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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. New release, Fixed the RCS stuttering issue by not doing constant updates in the vessel module for the stages. Now it checks only when needed New release, Fixed the RCS stuttering issue by not doing constant updates in the vessel module for the stages. Now it checks only when needed
  2. As a test, I created a 3 stage vessel with 540 RCS parts in total, and ran it for about 5 minutes both with and without All Y'All. There is a very slight degrigation , I'm not sure if it's significant: Without All Y'All installed: With All Y'All installed (using latest beta):
  3. I've been looking into this. It's more difficult than it seems, it has to do with how the game decides how/what to show for iva. No promises, but it's an interesting problem, I'll be poking at this for a while
  4. I've put some work into this, it's not that simple, unfortunately. I have a number of bugs I still need to fix before I can look at this
  5. Ok, please try this: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/df5uhswjhy5qhup3amlsd/AllYAll-0.11.21.b2.zip?rlkey=x8kozxjokeodsezdeucovzpb9&dl=0 The overall lag should be gone, I would like to know how it works for you. @Wurmi @Ker Ball One @Zah LGG
  6. There is one more thing I'm going to try, I'll post here when I have a version to test. LGG
  7. I am considering removing the RCS from the main All Y' All mod and releasing it as a separate mod, since it seems to be causing issues when there are lots of RCS parts (and parts in general) on a vessel. I'm waiting to get a response from my previous message before doing this
  8. This shouldn't be too difficult to check to see if ProbeControlRoom is installed when doing that check, I'll take a look at it
  9. This mod does not have any knowledge of Tweakscale (TS), therefore when recovering vessels, it doesn't know anything about the change TS makes. It has to do with the way it gets the info, and would probably require a lot of work to make it able to contact either version of TS. Add on to that the headache of trying to support two different versions of TS, and it's just not going to happen anytime soon, sorry
  10. It's probably the RCS, that was a recent addition. I've made a test copy with some change trying to address this, please try it out: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fnkt2m385pxvirhkug27k/AllYAll-0.11.21.b1.zip?rlkey=hzdbhkncr80ss1x4k72qw9wrf&dl=1 Let me know the result. If it still happens, then: I'd need a copy of your craft file I looked at your craft file, you have a lot of RCS thrusters on it For both of you, try replacing the file AllYAll.cfg with the following (or just delete the first 15 lines of the file), this will disable the RCS part of the mod. Let me know how it goes. Also, I don't have time to install dozens of mods. Please try making the vessels using only stock parts, or at least as few other mods as possible.
  11. New release, Fixed parts which had the following modules also getting a volume of -1: ModuleGroundCommsPart ModuleGroundExpControl ModuleGroundExperiment ModuleGroundSciencePart
  12. It's been fixed. FYI: It had nothing to do with the KSP Community Fixes. It had to do with parts having ModuleGroundPart modules only, there was a problem in a cfg file which I missed when I did the previous update
  13. New release, Fixed parts which had ModuleGroundPart also getting a volume of -1
  14. Ok, I need more info. For example, a list of installed mods, and which part exactly are having the problem. Also, the ModuleManager.ConfigCache is needed for this as well And the partVolumes-v4.cfg file is needed as well PV doesn't do anything other than generate the file. If it does, you need to restart the game to have the changes applied correctly.
  15. How are you installing it? Best and recommend way is with CKAN No, but feel free to write one and submit it for inclusion
  16. Yes, of course. Contact me on Discord to discuss
  17. You would need to edit the part (or use a MM script) to add the part modules. Look at some of the parts in the mod to see examples of the syntax andsetttings
  18. Probably not, but you need to contact the FreeIVA mod author I don't see any reason why not
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