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Everything posted by michaelsteele3

  1. If this is what "Major Downside" means nowadays I think I'm going to reconsider my education.
  2. Nope TUBM Has a post count below 1000
  3. Oh would you look at that. It's right in the middle of the continent.
  4. When I click to see what egsticaly means: Dictionary=Forum confirmed.
  5. As stated (paraphrasing) by SQUAD: Kerbal Space Program is a game first, simulation second. Keep that in mind
  6. Heavier the object is, the more momentum it has, thus the harder it collides with the atmosphere.
  7. On this episode of "World's Dumbest Space Programs"...
  8. I guess it's really easy to find something to complain about these days. I mean, it's not like Science or Reputation is on the line. It's a tutorial, PART 1 of a tutorial. Sheesh.
  9. So nearly half of us are here because of youtubers? (Including me, thanks Markiplier )
  10. If you keep injuring the game, I recommend that CKAN mod. It manages everything for you and checks for compatibility between mods.
  11. Yes, a mod should get to you soon. Keep in mind that once you change it, you cannot change it back, even to your old name.
  12. Must... resist... urges.... But really, nobody comes here for the rep. As i've said before, it's not the person getting the rep's fault, it's the person who GIVES them the rep's fault.
  13. Because they might look for files that have been changed and/or removed.
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