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Posts posted by Agost

  1. Kerbal Engineer says 94 kg, same result as yours

    I hope thay fix it in the next release. This 1.0 is more like a 0.95 version IMHO, they should have waited until Unity 5 had been fully implemented

    p.s.: yes, I'm forgetting english grammar

  2. Today was the final launch of Hiyori in support of the Duna mission, in more ways than one. Today's cargo was the final load of supplies and last minute fixes:


    Megselle will relocate the massive solar arrays and then assemble new docking adapters from parts brought up by Hiyori. Unfortunately, not all the extra parts will fit in the storage containers, so a heavy load along with numerous unneeded parts from the Duna ship is going back to Kerbin. Hiyori hasn't been tested with this much down-mass.


    Initially, re-entry goes fairly well, but she's way off course and sets down in a hilly area near the space center.


    The terrain and heavy load prove to be too much, and Hiyori is a total loss.


    But the mission must go on. The final preparations complete, A-70, Papi, brings the first four crew to the ship.


    Elsewhere in Kerbin orbit, the final crew of the Highlab completes their tour. Papi's sister ship, Suu, docked for over 60 days, now de-orbits the small station before returning to the space center for a quick refit.


    For some reason, Highlab doesn't heat up enough during reentry.


    Instead of burning up, it crashes to the ground nearly intact. Someone is getting one L of a littering bill.


    Suu is turned around in record time, and brings the last of the crew to the waiting Duna ship. Papi and Suu will also serve as crew landers/return vehicles at Duna.


    With all in readiness, the Duna ship uses the meager fuel from the asteroid to depart for Minmus, where she'll be fully fueled.


    Burning for nearly 20 straight minutes, things get quite toasty.


    But the ship performs well and is soon on its way.


    Approaching Minmus, Bonnie Kerman retrieves some last minute science.


    Several long weeks of fueling sorties remain.

    Where are those parts from? ( lander, radial engines etc )

  3. Hi all,

    I'm trying a bit the 1.0 before modding it, since I'm waiting for all mods I want to use to be compatible ( and I have some exams to do... )

    I put 110% heating at the beginning of the career, hoping it was good enough, but I was wrong. Coming back to Kerbin at 3 km/s with a debris ( falling engine side ) and from 2000x10 km sub-orbital trajectory... nothing burning.

    I'd like to have a real concern when I'm coming back from orbit, but I'd like to avoid DRE, since reentry heating is now stock. How can I make it more deadly? Put to 120% and edit settings in .cfg files/ debug menu? At which settings?

    Thanks in advance

  4. IMHO clipping is "good" only if you're trying to make something which can be realistic. So, if you are clipping more wings only to make a smoother shape, or make parts make better contact ( like almost anything attached to the MK1 pod ) it's ok.

    Putting multiple fuel tanks in the same space or engines inside other engines... well it's cheating according to me

  5. Congrats!! docking is quite tricky but you are doing great!!

    Thank you! Putting those two Station Science modules was a PITA since I didn't even have Mainsails as main engines. I'm waiting for new parts to make the station bigger.

    However, does anyone know why I can't transfer kerbals on those modules from a pod? I have standard docking ports...

  6. Almost every part is able to cool almost every engine to the point where heat is virtually irrelevant in the game, in spite of it being coded for.

    The exceptions being the Rapier (looks like heat is working as intended there) and the Mainsail (not working as intended).

    I don't recall it being mentioned in talks about beta, but the heat thing has to be taken somewhere eventually. Maybe there will be reentry heat after all.

    Are real rockets designed so that fuel tanks cool the engines?

    Real rocket engines are either ablative ( the internal part of the bell has an ablative coating ) or cooled by cryogenic fuel or oxidizer, depending on the design

  7. Engines overheat on their own.

    The first think I can think of : deadly reentry. It greatly lower the heat limit of every parts (divide by 2 most of the temperature tolerance).

    Here are my advice :

    (1) As long as the mainsail does not explode, don't bother overheating. If it does :

    (2) keep other engines away from it (if they are not just beside it, it sould be fine)

    (3) attached parts acts as heat sinker (aka radiator). If you have any mods that add radiators, they probably are intended to be on your craft, between the tank and the engine. if not, you can try attach radial thing to the engine/tank. Also I don't know much about how ksp manages heat, maybe some structural parts are better sinkers than tanks (and I don't know at all about KW tanks, you sould maybe check stock tanks)

    (4) throttle down to a safe point, and throttle up when your rocket goes higher and the engines less overheats. (you might add srb to compensate the losss of twr at launch)

    edit : ninja'd :)

    1) it does

    2-4) it actually didn't explode until I jettisoned the SRBs and went full throttle... and I was at ~ 25 km

    3) never happened with other tanks... But since the Vesta 2.5m from KW overheated too, I think it's because the long tank bug.

    It actually start burning at 1750° C, so DRE isn't affecting its maximum temp. With DRE I've even made a LV 909 re-enter atmosphere without burning.

    Thank you all, tomorrow I'll try a better design and I'll post some screenshots.

  8. There's a longstanding heat transfer bug, especially with tall tanks. The Mainsail's heat production was reduced a few versions back to compensate, though.

    That said, if the engine isn't exploding, the overheat bar doesn't matter.

    Yes, it eventually explodes... I'll try with shorter tanks on the bottom. But not today, it's too late

  9. Hi all, today I was trying to add some parts to my station...

    However my rocket engines strangely started overheating very quickly, especially the mainsail I put under a 2.5 KW rocketry tank. I thought it was because of other engines, but it kept overheating even when I jettisoned the others.

    The Vesta 2.5m did something similar... What could be the issue? KW rocketry tanks? I used the painted ones.


  10. No worries. :) I mean to state things factually, sorry if I come off harsh sometimes.

    The other thing you can do is reduce the "max" texture sizes in the main config. If you change them from something other than 0, that will be the max texture allowed. This can also be useful for mac computers, to reduce 8k or 4k textures to 2048 as an example. Can save quite a bit of memory that way.

    Yes, I know that, but now I'm trying with already smaller textures. Is it a good idea to make clouds in BoulderCo not readable?

  11. WarpPlugin/[^/]*

    resolves to "anything in the root of WarpPlugin that doesn't exist in a subfolder". so WarpPlugin/texture.png would be handled by this, but WarpPlugin/parts/texture.png would NOT.

    The parts are getting compressed. I just double-checked your logs.


    Well, sorry, I'm not a code expert :(

    Thank you for the patience. I'll probably mix some BA textures to get acceptable results now, in order to reduce ram footprint

  12. A lot of those textures are resource maps. Obviously, they shouldn't be compressed or resized, but they also don't need mipmaps for that reason too.

    Yes, but KSPInterstellar has a whopping 122MB of parts. First override of the .cfg is:





    compress = true

    mipmaps = false

    scale = 1

    max_size = 0

    make_not_readable = false


    Which means that the whole directory does not get compressed, if I'm not wrong, since the scale is 1. The loading times kinda confirm this, since the whole WarpPlugin/stuff takes way less time than other mods.

    Are these lines correct to compress parts only?





    compress = true

    mipmaps = true

    scale = 2

    max_size = 0

    make_not_readable = true


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