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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. My first childhood lucid memories are watching TV from Salyut-4/Soyuz-18 and Soyuz-19/Apollo. This, together with the amusing classic underwater nuxplosion photos from Operation Crossroads defined my two main points of interest and the university choice. (And other things perception.) IT came later as a possibility to model that at least on table. So, it's theoretically default-natural for me to be spaceflying and nuking. It's just not available. Also, I'm from the Soviet aviation family, and most part of life worked in aviation. P.S. Also I remember the Skylab, too, when they were discussing if we need to hide in dungeon when it finally falls, but decided that it probably won't happen in our city.
  2. You can. I wish you can bee, moth, wasp, mosquitoe, and any other kind of cosplay.
  3. No typo. And no worries. When it blasts, it will any month be summer. I thought so before seeing this photo.
  4. It would be stylish to stand there in a wide lead hat and to light a cigarette sticking it out. It's a pity nobody cared. *** More Nuka-positive.
  5. Even with the glare on top. Wait... WHAT is illuminating Betelgeuse to cause this glare??? It's something another... something big...
  6. I hope for myriads of sparkles of ice dust from exploded comets.
  7. So, when the super-mighty flare (or the coming bigger explosion) highlights the Betelgeusian Kuiper and Oort bodies from below and maybe evaporates some of them, can we see this? It would prove/disprove the Oort cloud existance at all.
  8. Standing below a 2 kt air nuke at 3 km altitude. P.S. They should include a bald one to get a reflection.
  9. Calling 911 when you are 911 to complain about the stupid users and their stupid calls on stupid reasons.
  10. In case of emergency follow the instructions from the chapters 54/A rev. 4 of the Corporative Emergency Measures Additional Manual and Page 45 (corrected) of the 2019 Annual Corporative Rules Appendix.
  11. 3) Without his VR glasses, he started drinking right out of VR bottle.
  12. Can't find the film budget by seasons. Maybe the screenwriters starve? It's a movie, not a book, and actors cost money. When you don't need one, you kill it its character.
  13. I can't see any. But Russian doesn't have modal verbs. "But the modal verbs aren't had by Russian"? So, I was in hope they are a lego.
  14. (removed, checked the numbers) *** Should we now see the Bettie's Oort cloud?
  15. What would a 300 t helicopter for the Earth look like? The heaviest one is 60 t (Mi-26). Probably a pentagram of five Mi-26s, connected together with struts. Like the Mi-32 project *** Back to the Mars. A flying pack of 150 000 Ingenuities (2 kg) with a cabin hanged below on strings. A forcefield variant: like the Jedi lightsabres but longer.
  16. Idk, they said it's English. So, what's the "Passive Voice" form for "has been to"?
  17. Hello everybody, this is 911. Please, stop calling us for every stupid reason you have, and all your reasons are stupid!
  18. Back in my day the quarks were colored better.
  19. Granted. You suddenly wake up and realize that you are a pterodactyl living 150 mln years before KSP. Granted, but they are only distributed via OnlyFans I wish the OnlyFans mod gets included into other Nertea's Electric Parts.
  20. Yeah, I wish it! As currently the fleas (from basement) are "my" pets (while the "external" cats just eat here), I wish to watch that bloodsucking horror of mosquitoes vs fleas.
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