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Everything posted by Slam_Jones

  1. I don't have any screenshots yet, but basically what's been happening is this: I'll take off in my rocket, trying to intercept another planet. Invariably, I'll miss my target and then load up a save file where the rocket is still on the launch pad. At this point, I've got about a 50% chance of my ship spontaneously having bits explode off, as well as having the fuel tank buildings next to the launch pad spontaneously explode. Looks cool as hell, but is very annoying: I usually have to go back to a save before where I haven't put the rocket on the launch pad yet. TL;DR: Launch rocket, use warp in space, revert to save, stuff go boom for no reason. Sorry if this has been posted already!
  2. Finally managed to build a rocket that could slip the surly bonds of the Kerbol's orbit (all stock). Now if only there were more star systems out there to explore :\
  3. I could be wrong, but I believe it also affects the number of recruit-able Kerbals available at any particular time.
  4. I suggest either taking the slope at an angle (as Jimbimbibble suggested) or at some point adding monoprop thrusters to the back to give it a little extra push. Alternatively, I think the ruggedized rover wheels are better at slopes than the ones you're using currently
  5. On my career mode (unmodded), I'm up to year 8 or so, I've landed on Mun (where I have a mobile MunBase), Minmus, Duna, and Eve. I scored 6 points, which translates to a total score of: 0.3! Don't be too jealous.
  6. Mun or bust! (Sorry, it's kinda dark up there...)
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