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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. It entered this world in its time, but the greedy humans rejected it. "How much???" asked they, trying to believe their ears. "Too expensive!!!" exlaimed they after the first shock.
  2. Upd. Corrected link. https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6rYwQIHM8Q (Embedding is restricted by owner)
  3. The fish will just change. Blue light + red sunset = a year of purple sunsets.
  4. "In fifty years the London streets will be buried under the horse manure to the level of the second floor", or how was that early-XX estimation sounding. For several decades the radiowastes will be stored underground, then burned in the fusion reactor, that's all. ("Burned" = irradiated by neutrons, turned into short-living isotopes, decay, turned into stable light elements, of course).
  5. A bioship. Permanently grows a horny epidermis on top (like a horn or a nail) and needs spaceflights to grind it. Born to fly!
  6. Really? Why others don't? Just send'em all to China and let them do their job. There is not so much nuclear material to recycle compared to the yearly mined amount of minerals. And Tokamak and ITER aren't the only fusion designs, they are just the experimental ones. Stable, photoelectrically active, semi-conductor materials are definitely that what requires a lot of chemistry to recycle. And the chemicals don't just appear, they are manufactured by plants which use a lot of energy and exhausr a lot of wastes. Just at the other ocean coast. But in same air. Volcanic Iceland with 300k population and industrial giants like Norway and Estonia. I obey Atom better than you do!
  7. People of the large modern country, living in wooden houses, say that Hiroshima was overdamaged just because, unlike the modern cities, was built of wooden houses...
  8. The seawater is a conductor itself! Let's build the fusion powerplants and then just drop wires into ocean. It will be an Ocean of Power (literally), and we can even power the ships with it. And right now Europe has a lucky opportunity to see how it works. Btw, about the solar roofers. What about big cities with multi-storey houses? How much roof area per dweller can it provide? How much solar powerplant are do you need to replace all car combustion engines? Why do they?
  9. These proponents of green organic fuel thought so, too. "Green fuel", they said. "The trees are the best fuel", they said. "What can go wrong?", they said. And see, what happened.
  10. Only in A9/A10 two-stage variant, with the first stage originally equipped with a sixpack of A-4 engines. Never built, and was using highly ineffective 75% Schnaps alcohol. If instead of the A-4 heresy they were focused on kerosene-acidic Wasserfall, they could probably build a bigger and more effective rocket. But as Wasserfall irl was never used until the USSR/USA/French tests, so probably what happened irl is the best everyone was able to.
  11. USSR - in 1955-1958. R-5M was a backup option for orbital R-7. USA - in 1958, as they didn't have real interest in long range missiles till Atlas, Thor, Jupiter. Germany - Von Braun and his colleagues once had been arrested for talking about spaceflights instead of doing rockets.
  12. https://www-rbc-ru.translate.goog/rbcfreenews/62e7cd599a7947d3a1206ce2?from=newsfeed&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru
  13. Just like it's needed, The leading fusioneers are busy with ITER, well paid, smiling, fat, and happy. This guarantees from an unexpectedly built effective fusion reactor, which would break the energy market. Like a medieval monastery, where you hold too clever ones, making them busy with scholastics, before they can disturb the public swamp and run disasters. When the fusion time comes, the ITER gang will be spreaded around the really effective projects. *** The fossil fuel will be used while it's effective, just getting more centralized, replacing the petrol cars with powerplants and electric cars. Because: 1. It works, don't repair. 2. The hydrocarbon price consists mostly of taxes, the cost is usually negligible. Less fossils → less taxes → less free money to fund the anti-fossil party. 3. While the fossil fuel is on top, you can keep selling the electric windmills and solar panels. If all energy is green, who needs them? 4. While the fossil fuel is on top, you can keep selling the anti-fossil franchise with its T-shirts, tokens, simposiums, and carbon-dioxide visioneers. 5. The more energetically effective is the industry, the less fossil you need.
  14. How many Newtons was weighting Newton?
  15. At 2 Mach speed a plane hull gets +120°C hot, which exceeds the water boiling point. At several km/s speed the icerocket will melt together with ice.
  16. Resonance n:k is an orbital periods ratio. The orbital period is proportional to the orbit semiaxis 1.5. T ~ r3/2. So, if T2:T1 = n:k, then r2:r1 = (n:k)2/3. Resonance T2:T1 = 3:2 → r2:r1 = (3:2)2/3 ~= 1.31. Because the Hill Sphere, the Sphere of Influence, etc. are describing which one of two heavy bodies on the bed is pulling the blanket more strongly at that distance. So, the farther is the heavier body (the star), the more room is owned by the lesser body (the planet) to keep its moons there.
  17. T = 2*pi *r3/2 / sqrt(GM) M = mass of the central body r = orbit radius (semiaxis) T - revolution period T ~ r3/2
  18. But... All of them?.. Now I see why do they now look different from the 1970s.
  19. They can build Orion with pusher plate tyre.
  20. The power of incorruptible wishes. Why do they call them "rare-earth" metals, when that's the metals are rare, not the earth.
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