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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. im currently prepping for my first mun landing, might not seem much, but everyone has to start somewhere, right?
  2. i cant build spaceplanes, i cant fly them either. i dont ever name anything or plant flags anywhere. i always seem t figure out the most inefficient way to do things.
  3. just a quick update: we now have a website and an adress, come find us at http://jjpr.tk
  4. as i said, we dont have a website yet, and because there isnt really anything of a station yet, the stream is quiet ATM. thanks for your interest though
  5. !!ATTENTION!! WE ARE HAVING DOWNTIME, THIS CAN TAKE UP TO A WEEK what is Jebediah's Junkyard Pirate Radio? Jebediah's Junkyard Pirate Radio (from here on referred to as JJPR) is a webradio station (were not actually pirates, it just sounds good) created by and for the KSP community. we broadcast "normal people" music but we also provide KSP and Space related content. you can find us at http://jjpr.tk BUT were we only have one DJ (me), a streaming server and a logo. so: We need help! to get this together were gonna need dj's because we only have one (me). we DO have an autodj for 24/7 music, but i'd like to have as many human beings on this thing. i'd love to get this together and i truely believe that we can do this. also: we need more music and more variety, if you have any suggestions for albums/artists, contact me. if you'd like to help out with anything, please reply to this topic or send me a pm.
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