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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Then the prehistorical Bavarians would call it NordÖsterreich, as wiki says that it's named due to its position from Bavaria.
  2. And a purse. Both rings and purse should match the dress color.
  3. Just edit the universe config to set a custom value. Or use cheat codes.
  4. What's more important than moving the asteroid fall GZ from a good place to a bad place? Say, to move it from Chebarkul to Understone Tunguska.
  5. Österreich is to the East from Süderreich because East is to the right from South. N W S E
  6. The mistletoe makes phantoms worry. Moaning Mirtle Hill
  7. Luna-1. Successfully performed the evasive action (thanks to the launch engineer who entered "44°" instead of "42°", because was in hurry during the spaceport New Year corporative), and instead became the first artificial satellite of the Sun, due to the excessive speed. It's still orbiting somewhere there, instead of the planned crash, so what can you call "a success story" if not this one.
  8. Then we get a crew smoothie. That's why the two-stage pistons were added. The liquid breathing doesn't play a role when the brain is liquided against the skull wall. The Orion plate jumps at 10 000 g. It's mass is several tons. The ship mass is ~100 t. So, ~ 1000 g, like a cannon shell. (10 000 / (100 / ( 10- * (~2 do to the ship elasticity, when the bottom jumps up before the nose))) P.S. The liquid breathing just prevents suffocation from the high pressure, but has nothing to do with inertial damage. The condition of brain trauma conditional prevention: Overload2.5 * Duration,s < 500..1000
  9. "In no cent" is something cheap, is something cheat.
  10. @AlamoVampire, it's a honour to remind you in my turn to click!
  11. Australia. You see? "Austr-" means "East" in "Austria", but "South" in "Australia". Probably, "-al-" means "by 90° clockwise". And btw there was Austrasia. And it's not "South Asia", it's "East France" or "West Germany", i.e somewhere in between, in the North Europe.
  12. Just thought. Somebody was playing modded KSP spaceplane and recognized the project parts between the stock ones. Or they were using in the project the Sabre engines and an asparagus-like launch booster.
  13. Have we seen it among the plane mods?
  14. Youngsters watch just remakes of the originals which we had watched.
  15. Yes, on Popobawa Zanzibar. Do the mares call their horrors "nighthuman"?
  16. Kerbal Hill. At least, at 30 g.
  17. Summoning innocent randoms is a cheating.
  18. Banned forforgetting to forget. And for the double for.
  19. Swallowed Stone Cookie. Pratchett Dwarf Cookie.
  20. The ship wants 3g. The ship needs force. Only Jedi and Sith masters can use the Force. The ship needs several Force Masters onboard to let them meditate and give enough Power. Thus, missiles can't. Unless it's a very small missile with a very strong (Yoda class) Jedi. Good jedi produce blue exhaust from the nozzles. Bad ones produce red. From time to time a good jedi becomes bad, and his exhaust gets red. They call it "Red Shift". And yes, it's a reactionless drive. Because both Jedi(s) and Sith(s) don't react on something. They just don't care.
  21. would have five piston stages instead of two (because the pusher plate would jump up at much higher acceleration), and still lost the pusher plate because of its overheat and mechanical damage.
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