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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Happily, the Earth is too heavy to allow the low-ISP SSTO. Otherwise every volcano eruption in Indonesia would cause a stone rain upon Finland.
  2. An overmoon jump gravity maneuver to change the veloicity vector. Requires a proper launch date to line up the bodies. Uranium is flammable, it can be used in a hybrid rocket together with air as oxidizer. See the aluminium rockets. Beryllium, too. And the orionuke has a nozzle. So, Orion can use nukes as SRB.
  3. As "Scud B", i.e. R-17 is a rework of R-11 aka "Scud A", who is a deep rework of Wasserfall, who is a hypergolic version of the twice-shrinked A-4, it's also von-Braunish, like a budget version of Saturn.
  4. A lifehack. If make an asparagus of Sprints, it will still be a cone-like sector of sphere.
  5. A Sprint-like booster together with ion thruster. Sprint starts and reaches the Karman line at 4.5 km/s vertical speed, then enables the ion thruster horizontally to circularize the orbit before the re-entry after the overmoon jump.
  6. According to wiki, it was the Easternmost of Bavaria. Also, they have oysters.
  7. SE: You sleep first, so others stay unslept. SP: A superpower of making cat doors into other universes.
  8. https://screenrant.com/robert-downey-jr-iron-man-eating-mcu-movies-reason/ Maybe this plays a role in the starksuit power balance, too?
  9. A sapient species (biological or not) has three types of activity. Make food. Either produce it yourself, or take it from others if possible. Expand to occupy enough room for that. Protect your food from being taken by others. Make weapon for that. Expand to occupy enough room to hold others away. Miscellaneous, when you already have enough food to eat, and enough room to sleep in a safe place. Any activity belongs to one of the three. Thanks to the chemical and mechanical industry, the first type is solved for the developed countries. The farmers are just ~3% of US population, a marginal minority, lol. Most part of food making is the fertilizer and fuel production, done by highly automated factories, where hhumans don't have a lot to do, due to the enormous amounts and conditions of technological processes. Nuclear and high-tech weapons allow the developed countries be protected from being robbed. The armies are relatively small, less that a per cent of the population. Their production is also limited and highly automated, due to the fine and dangerous nature of the technological processes. Also not so many people are involved. Both food and weapon industries need resources, which are mined and refined by highly automated factories as well, and also not so many people take part in it. Thus, since the mid-XX century technological revolution, just few people are required to provide many with vital resources. Due to the further automation, miniaturization, and recycling, the amount of people who really produce food, weapon, and resources for them, will keep decreasing. And as we know, even Foxconn (known for its... specifically optimized labour conditions) was replacing its cheap workers with robots. Together with draconically increasing "ecological" requirements, which lead to a highly "ecological" industry, and together with coming global overpopulation conflicts, this makes the cheap outsource labour force of the less developed countries less preferrable than domestic production for the enough large and high-developed countries. Though, due to the automation, the domestication of industry won't significantly increase the employment, so still just a minority of people in developed countries will be providing the total population with everything needed, like now. So, the increasing part of the population will be economically excessive. They can produce more food, but they can't eat more than they can. Thus, making more food will just mean economical collapse of the food production chains. An intentional decreasing of the excessive domestic population wouldn't solve the problem, as empty land will attract neighbours from the overpopulated and less developed regions, which don't need the local elite, they have their own. So, the way how it works now in the developed countries is "take your food and entertain yourself in any way you wish, just stay indoors and don't riot". As most people either can't make goods, or wouldn't sell any good they had made, and/or wouldn't have enough goods made and sold to become an experienced goods maker, they mostly provide "services". This artificial employment state they call "service economy" and convince the unused people that it's very progressive, and how much wonderful and important they are. Actually they just get excessive food for free and entertain each other with thought-out "services", invented for that posts and professions, and being ensured via blog chatterboxes that you: need a special person to bring your food from the bar two meters away (and paid for that), like you couldn't bring the tray yourself; need to make a colored pokemon-style hair-do, every week another (by random persons calling themselves "stylists"); need special specialists in wines and coffee (sommeliers and baristas) to cosplay old-school aristocracy with servants, like the packing labelling and the quality control is not enough to ensure that the bottled aromatized alcohol solution is what you are expecting to feel by sniffing with wise face, or like you indeed can distinguish coffee grains from two different civette poops; need a random person to listen to your whining, while you are lying on a couch (to hide from you his/her yawning); need series and movies full of amateur introspection, to make the introspection your lifestyle and provide the previous number with patients; are so much unique and individual, like if others consider you not interchangeable with 99% of other faceless uniques around. The same with overgrown bureaucracy, creating office workplaces and entertaining everyone with either bureaucratic trips, or doing these trips for others for money. Of course, the toys, the games, the cosplay games, and the amateur arts (by people whose hands should be tied behind to prevent them from arting, in the name of Apollo and muses). Ridiculously cheap, bright, beautiful, attractive. Costs nothing, keeps humans entertained and occupied. *** The opposite clown party are the simplifiers and downshifters, who reject the "excess consumption" and focus on making lamps from empty bottles, preferrably found in a dumpster, and eating the food stolen from pigs (whom it would be otherwise be delivered to, after being written off in the food shop). They blame the ugly world of overproduction and overconsumption, and worry about the ecology. They dream for a simple and plain life in a village, when everyone grows his food and makes himself new boots when the greatgranny's ones are too old even for them. This life position has a right to be, but there is a problem. When everyone is a peasant, the first peasant who screws the peasantry and puts a gang together, becomes a boss and makes other peasants work for minimal food, giving him everything on top of that. So, the pastoral and idyllic Victorian-style communities can exist only when they are protected by the ugly society of overproduction and its army, who doesn't need their harvest, and treats them as a harmless curiosity. Otherwise, poor and angry neighbours would cut them in a month and take their land, just to repeat their way and reproduce their problems a century later. A kind of them are/were the willingly socially deprived groups like hippies. While being sure that they stopped the Vietnam war by protests and slogans, and so on , they are just a decoration for serious people. (The Vietnam war was a civil and ethnic war, growing from the medieval, and US just joined it at the side of one of the parties. After the parties had willingly-unwillingly redistributed the spheres of influence and came to agreements, the US was looking like they are the only who keeps fighting against everyone else, like they have to take charge of everything. Thus, the lobbyist groups who were interested in the war cancelling, were sponsoring all those hippies and making the police refrain from excessive violence. Otherwise all those hippies-schmippies would in a week populate Alaska and start panning for gold from Yukon to finance the war). *** Of course, all this festival of life, called "post-industrial era", "service economy", and other loud and empty words, is just a card house for unemployed excessive people, who think they are doing a job, while they are mostly get excessive resource shared by the productive economy, and so-called "money" to redistribute them in an orderly manner. Some countries just are honestly starting to stop this theater of absurd by introduing the unconditional basic income. "We are too tired to keep pretending that we need so many barbershops and other blah-blah, but the hi-tech economy doesn't need you and a million of your neighbors, but produces enough foods and goods for everyone. So, take this money and entertain yourself, just don't cause troubles." The obvious sign of this entertainment crysis is the "light drugs" legalization. While the plain and simple people say "Look! We did it! Now we can get loaded when we wish to.", it's obviously just a contstatation of the fact that while "a half" of people can entertain themselves with arts, sciences, roleplaying, and others, the another part is so untalented that can just watch sitcoms and smoke pots. So, it's just a "Just sit at home and be easy", and nothing more. *** So, the further progress in the developed countries will be dedicated to the mass calming and feel-happying. As most of people won't have job and salary, this will make the "trading economy", "market", and so on very narrow and specialized activity, while most part of population will eat Excel sheet, but tasty, cheap, and a lot of. Currently you can't distinguish production of Samsung, Toshiba, and other brands in a shop, because they are almost same. You can't use more than 10% of options, you can choose any color, and the main part of a TV set, a microwave, and a washing machine is a videodisplay with virtual buttons. They can't add anything more, so they compete mostly in commercials, rather than in goods. And the cheapest way to make a gray concrete wall look nice and attractive is to colour it with cheap noname LED lamps, making a storehouse look like an elvish palace. Thus, the further way is: unification, customization, and virtualization of the life space. The exact example is the diner from the Cloud Atlas- A Fabricant's Life Cycle Clip (HD) which I can't link due to its age rating or so. A totally dull concrete room, being colored and animated when used. This means a need in mass-production of cheap vandal-proof virtual hardware, and augmented reality for everyone. Everyone will be living in a concrete Emerald City with magic colored glasses on eyes (technically - maybe not glasses), watching the augmented reality around. An offline human would see flat walls and gray clothes, and no captions, won't be able to pay, to call, and so on. With no gain instead, The sensors, including the cameras and microphones will be at every thing, always connected to the internet of things. It will be necessary to provide the co-existence of the real and virtual part of the augmented reality in real time. As a side effect, the crimes will almost disappear, because: 1) nobody has anything to steal; 2) every crime will be investigated in a minute by tracing the videorecords; 3) every thing will have a RFID label, so if you took a chair from a cafe, you'll receive an SMS, reminding you to return it back from your room; 4) only overagressive, mentally unstable persons will do the crimes against other people, to be helped by a duty psychiatric brigade, and wear a collar with tranquilizer, or be hospitalized for life in a comfy mental clinics. Thus, the advantages are just too numerous to be rejected, and the coming epoch will be the epoch of the reality augmentation. AI and others are just tools for that. *** All this needs a lot of energy. And the only endless source of it is the oceanic deuterium and fusion powerplants. Though, while the combustion energy source can provide enough, the fusion development will keep being under development, right like now. Then it will suddenly appear in several years and replace other sources at once. Until that they will keep selling the "green powah" myths and techs to everyone, to make you drop your current, totally intact, car and buy one more cuz it's green(tm). Of course, they will be telling: "Look, electric car saves your money!", from pure forgetfulness forgetting to add that the gasoline price mostly consists of taxes rather than resource cost.
  10. Banned for not having played Ultima VIII: Pagan.
  11. Everyone can. Not everyone twice. What if a vampire bites a werewolf? Will it become a werevampire?
  12. https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Атмосфера_Земли?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru#Другие_свойства_атмосферы_и_воздействие_на_человеческий_организм
  13. They can the same, but also shrink. Wasp rulez!
  14. If it can direct the energy in preferred direction, it allows to keep the reaction zone far outside of he ship, so it is, as it was shown by the thermonuke developers who had developed Orion.
  15. I'll just leave here, because it's evening, and the bedtime is coming soon. https://www.amusingplanet.com/2021/12/king-henry-viiis-horned-helmet.html
  16. Yes. https://topwar-ru.translate.goog/163699-zagadki-kosmicheskoj-pushki-artillerijskaja-ustanovka-schit-1.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru
  17. Not necessary. *** Depends on the recoil force, on the recoil-powered automatics, and other reasons.
  18. Banned for confusing Mesostel Ze and Perivolcan Pa.
  19. Ctrl, Alt, Shift (and their unhuman versions on Mac) are cheat keys.
  20. Almost as viable idea as the memetic "liquid vacuum" (stored somewhere).
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