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David D Davidson

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Everything posted by David D Davidson

  1. So, I'm running KSP in 2560x1440 and mechjeb is barely visible. Is there an option to change the size of the mechjeb GUI or a .cfg file somewhere? Thanks -David PS: Hope I got this thread in the correct place, if not could a mod please move it; thanks.
  2. P wings won't even snap to my plane body (fusion powered jet; interstellar mod. Naturally fission and fusion reactors along with generators can get a little bit heavy so big delta wings that didn't shear off were what I was going for) so I tried one of the stock delta wings and tried to attach it to part of my fuselage (2.5m inline radiator) and once attached (after plenty of difficulty) it just seemed to jump around the fuselage until the game crashed. I'd love to be able to adjust my wings rather than spending hours with an aircraft jigsaw puzzle but until I find out (probably get told on here) workaround (or a fix) I'll have to uninstall the mod sadly.
  3. It gets rather frustrating when designing a spaceplane as you have to stick all your reactors right on top of the engines (unless you're using nuclerar-electrical engines) usually causing issues with balance, or making you use three tiny reactors when one big reactor would have done the same job and you'd have a more aerodynamic design. Certainly reactors like molten salt reactors can pump their coolant (molten salt) to where it's needed if a pump is provided. More exotic reactors such as fusion or antimatter reactors would naturally need a heat exchanger and pump to get the heat to where it's needed. No idea if this has been said before, but I find it so limiting when there are things like bicouplers (on planes) and placing a reactor in a cargo bay right before said bicoupler will cause the engines to fail completely. I mean... if you can place radiators anywhere shouldn't the same be true for reactors; provided you've got a way (hopefully not too heavy) to move the heat to the thrust source.
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