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Posts posted by Ascensiam

  1. In my opinion, there is a special kind of satisfaction to be found in being a complete purist, achieving something by being crafty without picking easy solutions, or simply by being skilled, such as redocking a satelite into a cargo bay.

    Of course, it is entertaining to have new toys to play with, but i think achieving as much as possible, with as little or simple components as possible, yields my kind of satisfaction, in the end, it is just personal taste, of course.

  2. New update! I'm sure most of you want to do a nostalgic visit to the mun again, now that it's been polished and looks as good as new.

    It also goes without saying that minimalists and the probe lovers just had a massive boost to their flexibility, dump all 0.21 related content, mun adventures, and pictures in this thread so we can keep the others clear.

  3. This is probably the awesomest lag cannon I've seen so far. How many parts on this beauty?

    I'd have to fish up an old persistence file for this one, i think it was 1300-ish, which is far less than what i could've aimed for.

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