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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. ... together with tentacles, now growing on chin.
  2. Yes. Pinterest.com is full of ideas. Is Uninstagram better?
  3. On Kerbin a 2 000 km range missile is a global ICBM. Still want SSTO to be easy?
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Transnistria Variant flag of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Use Co-official national flag Proportion 1:2 Adopted 12 April 2017 Design Russian Federation flag, but longer ratio. Great countries need two flags.
  5. As all of the Both-Americans' red-white-blue flags are obviously of European origin and were following local cultural way, the European RWB tracing makes sense only. *** The Slavic R-W-B flags are so-called Pan-Slavic colors which were adopted on 1848 congress from the trade flag of Russia. The Bulgarian one is the same, but blue is replaced with green, probably due to the local cultural situation. The Russian one was adopted by Peter I in XVIII from Netherlands, whose big fan he was. (Probably for pure aesthetic reasons, as a part of his Hollandophilia, but there is no doubt that if he could cosplay a mason, he would do it, just for lulz.) First used as a Russian trade ship flag, later used as a placeholder of a state flag due to its absence for historical reasons. (Very early state centralization, all territory belonging to the same royal family, thus no need in heraldic system. So, no official state flag, only personal or situative ones.) Later became unofficial official, and in late XX was declared official. So, the East Europe can be excluded from tracing, it's all clear with it. *** In France the R-W-B was established by the Great French Revolution as a combination of the rebel red and blue insignia with voluntarily added white. In Netherlands in XVII there was an R-W-B trade flag of uncertain origin, but looking similar to the orange-white-blue royal flag, and having replaced it in XVIII. In Great Britain there were local white, red, and blue colors, at the same time combined into the modern R-W-B one. So, all these Western R-W-B flags appear: at the same time (the beginning of industrial revoltion, rise of bourgeoisie and fall of feudalism); at the same local region (Britain-France-Netherlands triangle); with no visible reason, but all same; adopting various local reds, blues, and whites, but necessary combining them into red-blue-white tricolor; in the situation of political transformation with leading role of the bourgeoisie and suggested by a post-feudal wannabe-bourgeois actor (a revolutionary noble, an advocate, etc). As then-common trend of urban political activism was to be a member of a dozen of secret societies, with a masonic gameplay scenery (DnD of its time), and all of them knew each other, we can be sure that the R-W-B combination came from the masonic underground as a part of style they were used to. This is also why they assign various random "meanings" to the colors, like "courage", "stup", "braveness", "purity" and so on. A typical fun of secret societies with secret signs, mottos, etc. As nobody else cared, and the high-society mom's masons were enjoying it, it stayed and everyone got used to it. Decades later R-W-B became a tradition as "historically grown" and "was always here". *** As the real historical masons had grown from the medieval urban professional societies using available materials (including the colors for clothes), and their theoretical part was adopting everything ancient they could find around and declare mystically significant, the actual red, blue, and white colors were the most common colors for good-looking bright things, visible in the greensih-brown world of medieval village, they used these colors with pleasure, amd probably replaced the colors of the Antic mysticism with their more available and better looking analogs.
  6. If it's about Orion, no light playes role here. Its exhaust is an expanding cloud of beryllium gas, shaped by a normal nozzle, and kept focused by a nozzle extender, like in other rocket engines. Just the extender is a membrane rather than a cone.
  7. https://starrybull.wordpress.com/2015/06/01/orphic-colours/ Because medieval masonic lodges had a lot of blue color for sale, and the black was looking too grim and got visually lost on black mantles, semi-lol. Romantic explanations were invented later. North (and Non-North) Korea just followed the common style, adopting it with local cultural explanations. The Russian W-B-R was ancested from Netherlands by Peter I and used as a trade flag, and as official flag placeholder. USA founders were masons every first.
  8. An attempt to hope that things will normalize soon, and the telescope will be switched on nicely and officially. (So, the persons who did that, wouldn't be sanctionized). Otherwise why be afraid of damaging it when it's anyway a deadweight without working.
  9. For the cost of spent Hellfires and Mavericks, wouldn't it be easier just to hire the enemy rather than attack him, lol?
  10. Technically, Orion is a kind of perinverted solid-fuel rocket by design. Just with external energy source, other thhan chemical reactions, and with expendable nozzle. The channel has a normal nozzle shape, and the used part of energy is a kinetic energy of hot lightweight beryllium gas, expanding from nozzle. The expendable combustion chamber is filled with a nuke as an energy source. The nozzle is filled with solid beryllium (oxide?) which is first a neutron reflector, then the exhaust gas. The tungsten membrane is just a focusing mediator of energy. Like a vacuum nozzle extender. If instead of throwing it back you attach this thing to the pusher plate, it would work like an absolutely normal rocket with beryllium propellant and non-chemical source of energy, like any honest nuke engine. The pusher plate with pistons would be just a normal mechanical suspension of this engine. Just in this case you don't need the membrane, but do want a nozzle extender instead. And the engine explodes. The idea of Orion is to throw back the overheated engine, where it explodes but doesn't damage the ship. Now try to find a source of energy with energy-to-mass ratio comparable to a nuke. Definitely not a chemical by orders of magnitude. Unexpectedly... I had a feeling that it's something wrong with apples, as Newton was shocked by one of them, having fallen. Of course, it's strange for orbital fruits. But who could imagine that iguanas can be cargo balloons. That's why they inflate their necks! Such clever lizards...
  11. C3PO is so much useless that nobody even can properly remember its name
  12. Back to the collies. I have seen once how our familiar one-eyed street she-cat together with her daughter had banned a collie detected at the opposite side of the yard, after running fifty meters for that. Two cats crossed the yard by jumps just to ban a dog several times bigger than they together.
  13. A cookie with a prophecy cut out of the yesterday glamour magazine. Cheating cookie.
  14. A magnet pulls the eaten iron chips.
  15. A whole lot of them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pisces_(constellation) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piscis_Austrinus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorado https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volans And notice. I didn't include Dolphin because dolphins are not wishes. Aren't them?
  16. And that's why thou shalt not make a nuclear ship on constant magnets.
  17. What I like in 1950s. Humans have many times more than 3 000 nukes, but yet no Martian ship. Looks not that impractical.
  18. , including 2..3 lunar programs at once. Most part of every space money stay on ground, just a little flies into space. And Americans always choose the most expensive way, like launching 15 t modules inside a 70 t ship, instead of making self-propelled modules and a relocation arm, like others do. So, the dependency is non-linear. The more money you have for space - the more money won't fly there. The flying rest doesn't depend on the original sum. If sum all previously listed US projects and see what's actually in space (Falcon / Dragon, and to some degree Starlink), we can see that Roscosmos has saved billions of dollars by using KSP for others. Looks like not so many governments share this point of view for sure, when it comes to practical actions and longer than several months perspective. Don't bet on this too much. The world economy is not linear, and Russia is not the easiest party to ignore, even if it's unpleasant. It even hasn't started to be, for objective and well-known reasons, too unpleasant to mention here. 6 000 T-62 (equivalent of M60) from storages start joining the party. While most part of modern ones wasn't even involved. The opposing force is also not armed with Merkavas and Abramses. And Leos (even I) are still at their homes. Mostly this is the greatest world-wide utilization of Soviet obsolete hardware to the date, anmd Russia definitely has more of it. (Actually, it was returned almost from the oven doors, so costs like a metal scrap). The mentioned large ships were an old Soviet cruiser and a big rolker used as cargo ship. Anyway, this may affect the event sequence, but not the final result, which is absolutely clear and predictable., whoever wins on the battlefield Didn't check. But probably no old armor will stay in the stores. On the other hand, we can see a lot of towed howitzers (like the lightened specops 777, shooting from the farthest distance they can, 4 powder charges instead of the usual 1..2 charges from American videos much more intensively than they were designed for) and Soviet epoch tech, but droplets of more or less modern ones. So, looks like whole world will update its military hardware in several years after emptying the junk storages. It's lasting for three months to the date, which is much longer than five minutes. Don't confuse it with a rush to La Manche in two weeks. The air force is avoiding carpet bombing of residential areas, otherwise the military plants and railway objects would be destroyed in the first week. The aim is not to make a wasteland. So, efficiency is sacrificed for the civil casualties decrease. So, it will be limited. No space hotels. 1950s were even worse... Idk when Russia will achieve the American level of prosperity, but still there are three countries having launched their crewed ships, while some don't have even such industry. It's non-linear. You don't need to replace both your cars every five years to have a space industry. Is the participation needed? Is the project on the table? A year ago NASA was choosing a new design after a decade of our discussions of this forum.
  19. The power companies, and also AMD and NVidia, sincerely thank the participants for the long-term and fruitful cooperation. So many nice expensive graphic cards have found the good-hearted people to adopt them for the adopters' money... So many green energy has been sold to power them for same... Everyone, have a nice day! P.S. If you really need the calculation results (we have no idea, why, as they were just randomly generated), you have a week to save them on your personal HDD. P.P.S. We sell the HDD, too.
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