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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. The project is almost done! I’ve completed most of the work, and now it’s just a matter of fine-tuning a few final details. The main issue remaining is resolving a problem with TweakScale, specifically with resizing the cockpits, which is likely due to a conflict with the IVA mods I’m using. Once that’s sorted, everything will be ready to go! I’ve chosen the Blue Angels' colors. I’ve also made two short videos: one demo of the L-39 in flight, and another showing how I built the plane. screenshots More soon
  2. L-39 Albatros Replica Hello fellow Kerbonauts, I’m excited to share my progress on building a replica of the L-39 Albatros, a legendary jet trainer! This project has been a mix of precision and creativity, with the goal of staying true to the original design while embracing the unique challenges of KSP. To ensure accuracy, I’ve used real-world blueprints as a guide directly in the SPH, which has been incredibly helpful. Additionally, the craft is built entirely using Procedural Parts and Procedural Wings, allowing for smooth lines, precise dimensions, and complete control over the shape and aerodynamics. -What’s Next? Before diving into painting, I plan to perform detailed fine-tuning of the aerodynamics, weight distribution, and overall flight performance. My goal is to have it fly as realistically as possible in my 3.2x system. Once that’s done, I’ll experiment with liveries to find the perfect look for this sleek design. Here’s a screenshot of the craft under construction in the SPH: Let me know what you think! Feedback and suggestions are always welcome.
  3. L-39 Albatros Replica Hello fellow Kerbonauts, I’m excited to share my progress on building a replica of the L-39 Albatros, a legendary jet trainer! This project has been a mix of precision and creativity, with the goal of staying true to the original design while embracing the unique challenges of KSP. To ensure accuracy, I’ve used real-world blueprints as a guide directly in the SPH, which has been incredibly helpful. Additionally, the craft is built entirely using Procedural Parts and Procedural Wings, allowing for smooth lines, precise dimensions, and complete control over the shape and aerodynamics. -What’s Next? Before diving into painting, I plan to perform detailed fine-tuning of the aerodynamics, weight distribution, and overall flight performance. My goal is to have it fly as realistically as possible in my 3.2x system. Once that’s done, I’ll experiment with liveries to find the perfect look for this sleek design. Here’s a screenshot of the craft under construction in the SPH: Let me know what you think! Feedback and suggestions are always welcome.
  4. hi funny screenshot can be used for a loading screen KSP logo left KSP logo right loading screen example
  5. - procedural wings fuselage - procedural part nose, cockpit and fuel tanks - conformal decals used to add texture from dcs world - kerbal foundries for landing gears AtmosphereAutopilot, aviation, lights, BDA, FAR, advanced jet engine and visual mods AVP, TUFX, TURD, Reshade
  6. hello Takeoff/landing from moving aircraft carrier with f18c hornet replica landing speed 140 knots, the aircraft carrier heading N90° at 27 knots (still wip, almost done need to fix roll rate i think it's a bit slow, and do small tweeks) sry for the quality in 1080p, i dont know whay it looks like 480p!
  7. what about the frozen banana ?! just learning making videos with Ksp
  8. hi there, here some screens made with opt spaceplane
  9. straight from Top Gun maverick thank you, 8 mods: 70% fuselage "procedural wings" 20% nose, cockpit and fuel tanks "procedural part" , 10% "aviation lights" and "conformal decals" kerbal foundries for landing gears "BDA" "FAR" and "advanced jet engine" fuslage texture from DCS and visual mods AVP TUFX TURD ............... about 160 parts fully loaded!
  10. thanks, I use Alverro's profile that I modified and also reshade! "amientlight, clarity and curves" for the blurred background you can find it under TUFXSettings Depth of field.
  11. hello i am trying to rework my old f18 i changed some curves and added a nice dcs texture to make it more realistic. 4 album 74 screenshot. I hope you enjoy F/A 18C "in the air album 13 Screenshot" F/A 18C "take off at midday album 25 Screenshot" F/A 18C "take off at dawn album 24 Screenshot" F/A 18C "hangar at dawn album 12 Screenshot"
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