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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. @ValiZockt Assuming this works in 1.12.5, it would be nice if you updated the mod on Spacedock and in the version file to specify the max KSP version is either 1.12.5 or (what I use) 1.12.99.
  2. Each to his own :-) There is this mod with all the old parts: and: https://spacedock.info/mod/42/Wernher's Old Stuff (WOS) by TiktaalikDreaming
  3. nah, just don't like seeing old stuff disappear. I know of a few other people who save every single version of a mod ever released. I have no idea why
  4. Thank you for looking at this, and I totally agree with you about CKAN, it's the best way to install mods for KSP
  5. What are you talking about? The last post before yours was 18 months ago, and nowhere does it say anywhere else in this thread anything about antimatter
  6. There is already a mod that does that. O don't remember the name, but it's one that I support,
  7. If you want and the license allows, get me a copy and I'll put it in github, spacedock and CKAN
  8. There is nothing to search for, it just works. I'd want to see the modulemanager.configcache file as well as a list of the parts you tried.
  9. I'm not CKAN, you should ask your question there
  10. New release, 2.0.10 Thanks to github user @KerballOne for this: Added Features UI Scale setting and set per SCENE It can now automatically switch resolution and UI scale based on scene. Each setting config now includes a "scale" attribute in addition to name, height, width and fullscreen. All it needs is a config file (auto created on first run) with the scene name (e.g. 'EDITOR', 'FLIGHT', etc.). The UI Window updates after each action and allows to save by preset or SCENE. So saving and/or apply new presets is easier. The following change was inspired by the mod Resolution Keeper, published by Spacedock user Bion: Added check to verify that the resolution hadn't changed outside of the game, and reset it if it has Updated URL to get info from Github rather than ksp.spacetux.net Improved kerballone PR by changing UI scale from a number to a slider Added App Scale slider
  11. Most likely not, last time I looked at this was more than a year ago. Specifics would be helpful, otherwise I would have no incentive to look at this.
  12. Actually, no. The original author requested it back in 2020. And it is currently available for the latest version of KSP
  13. New release, Thanks to github user @CyberKiller for this: Fixes missing experimentActionName for solar particle collector showing "#autoLOC_6001437" instead of "Collect Solar Particles"
  14. New release, Thanks to github user @archiecarrot123 for this: On Linux, changes the libSDL2 version to a generic version (fixes compatibility with different versions of libSDL2) Updated KSP versions in the version file, and URL for mod reference
  15. You can make a test install of the game, and then use CKAN to install KCT only (CKAN will install all needed depencencies). Then you can build a test vehicle using stock parts and see if it still happens. One thing that might be going on is that BDB uses B9 Part Switch, which changes things under the hood. Are you using normal fuel, or is that being changed? I've recreated your test vessel (second one), and so far, haven't seen it yet
  16. Could you repeat that test, doing the following: 1. Do it starting with empty tanks 2. Second time, somehow, empty the tanks after launching, then recover (I use Hyperedit for these sorts of tests) After each one, when recovering, record how much each part is being recovered, compare that to the cost in the SPH, should be the same So far, I haven't been able to duplicate it with a minimal modded game (no Oh Scrap! or Scrapyard), and a simple rocket with a probe core, tank, engine
  17. 1.4.0 Have you changed any of the options? I'm going to look into this over the next few days. Also, I need to know exactly what you built (list of parts, etc) and whether you had a kerbal in the vessel or not. Please check re. the Kerbal every time you go to the launchpad
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