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Posts posted by Agost

  1. You make a tanker truck with a claw attachment. Drive to plane, claw, refuel. Drive back to runway and recover for 100% minus fuel transferred to plane. You can also use the truck to spawn the kerbals for the plane, just add a probe core to drive back.

    Didn't know that the refund was 100% on the runway, I thought it was less. Is this the same for TAC-LS and/or similar resources? ( the ones for station science for example )

    An electric powered car. You expend no fuel, and recover it once the Kerbals have departed. Full refund.

    Wasn't thinking about that... yeah, I'm quite new to KSP


    You can do airport buses if you want, but the simplest way is to just spawn a few Hitchhiker pods onto the runway, exit the Kerbals and recover the pods.

    And, as mentioned by others: land on the runway, taxi to your parking spot.

    I didn't mean ladders... I asked it because I forgot that the runway is actually connected with the KSC without any step, unlike the one between the runway and the ground

  2. I'm trying to make a spaceplane with PWings... but B9 legs keep getting crazy when attached to these wings. They start to wobble after a while, then they make me lose control of the craft and it obviously crashes.

    I'm also thinking that they don't give the same amount of lift as normal wings, my plane can't even take off at 130 m/s ( and my FAR derivatives are all green or white ) despite having lots of wing area

    How can I solve these problems?

    ...no one?

  3. The persistent.sfs (and also quicksave.sfs files) are merely text files that can be edited in any appropriate editor. I use Notepad++ myself.

    You will have to find that particular vessel in the file, then find one or more parts capable of storing EC and changing the values to something nonzero. It's late, I'm tired, and I'm not looking up specific variable names, etc tonight. If you are still having issues, I might post more details tomorrow...after sleep...

    Done ;)

    Thank you all

  4. I'm trying to make a spaceplane with PWings... but B9 legs keep getting crazy when attached to these wings. They start to wobble after a while, then they make me lose control of the craft and it obviously crashes.

    I'm also thinking that they don't give the same amount of lift as normal wings, my plane can't even take off at 130 m/s ( and my FAR derivatives are all green or white ) despite having lots of wing area

    How can I solve these problems?

  5. If it's a probe and you're out of electric charge, you have no control, so you can't extend the panels because you can't make the ship do anything. There's a way to get around this- a Kerbal on EVA should be able to right-click the closed panels (so long as they're close enough to them) and manually pull the panels open. Then once you get a little power into the probe you'll have control again.

    I don't have enough time to bring other kerbals there... can I edit the electric charge from persistent.sfs? How? Just to get enough EC to open the panels...

  6. So... I'm testing some mods on sandbox mode and I forgot to put radiators on my first scansat probe, so I managed to get my first ever rendezvous (without docking ) on a high polar orbit around the Mun to attach some rads via KAS.

    The total waste heat capability has increased, but solar panels still have lots of it... do parts get irreparably damaged once they hit waste heat limits?

  7. @PART[partnamehere]:NEEDS[KAS]
    name = KASModuleGrab
    evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.00, -0.21)
    evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
    dropAtGroundPos = false
    dropPartPos = (0.0, -0.1, -0.65)
    dropPartRot = (0.0, 90.0, 0.0)
    addPartMass = true
    storable = true
    storedSize = 8
    attachOnPart = True
    attachOnEva = False
    attachOnStatic = False
    attachSendMsgOnly = False

    Play with the numbers as you see fit.

    It's a ModuleManager patch. Create a new .cfg anywhere under GameData, with any name that helps you remember what it does, or add it to any file you already use for local ModuleManager patches.

    Thank you!

  8. @PART[partnamehere]:NEEDS[KAS]
    name = KASModuleGrab
    evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.00, -0.21)
    evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
    dropAtGroundPos = false
    dropPartPos = (0.0, -0.1, -0.65)
    dropPartRot = (0.0, 90.0, 0.0)
    addPartMass = true
    storable = true
    storedSize = 8
    attachOnPart = True
    attachOnEva = False
    attachOnStatic = False
    attachSendMsgOnly = False

    Play with the numbers as you see fit.

    Thank you, but... in which .cfg file shall I put this code?

  9. Sorry, but what are those air intakes for? They're not very heavy, but you're still adding dry mass to your rocket... and strain to those legs

    Moreover, I'd try with different motors. 8x Skippers have a total mass of 24, kinda heavy. With single S3 KS-25x4 Engine Cluster OR Kerbodyne KR-2L Advanced Engine you would have, respectively, 61.5% thrust and 40% dry mass OR 48% thrust and 27% dry mass, while still having plenty of thrust. If you're launching a big craft and you need more TWR, the good old MOAR BOOSTERS rule is fine.

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