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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. It works! Magic works. They're all banned.
  2. Currently your loaders are reposing with lightweight 120 mm shells . But Armata cannon has elongated 125 mm (and 152 mm in perspective), the der mentioned new Deutschewundergrossdieselmachinepanzerkampfwagen KF51 has 130 mm, 140 mm had been studied since 1980s as a future replacement, so you will need dwarvish loaders to both handle these calibers by hands and fit the cabin. Thus, you will have to drop your temporary barn design and return to the origins, to MBT-70, with its autoloader and crew of 3 in a single cabin, like others do. Just, unlike MBT-70, with in-hull cabin and crewless turret. And as big caliber ammo means fewer rounds (see the 20 in KH51), it's probable that, to reduce the turret size and mass, you will use a Soviet-style carousel, lol. (Just outside of the armored crew cabin, like in Armata)
  3. Out of cats? A 30 t wannabe-Armata. An anti-tank cavalry. Needs wings. *** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panther_KF51 Already less than in the Soviet carousels. Soon AMX-13 will become a mainstream, with 2 drums x 6 rounds, like colts akimbo. With a double barrel for greater rate.
  4. This just proves that all stars and planets are not created. They are procedurally generated. Some seed values give similar results. Check and mate, creationists!
  5. Orion is an unexpected by-product of a two-stage thermonuke reduced to a tactical nuke with direct blast. Of course they were taking into account all hypothetically possible variants of its usage, like in a brainstorm. This doesn't mean they were going to implement all of them, ever mentioned.
  6. Having caught me in my own trap is a cheating!
  7. If build a plant to increase the gravitational constant a little... Wait... Oh, sun!
  8. http://www.astronautix.com/o/orionsaturnv.html (Pictures from that site aren't embedded.) *** Also about the fizzix itself. https://toughsf.blogspot.com/2016/06/the-nuclear-spear-casaba-howitzer.html
  9. Derived from roquette (a spindle in weaver's loom) Loom.
  10. "reused" = "not manufactured" By reusing a rocket for ten times, you steal 90% of food and toys from the rocket manufacturer children.
  11. A Nexus-like design with toroidal heating/combustion chamber with 24 throats around, blowing at the conical central nozzle of exterenal expansion. The cut cone bottom is flat and open. Tier 1. The toroidal chamber is a methane+hydrogen+oxygen chemical combustion chamber. A Nexus classics (just with additional methane for thrust). The cone bottom is closed with a shield. Tier 2. A microwave beam, powering the vertical lift-off stage. The cone bottom is open. A "transparent lamp" inside it (like in a gas-core reactor), with dusticles/gasicles receiving the microwave beam from ground. The received heat is heating the toroidal chamber with hydrogen and air. Works same way but the propellant is not its energy source source Lifts vertically at up to 3 g up to the 200 km altitude, releases the payload with hydrogen engines which accelerate it and put in LEO. The first stage reaches 600 km, vertically falls down, and reenters. The on-ground power source is a pure-deuterium thermonuclear powerplant. Tier 3: The same but with a hydroboron fusion reactor onboard. Gets in LEO, then separates the payload.
  12. The modern "spinoffs", "sequels", and "prequels" are really annoying. Take the "Walking Dead", for example, with at least three spin-offs with their own seasons.
  13. No Orion can work in atmosphere. Because it's a nuclear explosion in a hundred or two of meters behind. An aerial fireball radius is (59 68 for on-ground * yield0.4) in meters. So, the orion can stay away from the 8 000 K hot zone and survive. But the air shockwave is several Machs fast, and it will hit the ship and mechanically destroy it. In vacuum there is no shockwave in surrounding air.
  14. A cookosaurus is following the breadcrumbscookies to take the whole cookie bag.
  15. I.e. they totally depend on the SS/SH success? Or does "free flier" mean that they can fly on their own?
  16. The antic civilisation was built by ants.
  17. VAS BAN ! (A hidden magic spell for Ultima world. "VAS" ="vast", "total").
  18. That time. When the thing which prints is a printer, why the thing with buttons isn't a typer? Actually, "keyboard" sounds like a wooden board with 101 miniature Morse key.
  19. Hill starts rioting. Emancipated Hill
  20. Are the Axiom, Bigelow, and other non-LOP-G modules self-propelled?
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