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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Nothing is, as the energy is partially absorbed and/or dissipated. (I.e. entropy takes its tax.)
  2. Critters (1..) Leprechaun (1..) WarGames (just4lulz, Ye Olde Tech) Conan trilogy (Conan 1, 2, Red Sonya) Short Circuit (1,2) Buck Rogers in XXV century Flash Gordon (1980) + Masters of the Universe Planetes Visitors (1980s) MadMax 2,3 Princess Bride Robocop 1-3 Highlander 1,3 Waterworld Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone Hangar 18 Escape from N.Y/L.A. Waxwork (1,2)
  3. https://www-yomiuri-co-jp.translate.goog/science/20220625-OYT1T50202/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru In Japan they have presented the UFO proofs. The photos can't be embedded, so from the external source...
  4. Just occasionally ran into several pleasant ASMR ambients. https://www.youtube.com/user/themiracleforest/videos (No screamers, as far as I 've seen.)
  5. Banned for not playing one of my favourite games in its time, from which I know the words "to summon" and "to conjure".
  6. Banned for mist akes summoning.
  7. https://www-interfax-ru.translate.goog/russia/847851?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru On Saturday, Anna Kikina will go to the US to continue the preparation for the planned flight on Crew Dragon, the spacesuit adjustment, and the lectures about current changes in the Crew Dragon equipment. .The launch of Crew 5 is scheduled on September, 1st. On June, 10..11th, it was approved that both Roscosmos and NASA spacenauts keep cross-flighting on the ships of each other.
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auguste_Piccard True Kerbal helmets.
  9. This is the most optimistic part of the article. A fully sapient AI would just sweep all cards into the brown box and say: But it's still distinguishing us.
  10. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/06/220621141753.htm Just wait a little to see what habits will the robotic car AI demonstrate after self-learning from human drivers. P.S. "An urban auto-parking combat mode is on."
  11. While it would neutralize the total momentum, though probably would still be a problem to maneuver while the twin hab is counter-rotating, as they are both gyroscopes. (So, their axis tilting would make a stress in the bearings.)
  12. Is it possible to create a custom island? (Except a concrete slab with Kerbal Konstructs). I.e. something like apply a height map or so, to modify the local landscape? Thank you in advance.
  13. https://www.tmz.com/2022/06/23/elon-musk-daughter-grant-name-gender-change-vivian-jenna-wilson/ First thought: X Æ A-12 became X Æ A-12.1 But no,, its another one.
  14. The Orion/Casaba projectile is just a former classic two-stage thermonuke where the fusion core is thrown out and only the fission primer is left. The fusion core (the alarm clock on the picture) is absent, and its peanut end is shaped like a classic de Laval nozzle. It looks100% clear that the classic picture is incorrect at least twice, and the other pictures where the tungsten is replaced with plastic "propellant disk" are wrong as well. *** The classic peanut nuke (see the first picture) is encased in a high-atomic-number shell made of uranium or even tungsten, no matter. The shell gets heated by the primerX-rays, becomes millions K hot and immediately starts shininng itself, mostly in X-ray range due to its temperature. So, while it's not actually an X-ray mirror, it emits X-rays on being illuminated by X-rays, so acts like a mirror bottle of a thermos. This secondary X-ray compresses (by the radiation pressure) the fission core many times greater than a chemical explosive could. At the same time it heats upp the medium (the filler) inside the shell. The medium (the filler) is a styrofoam, whose cells are filled with a hydrogen-rich but non gaseous hydrocarbon (like pentane). The filler evaporates, gets ionized, and turns into the cloud of hydrogen (and some carbon) plasma, i.e. a proton gas. The proton gas gets heated up inside the X-ray thermos, and, thanks to its low atomic mass, its pressure is very high. So the X-ray emission of the superhot shell and the protonic gas together compress the fusion core making it many times denser, and that's how the fusion boom works. The filer is not beryllium, of course. The beryllium is just a "lense" or a "diaphragm" between the fission and fusion parts of the peanut, to reflect back the primer neutrons while the case is getting warmed by the X-rays. So, on the classic scheme of the orion/casaba nuke we must have the green "filler" be not "beryllium (oxide)", but "hydrocarbon-impregnated styrofoam". We should place a small beryllium (oxide) disk int the throat between the green and the purple. The tingsten membrane stays where it is. No "plastic propellant disk" like on some heretic pictures could be here, because this membrane is a part of the X-ray mirror bottle. The nozzle becomes tungsten because it's the former uranium-or-tungsten peanut case, just reshaped from a sphere into a nozzle. The nozzle and the membrane form the tungsten X-ray mirror bottle, which gets heated up by the primer X-rays, uniformly emits X-rays itself, turns the green (styrofoam, not "beryllium") filler into proton gass, whose pressure kicks out the membrane, turning the X-ray energy into kinetic energy of the ionized tungsten jet. A funny fact. This means that actually the classic nuke Orion is a classic, nozzled, hot hydrogen rocket, using tungsten as kinetic mediator. The main difference is that the reaction zone is placed outside of the rocket, letting the structure be lightweight. *** The primer (the purple) is depicted also strangely. It look spherical, which means that it probably uses a 32 (or more) point initiation system, like Fat Man or Daby Crockett. This means 32 electric detonators per nuke, and this look weird for the thousand-like amount of the nukes onboard. To complicated, too many failure sources. The design is American, and at the same time since 1956 the Americans used the 2-point initiation Swan design (and its derivatives) to make the nukes thinner and simpler. It needs just two detonators instead of 32, and (ta-dam!) it's shaped like a cantaloupe. Also Casaba is "howitzer", so its caliber was limited. This probably means that one can be sure that the Orion/Casaba primer (the purple) should be not round but elliptic. *** A brief version: green is "styrofoam", not "beryllium"; a beryllium patch in the nozzle throat; nozzle is made of tungsten, too; purple primer is elliptic (and with two fuse tubes). *** This make the Orion generic design absolutely natural, when you are a thermonuke scientist taking a thermonuke from the shelf, throwing out the fusion core, and using a saw and a hammer to shape the secondary sphere into a de Laval nozzle. *** Obviously it's designed not for the propulsion, but as a nuclear shrapnel-like direct-shot projectile , that's why Casaba is "howitzer". Just then tactical howitzer projectile was applied for the propulsion.
  15. 1. Any AM storage would mass many times greater than the stored AM, while the AM releases just several hundred times more energy than the fusion. 2. As the AM releases the energy in form of gamma photons, they will fly trough the thin layer of the fusion material without significant interaction, and almost all energy will just irradiate the rocket itself. So, this makes only homeopathic amounts of AM useful, and their input in energy negligible. 3. AM has no passive safety. Once the active protection fails on blackout, everything explodes. It can't just be lying and sleeping, like a nuke. All of this makes AM absolutely useless as a propellanr itself, only as ignition sparkle. But as the fusion pulse rocket anyway needs strong magnetic fields to confine and reflect the fusion plasma, it's much easier to light the fusion by magnetic striction or by beams of electrons or Xrays. So, there is no place to use the AM, except some very special applications.
  16. 1947 world cycling spaceship project https://www.project1947.com/gr/worldcircling.htm
  17. With high atomic number (iirc, ~Z5), which are usually also dense because their electronic clouds are compact.
  18. Floor 3040: A light scoop for the light camera.
  19. Floor 3038: a cameraman and the Master Of The Light.
  20. Twin pigs. Chernobyl Hill
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