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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. When the Russian segment has separated and starts orbiting on its own on a close orbit, the ISS space tourists will be watching a huge orbital station passing by at fifty meters distance, at airplane speed.
  2. What can be better for the airport than a fresh wind of oxygen ions!
  3. Currently the supply ships are Soyuz and Progress. No need in Oryol to get in LEO, and it's at least a decade till the lunar flights get required. Some country just had a decade rest from its own spaceflights, iirc. But keep hoping that Starship will ever fly, or LOP-G/Orion get to the halo orbit.
  4. This is not a reason to drill the holes.
  5. Drilling and then blaming the technicians at baikonur.
  6. Idk if it's a coincidence, but Coincidence Hill
  7. Also how to stay there when somebody pierces the tyres turns a docked ship into a colander by drilling 2 mm holes in it.
  8. To let the water vapour condense in the valve and freeze.
  9. As it was previously said by the Russian officials, in the next two years they were expecting further equipment failures leading to inability of the Russian segment to keep functioning properly, and making to leave the ISS chat anyway. So, probably it will keep working while it's possible. A year, or two, or five. Until the cracks get too wide and physically separate the segment from ISS, when there will be no difference if it's docked or not.
  10. Same, but in space and not virgin. It's keeping things right.
  11. Btw about the Iron Sky mentioned there. At 00:20+. That's together with the nuclear tug Zeus/Nucleon (see the ion engine).
  12. What's the problem? Starlink. Soon the telescope will be awaiting for a slot in the Starlink schedule to look at something between the sats.
  13. https://naukatehnika-com.translate.goog/nauchno-energeticheskij-modul-novoj-orbitalnoj-stancii.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru
  14. Maxwell daemons can. A daemonic aerokinetic airvessel.
  15. But the command line usability is a significant limiting factor for Linux to be used as a common all-purpose desktop.
  16. It isn't. The "reverse Polish" or "reverse bracketless" notation make it much easier to organize the stack of operations, so was/is very popular to make devices and compilers cheap and simple. Actually, it was hard and weird for me to get from the "reverse notation" programming to the "normal one" in Basic, so much sticky it is. "Is " 6/2(1+2)" 6^2/1^2^+* or 6^2/1^2^+/ , that's the question.
  17. It violates the setting. In Minecraft you should say "Nether!" instead. "Go to nether, bloody pig!" "I'm just from there. And thanks for the compliment, it's my self-made piglin skin." When they were trying to recondition Addams, that's how it ended. No. It's just a prelude. "Look, Windows 10 isn't threatening your privacy, it just collects errors to make it better!", were saying the smug internet IT guru. 1. Windiows X gets into every cell of your body, you can't control your own PC. 2. (Without arguing about the reasons, but) now in Russia you can't officially downoad MS products from their webpage (thanks, there are alternative ways to get and use them). 3. They start deciding if you can play the paid game offline (if I get this right) on your own PC without their permission. 4. ... 5. You're minecrafted. *** That's the crime and fault of the Linux community that instead of developing a fortress against the microsoft monster, they were playing their infantile sandbox games "Let's make a thousand of semi-built distributives", "It doesn't work? Read a ton of manuals!", "Losers need GUI, true guys do it with hand by hands", and others. *) Btw, Ubuntu has officially gone from Russia, too. Of course, this doesn't matter technically, but still. Don't tell me about the fair will of Linux.
  18. It wasn't an aircraft, it was an Orion nanoengine.
  19. A lifehack: When you slept three hours per day, or didn't sleep for two days, the lucid dreams start coming once you close the eyes or start concentrating.
  20. Wow, a topologically inverted aerokinetic aircraft... Just superpower = superforce * superspeed *** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciliate A flagellant aircraft, covered with undulating flagellas which are moving the air.
  21. 6 / 2*3 = ? Left-to-right order for the operations of same priority (6/2)*3
  22. Not fun, but still fact. The cruel reality of space. https://nypost.com/2022/07/22/astronauts-should-not-masturbate-in-zero-gravity-nasa-scientist-says/
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