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Bug Hunter
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Posts posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. On 8/29/2024 at 2:51 PM, Gargamel said:

    You need therapy.    You’re a hoarder ;)   

    nah, just don't like seeing old stuff disappear.  I know of a few other people who save every single version of a mod ever released.  I have no idea why

  2. 1 hour ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

    [LOG 13:58:25.107] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\kRPC\GameData\kRPC\KRPC.DockingCamera.dll

    This is a really basic installation error that would have been avoided had you used CKAN. My recommendation is to delete everything from the GameData folder, then use Steam to verify files (it will put back the Squad stuff), and then use CKAN to install mods. 


    Thank you for looking at this, and I totally agree with you about CKAN, it's the best way to install mods for KSP

  3. 5 hours ago, Talavar said:

    I'm going to pretend that I know absolutely nothing about anything you described in the mod post. Now lets pretend that I'm not pretending... lol.. How does this thing actually work? How do I generated antimatter?

    What are you talking about?  The last post before yours was 18 months ago, and nowhere does it say anywhere else in this thread anything about antimatter

  4. 5 minutes ago, HebaruSan said:

    The URL CKAN uses is:  https://archive.org/download/EarlyBird-

    Presumably this was redirected to the host you mentioned for load balancing, which then had some sort of issue. The CKAN team doesn't run archive.org, so we won't be able to investigate or fix whatever problem it was. Sorry for the inconvenience, but this is the only URL we can use for this since @taniwha's server started breaking down and distributing corrupted files.

    Working now

  5. New release, 2.0.10

    • Thanks to github user @KerballOne for this:
      • Added Features UI Scale setting and set per SCENE
      • It can now automatically switch resolution and UI scale based on scene. Each setting config now includes a "scale" attribute in addition to name, height, width and fullscreen.
      • All it needs is a config file (auto created on first run) with the scene name (e.g. 'EDITOR', 'FLIGHT', etc.).
      • The UI Window updates after each action and allows to save by preset or SCENE. So saving and/or apply new presets is easier.
    • The following change was inspired by the mod Resolution Keeper, published by Spacedock user Bion:
      • Added check to verify that the resolution hadn't changed outside of the game, and reset it if it has
    • Updated URL to get info from Github rather than ksp.spacetux.net
    • Improved kerballone PR by changing UI scale from a number to a slider
    • Added App Scale slider
  6. 6 hours ago, Saturn1234 said:

    @linuxgurugamer Will you adopt this mod? It would be so nice!

    Most likely not, last time I looked at this was more than a year ago.

    On 8/16/2024 at 12:05 PM, PariahDog119 said:

    I hope so. I just uninstalled it because some of the contracts simply don't work - they require, for example, a situation of "orbit" and a set periapsis, and a situation of "in space low" will not satisfy the contract. If you can update stuff like that, it's a great mod.

    Specifics would be helpful, otherwise I would have no incentive to look at this.

  7. 5 hours ago, Noname117 said:

    If it's not occurring with stock parts and being the only mod installed then I wonder if there's a weird mod incompatibility somewhere. The only question then is "with what?" Unfortunately trying to narrow that down is going to be hell (especially since it takes KSP 10 minutes to load with my mod set), unless it's something obvious like Scrapyard or Oh Scrap. 

    You can make a test install of the game, and then use CKAN to install KCT only (CKAN will install all needed depencencies).  Then you can build a test vehicle using stock parts and see if it still happens.

    One thing that might be going on is that BDB uses B9 Part Switch, which changes things under the hood.  Are you using normal fuel, or is that being changed?

    I've recreated your test vessel (second one), and so far, haven't seen it yet

  8. Could you repeat that test, doing the following:

    1. Do it starting with empty tanks

    2.  Second time, somehow, empty the tanks after launching, then recover (I use Hyperedit for these sorts of tests)


    After each one, when recovering, record how much each part is being recovered,  compare that to the cost in the SPH, should be the same


    So far, I haven't been able to duplicate it with a minimal modded game (no Oh Scrap! or Scrapyard), and a simple rocket with a probe core, tank, engine

  9. On 7/29/2024 at 8:11 PM, Saybur Stuff said:

    I see there's two versions of magicore - a prerelease 1.40 and the latest build,

    Curious which one you suggest using for KCT? 

    Thanks :)



    11 hours ago, Noname117 said:

    So is this bug ever going to get fixed at any point? I want to try to run a reusable rocket campaign where I don't have to either pretend I'm reusing them, have multiple vehicles constantly spawned in close to the space center, or try to put all the pieces with exact usages back together using Scrapyard, but this bug is preventing me from doing so without cobbling together some spreadsheet for house rules on funding then running it in Science Mode.

    And yes I did check it is still there with the latest version (1.4.12). Started a campaign with 25,000. Built something in the spaceplane hangar. Spawned it in. Recovered to SPH. Still had 25K. Spawned it in again. Recovered to SPH again. I have 32K now.

    It would be really nice to get it fixed sometime.

    Also if anyone has a workaround with either mod settings or KSP settings I'm all ears.

    Have you changed any of the options?  I'm going to look into this over the next few days.

    Also, I need to know exactly what you built (list of parts, etc) and whether you had a kerbal in the vessel or not.  Please check re. the Kerbal every time you go to the launchpad

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