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Everything posted by randman22222

  1. [quote name='ferram4'][B]@randman22222: [/B]I cannot reproduce the issue. The vehicle launches fine, its engine turns on fine, and everything seems correct. I suspect your issue lies in another mod interfering with FAR or some other program you have installed preventing FAR's worker threads from running.[/QUOTE] Odd; this was on a clean install, no other mods running. I'll try it out on my other computers and see if I can figure anything out.
  2. Hey, here are the output_log.txt and the .craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8fcmwebe8wecenj/output_log.txt?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/lm3dwx7c5d2yaln/Fire%20The%20Aeromech%20Engineers.craft?dl=0
  3. Okay; I just retried it with von Helmholtz. Steps are as follows, with screenshots here and logs here: -Fresh Steam install, after deleting leftover folders from uninstalling. -Downloaded von Helmholtz from Kerbal Stuff, and merged the GameData folder. -Launched the launcher, turned off 64bit. -Launched KSP, only settings changed were keyboard controls (I have a Dvorak keyboard). -Created a sandbox save with default settings. -Recreated a ridiculous awesome plane I saw on imgur earlier today. -Ran FAR calculations, starting with AoA and mach sweep, then stability derivatives. -Launched plane; after the engine didn't start, I did the quicksave/load trick to start it, but the intake was occluded. -Quit. I hope this is what you need? If not, I'll try to help however I can!
  4. Welp, I'm getting the same exact problem, with only minor changes in Helmbold. Now the angle of attack analysis works, but the calculations in the next page of the FAR menu result in all the text and images being squished to the top left corner. No drag or lift or anything is applied while in flight, and I can't activate engines because they're all 'stowed', and air intakes are 'occluded'. Furthermore, I'm getting the same bug on my laptop, which runs Vistax64 (I know.), again making sure I'm running 32 bit KSP. Can anyone shed some light on this?
  5. Hi there. I'm having a problem, and even after two days of googling and troubleshooting, I'm stumped. On a fresh Steam install, where the first thing I do is to open the launcher, disable 64bit, and then install FAR and all that's bundled with it (ModuleManager, ModularFlightIntegrator), FAR simply won't calculate much of anything. In the VAB/SPH, when I click the FAR icon, no calculations or simulations that I can run change any numbers; they're all 0 or NaN. When I try flying anything, I can't activate engines because they're supposedly stowed. I tried from fresh install again, with procedural engines, which did run. However, none of the craft responded to aerodynamic forces, apart from entry heating, which was purely visual. The flight data did keep track of dynamic pressure and how many ATMs were at the current altitude, but the other numbers were zero. Has anyone encountered problems like this? It's as if FAR is aware there is an atmosphere, but then isn't doing anything with the few numbers it does calculate... I'm running on a 32bit windows 8.1 installation (I have a 64 bit CPU, but it's old enough that win8.1x64 isn't compatible with it. Apparently it lacks some architecture or something?). As mentioned previously, I made sure I was running 32 bit KSP, not that 64 bit should even be able to run... Thanks in advance!
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