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Posts posted by UnstableOrbit

  1. Well for now i'm working on a Monster truck with the KSX body. But when that is done i might indeed need new parts, so get to work!

    But in all seriousness, first take care of whatever business it is you must fix in Life. Whatever it is it's probably more important than my need for new parts.:cool:

    College, severe financial problems, a new game, a mod for another game, and sporadic depression. It might be awhile before I can muster the motivation and the ability to work on this.

  2. Query: Do you plan on making an update patch for Modular Multiwheels? Statement: In its current state, the tweakable wheels don't work right.

    Statement: If you get this reference, then you are awesome. If not, save up money and play Star Wars: KotOR. I and II. You uncultured meatbag.

    I am not sure whether the wheel tweakables are a bug with my mod, or with MMW, but the bug is known and I assume its the former. Also, I think I am going to program my computer to say WELCOME, MEATBAG in a HK voice whenever I turn it on.

  3. If you want to use your engine/transmission/wheels with ICE let me know. Should be pretty cool.

    As for me... I'm gonna see what I can jam into those wheel wells and engine bay ;)

    Have fun! And some people on the IRC did point out that I might want to look into ICE for the mod, so yeah, I will look into ICE. It's just one of those "I'll get to it eventually" things that are the bane of my existence.

  4. I've got an even better rule. After posting you're banned from re-posting for a minimum of 15 minutes.

    That way the count has a chance of actually going somewhere.

    Perhaps shorten it to five? Although.... it doesnt help much with multiple posts coming from different sources at the same time if there are more than one ot two people going back and forth.

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