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Posts posted by michaelsteele3

  1. Haha, younger kids sure are something, aren't they?

    "I'm not getting an iPhone 6. I'm too good for it. All they do is bend! Worst invention EVER!"

    Get a case, idiot. Cases don't bend.

    So I get an iPhone 6 (Not a +)

    So I'm in public and that same person comes up to me and says "Did it bend yet?" I tell them "Does it look like it?" (It wasn't bent at all.)

    Then she pulls out an iPhone 6+. It's bent, and has cracks all over it to the point where you can't even see the screen. Then says "See? I told you they BEND!"

    I ask her what happened to it, and she tells me "I bought it to test it out. I got a clamp from my tool shed, clamped it to my table, and stepped on it. Guess what? It bent! I was right!"

    Oh my god I can't even...

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