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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. In Japan they presented a new concept of a lunar colony, named (Jap→Rus→Eng) "Glass". It's a large glass bowl full of water,, with islands to live and boats to move. It's rotating (1 round per 20 s), creating artificial gravity.
  2. In XXIV century they discovered that a 40 m wide nozzle is a game changer, because the flame turbulences merge into one huge spherical plasmoid. The huge, 30 m in diameter, ball of plasma gets thrown back and explodes, additionally pushing the rocket from back, like in the known archaic Orion project. To survive that, the nozzle has to be very thick (preferrably - forged) and attached to the ship via a double-cascade set of pistons.
  3. They are not nozzles, they are smoke pipes. Just they smoke with photon gas. They are calmly lighting, but don't produce thrust or damage anything behind. Monorail. We need a monorail.
  4. And here we come to the antimatter-powered water-boiler rocket, and the thread gets merged to the "AM Orion SSTO" megathread.
  5. https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/web-search/?st=1&wo=福島&ac=srch&ar=1&fy=&fm=&fd=&ty=&tm=&td= Yomiuri informs that a beach at 10+km from Fukushima powerplant has reopened. *** You can sunbathe there and tan skin even in cloudy weather.
  6. kerbiloid


    86 Average (8; 6) = 7 average up
  7. Brick density ~= 2 500 kg/m3. One cubic meter of bricks per second. A pusher plate. A concave, nozzle-shaped, crypto-pusherplate.
  8. Start with classics. http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/engineintro.php (The navigation is actually simple and linear, just the site menu at the bottom. Cuz gravity.)
  9. Even in Soviet planes, let alone the Western world of cash and profit. K-7 had two passenger versions: 128 in seats vs 64 in lux cabins. *** The planes with thick wings had them really thick, so they were walking inside the wings, and some rooms were exactly there. See the huge windows.
  10. Any L point is a gravitational junkyard. A proper place to place an overexpensive telescope.
  11. Like this. *** Makes sense only for helicopters, who can start either vertically (with normal cargo) or after runway running by wheels (when overloaded).
  12. Their nozzle pressure will be absolutely same, because it's defined by the material strength limit of either nozzle or tank (if pressure-fed). Everything other is a bad engineering, because carries excessive mass.
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hill_sphere#Solar_System Body Million km au Body radii Arcminutes[note 1] Furthest moon (au) Mercury 0.1753 0.0012 71.9 10.7 — Venus 1.0042 0.0067 165.9 31.8 — Earth 1.4714 0.0098 230.7 33.7 0.00257 Mars 0.9827 0.0066 289.3 14.9 0.00016 Jupiter 50.5736 0.3381 707.4 223.2 0.1662 Saturn 61.6340 0.4120 1022.7 147.8 0.1785 Uranus 66.7831 0.4464 2613.1 80.0 0.1366 Neptune 115.0307 0.7689 4644.6 87.9 0.3360 Ceres 0.2048 0.0014 433.0 1.7 — Pluto 5.9921 0.0401 5048.1 3.5 0.00043 Eris 8.1176 0.0543 6979.9 2.7 0.00025 Jupiter in the habitation zone of the Sun: Rhill = 50.5/ 5.2 ~10 mln km. Not much room for an Earth-like planet. In case of a dwarf star decrease this even more. Unlikely a habitable moon can be inside a habitable zone.
  14. kerbiloid


    84 = 7 dozens dozen-up
  15. The Martian colonists could use the big nozzle as a dome for their habitat.
  16. I could agree that the shot color is an EPIC FAIL of the SFX team, mwahahah!!!111 doesn't matter, cuz fizzix. But then why the rebel X-Wing decals are red? They are definitely chosen by will. Ok, "Red Wing", "Golden Wing". But why not "Blue Wing" and "Green Wing"?
  17. Weno Kerman hasn't ever before drunk water instead of whiskey. Now he's deadly sober. Simplie Kerman. No fresh rumors for whole month.
  18. If send a cloud of autonomous telescopes to the 550 AU distance, every one of them can be photographing its dedicated spot in hi-res, and all and once they would be an ultra-large intereferometer array. We could watch the alien sitcoms. Finally, the astronomy would turn into something useful for everyone, not just a game for nerds.
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