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Posts posted by Gilbershaft

  1. Greetings!

    I was wondering if there is any news regarding Wolf or the Atlas parts. I'm getting back into KSP after about a year and catching up. I've seen in this thread that there were some Twitch streams demoing the new mod/parts but they don't seem to be available anymore. Is there a download link available for Beta testing?

    Sorry if this information is already available. I did some searching around and was unable to find anything from the past 6 weeks. I'm sure with the holidays things have slowed down a bit.

    Great thanks!

  2. I just wanted to take a moment and thank all of the mod makers. I'm sure right about now you are being inundated with requests for 1.4 updates and I'd bet that can get annoying. Please know that the ones constantly pestering you for updates are the vocal minority. Most of us are perfectly content to patiently wait for your works of art to be ready for primetime. You, the modders, are one of the main things that make this game so special. I have nearly 1800 hours of enjoyment in this game and that is, in large part, thank to you. 

    Just wanted to say that :)

  3. On 2/12/2018 at 12:46 AM, Raptor9 said:

    @Gilbershaft, your welcome and glad your finding inspiration from them.  I will admit, there are times when I feel burned out from the constant designing, testing, tweaking, re-testing cycle; but then I'll watch some Twitch streamers playing KSP and see some of their creations and how much fun they're having.  This in turn inspires me to dive right back into the VAB/SPH and start hammering away at my own engineering problems.  Since KSP is a game that is fueled by creation and limited only by imagination, having that inspiration feedback loop is the best resource to keep the community going.

    @Raptor9: I was terrible at building planes before I started using yours - I'm still not great at it, but am far better now since I started using yours as examples. I often take one of your planes, make a copy of it, and then make changes so I could understand why everything did what it did. There are a lot of wonderful creations on KerbalX but I think yours are consistently the "easiest" to understand, even your complex builds seem to stick to basic principles. My first successful SSTO Space Plane of my own design was a direct result of learning from your work. I also really appreciate that the part count of your crafts are fairly low. I'm not sure if that is intentional but its great for someone like me who does not have a PC that is ideal for KSP. 

    Thanks again and I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future! ... But don't let yourself get burned out. Its just a game after all :) 

  4. @How to: KSP As far as suggestions go, I would say just do what you like to do and are passionate about and don't worry to much about what the rest of us want to see. If you're passionate about whatever you're doing, that will come through on the videos and you'll end up with better content in the long run. And I'll echo what others have said, please send us the link when you're up and running so we can check it out :)

    Good luck!

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