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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Granted. So the game itself is so bad, that no finite amount of mods (modifications) is enough to save it. Yeah, I wish it! As currently the fleas (from basement) are "my" pets (while the "external" cats just eat here), I wish to watch that bloodsucking horror of mosquitoes vs fleas.
  2. Calling 911 because some ugly bipedal creatures have caught you from your sea, and are going to boil you calling "lobster".
  3. They call "wrong" what they are not ready to accept as alternative normality.
  4. Granted. You grow up and become a father of several forum moderators. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niagara_Falls *** I wish mosquitoes were disgusted by the human blood.
  5. Do we? Those ones who knew the word were made mentally say it, and those who don't are now dying of curiosity what he meant.
  6. Low thrust = long acceleration = more gravity delta-V loss, g * t; say, at TWR=1 the ship will spend all its fuel on the gravity loss. High thrust = high drag = more air drag delta-V loss, v2 and the possibility of the ship melting The optimal acceleration (i.e. thrust) is in between. For space rockets 1.2 g at ground, for ICBM ~2 g.
  7. Once the hard African ice ice gets enough thin to break it with spade.
  8. Any human activity is based on the natural power redirection, and the composition changing is just an easy way to affect the balance and make the water evaporate.
  9. It's a former cuse, an ex-cuse. Also, no accuse - no excuse. So, it's a problem of those who are accusing to get an excuse.
  10. Blasphemy! We warm the atmosphere, don't forget it.
  11. The entire reason of the whole US space program is to avoid flying on Russian and Chinese vehicles. Somehow I doubt that that will be a strong motivator.
  12. Granted. After painting a police car, you get famous in their office. I wish except Neargara Fall there were Fargara and Intermediategara.
  13. Volcanic gases are water steam and carbon dioxide. We need volcanoes. The latter is very solvable in water. We need underwater volcanoes. The underwater volcanoes mostly belong to the mid-ocean ridges (because they are that exact place where they appear.) We need to wake up the mid-ocean ridge underwateer volcanoes. Then we don't need pipes and balloons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mid-ocean_ridge#Volcanism Here we go.
  14. https://blogs.esa.int/exploration/iss-multilateral-coordination-board-joint-statement/ ISS will keep orbiting after 2024.
  15. Granted. It's actually the best graphics card which at least can work with Windows 8.1, Granted. Your new postcard has better graphics because it's printed on a better paper. *** I wish all Windows versions were 7.
  16. Active voice: "Have you visited London?" "I have not visited London." Passive voice: "Has London been visited by you?" "London has not been visited by me". *** Active voice: "Have you been to London?" "I have not been to London." Passive voice: "Has London been (??? "been to" ?) by you?" "London has not been (??? "been to" ?) by me".
  17. You save 1.6 km/s of 9.6. One sixth of required fuel. If the annti-gravity is not magic, then you save twice less, because the antigravitator still needs same energy to work. At least, m * g * (h2-h1) It's just like permanently creating a 1 g thrust. (Unless it's a magic cavorite pod.)
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