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Everything posted by michaelsteele3

  1. I'm going to spray paint a picture of a supersonic jet on your bedroom wall...
  2. "60% of people in this world are stupid. I'm with the other 30%" GG
  3. No, but your username is priceless. Anyways, I bought it when it was around $23
  4. Parachutes aren't mainly for aerodynamics. They use it, but it's a TOOL to keep you from blowing up. Therefore, utility.
  5. I thought this thread would be something else
  6. Yay. Somebody who doesn't rant about the tutorials! Oh yeah, welcome to the forums!
  7. I hope he is alright... His last post was the one right before he had surgery...
  8. Yeah well that's LA for you. (lolreferencetofuturama)
  9. Let's make an equation, why not? S=Science C=Cost A=Animal For Dogs: C=20,000a Total Science Earned: 10 For Cats: C=40,000a Total Science Earned: 20 For Monkeys: C=60,000a Total Science Earned: 30 I wouldn't really pay 60K funds for 30 science points :/
  10. Haha, younger kids sure are something, aren't they? "I'm not getting an iPhone 6. I'm too good for it. All they do is bend! Worst invention EVER!" Get a case, idiot. Cases don't bend. So I get an iPhone 6 (Not a +) So I'm in public and that same person comes up to me and says "Did it bend yet?" I tell them "Does it look like it?" (It wasn't bent at all.) Then she pulls out an iPhone 6+. It's bent, and has cracks all over it to the point where you can't even see the screen. Then says "See? I told you they BEND!" I ask her what happened to it, and she tells me "I bought it to test it out. I got a clamp from my tool shed, clamped it to my table, and stepped on it. Guess what? It bent! I was right!" Oh my god I can't even...
  11. If my local library had computers with steam on them, the parking lot would probably be full instead of about 3 or 4 cars. Haha. But what exactly is a press pack?
  12. *Reaches behind your head* Oh! What's behind your ear? 1.0.3!
  13. When I first saw the title, I thought it was a suggestion to track Mod Dev's IP and use a lasso to tie them up and bring them to SQUAD HQ. Thanks, brain.
  14. Yeah, SAS Is notorious for making the ship wobble. SAS is basically like a robot using your keyboard, and the robot is running off of Windows 98 (Please quote me on that :3)
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