such a server and ppl could in turn contact that server. this would shift the load for public telemachus servers from the client to some real server and also users wouldnt have to deal with port forwarding.

  2. Hi,

    im willing to donate some resources on my servers towards interresting ksp related projects in need of services run by dedicated servers.such as mysql databases, websites, file hosting, ...

    All of my hosts are real hardware and have a 1gbit/s syncronous connection with static ips.if youre interrested please introduce your project and state your needs (youve to be the project owner to apply).

    I hope my contribution helps some great projects to have the infrastructure to become even better :)



    p.s.: im allready hosting DMP http://d-mp.org

  3. Partless crashes after loading (splash screen) , ahile displaying loading in lower right, before showing mainmenu.

    OS: Win7 64Bit (running ksp64)

    Log extract:

    [LOG 14:51:23.614] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Telemachus/Parts/FustekAntenna/part/fustekAntenna'

    [LOG 14:51:23.622] [Telemachus] Telemachus data link starting

    [LOG 14:51:23.625] Parsing int

    [LOG 14:51:23.625] Parsing string

    [LOG 14:51:23.626] Parsing int

    [LOG 14:51:23.629] [Telemachus] Invalid IP address in configuration file, falling back to find.

    [LOG 14:51:23.629] [Telemachus] No max request length specified, setting to 8000.

    [LOG 14:51:23.631] [Telemachus] Partless:True

    [LOG 14:51:23.649] [Telemachus] Telemachus data link listening for requests on the following addresses: ( and XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8085 and XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8085 and XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8085 and XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.:8085). Try putting them into your web browser, some of them might not work.

    [LOG 14:51:23.657] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Telemachus/Parts/TelemachusAntenna/part/ant'

    22% memory in use.

    32734 MB physical memory [25400 MB free].

    65466 MB paging file [57746 MB free].

    8388608 MB user address space [8386388 MB free].

    Write to location 03b60000 caused an access violation.


    RDI: 0x0af02e50 RSI: 0x6ef135c0 RAX: 0x4abc4a10

    RBX: 0x4604a200 RCX: 0x00000078 RDX: 0x30ddbf60

    RIP: 0x03b60000 RBP: 0x002ff3d0 SegCs: 0x00000033

    EFlags: 0x00010206 RSP: 0x002ff320 SegSs: 0x0000002b

    R8: 0x00000800 R9: 0x00000000 R10: 0x00000010

    R11: 0x8717064f R12: 0x002ff7c0 R13: 0x03b14d48

    R14: 0x00000000 R15: 0x00000000

    I hope that helps debugging :)

  4. logo4-lesssoft-500.png


    URL: https://SpaceDock.info




    What is it?

    SpaceDock is the largest Kerbal Space Program Mod hosting Site.


    Wasnt there Kerbalstuff?

    Kerbalstuff was discontinued by its owner.
    I (VITAS) was asked to host something to replace it.
    Using Kerbalstuffs original code and getting massive help from the community and @SirCmpwn (Kerbalstuff owner) we managed to have a replacement up within 48h.


    Why SpaceDock?

    I had a spare Domain and i find it fitting.

    Can i Help?

    Yes! You can Donate Time, Hardware or Money.

    We need every good teamplayer (you don't need to be able to code).

    For Hardware Donations ask us in chat.

    Money  can be donated via Patreon or as Bank Transfer.

    (For Bank Transfer ask me (VITAS) in chat)


    Where is that Chat?

    its on irc.esper.net #spacedock

    You can also go onto http://spacedock.info and click on chat.


    I dont need SpaceDock i use CKAN!

    CKAN gets a lot of its data from SpaceDock.

    CKAN doesn't host files it only links to them.


    Wheres the code?

    You can find the sourcecode on Github:



    Where can i post new Ideas and Bugs?





    What we are working on now:

    We decided to split Spacedocks Frontend and backend.

    VITAS is working on the frontend (including UI rewrite)

    Darklight is working on the backend.

    VITAS is working on an improved cdn setup



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